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#1 01-07-2012 23:57:08

Inscription : 17-04-2011
Messages : 72

Blanche Turn Order Ability

Is the English Translation for Blanche of Arcania incorrect? It says that you "select a character out of combat, if he is untapped then that character is tapped" but in games I have only been able to do the opposite (untapping a tapped character out of combat). I feel cheated slightly, although I only spent crystals to get her...

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#2 02-07-2012 10:02:44

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : Blanche Turn Order Ability

You should be able to do both (untap a tapped char, or tap an untapped one).

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#3 02-07-2012 17:44:30

Inscription : 17-04-2011
Messages : 72

Re : Blanche Turn Order Ability

Sapphon a écrit :

You should be able to do both (untap a tapped char, or tap an untapped one).

For some reason I can't tap one of my character's out of combat. I'll select them but nothing happens.

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#4 02-07-2012 18:32:29

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : Blanche Turn Order Ability

Sapphon a écrit :

You should be able to do both (untap a tapped char, or tap an untapped one).

In English text, only the lvl 3 can do the both.

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