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#1 10-07-2012 20:39:43

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-01-2011
Messages : 337

Immortals Deck

I was thinking of an immortals deck. I dont know why, but they seem like, given the right amount of getting used to, tlc, and focus, they can be pretty competative....or im being stupid. So i have no idea where to begin It doesnt have to be pure immortals, but is it best to keep it like that? Perhaps for synergy? After that, are there any non-nomad cards that could be included?

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#2 11-07-2012 05:33:55

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-01-2011
Messages : 337

Re : Immortals Deck

So far the deck lookslike this
[card]Vizier Mahamoud[/card] 
[card]Prince Metchaf[/card]

[card]Desert Scimitar[/card] x2
[card]Desertification[/card] x1
[card]Gift of immortality[/card] x2
[card]harshness[/card] x2
[card]Istaryam Blade[/card] x2
[card]Kapokek's Jaw[/card] x2
[card]Light and shadow shield[/card] x1
[card]Longevity[/card] x1
[card]Phantasmagoria[/card] x2
[card]Sandstorm[/card] x3
[card]Soul Judgment[/card] x1
[card]Support of the Gods[/card] x3

Anything to add guys?

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