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#1 02-07-2012 14:29:45

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

About Corruptions

I want to ask
if a character dead in condition 1 desolation of the heart attached
then the remaining corruption will moved to another character

my question :
is the card that moved still have its effect or not?
I remember cards like revealing of secret and demon may rise didnt active
but vital syphon and my name is legion still active

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#2 02-07-2012 14:50:54

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : About Corruptions

You have to consider what is the activation part of the card and what is the each fight/turn part of the card.
Typically, [card]demon may rise[/card] has one activation effect (change of race and loose defence) but no each fight effect. If the card is not reactivated, the effect is no more effective (effective only on the first character).
[card]Revealing the secret[/card] has an activating effect (Spirit -2, Def -2 then Spirit -1 and Def-1). So nothing should occurs if you move to another character.
[card]Vital syphon[/card] has an each fight part, so it works at each fight, even you move to another character.
[card]My name is legion[/card] has a each turn part (damage) and an activation part (duplication if a guemelite plays the card)
[card]Corruption of the soul [/card] has an activation part (magical damage) and an each fight effect (1 Direct Damage). If you move the card the direct damage occurs but not the magical damage part.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 02-07-2012 15:05:57

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : About Corruptions

hmm. iget your point
1 more question
isn't pulling the string also move corruption?
so desolation of the heart=mass pulling the string
but pulling the string still give the effect of the card like revealing the secret
it still give -1 def and -1 sp

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#4 02-07-2012 15:12:39

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : About Corruptions

Are you sure of the last sentence ?

[card]Desolation of the Heart[/card] is effectively a mass [card]pulling the strings[/card] triggered by the death of the character.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 02-07-2012 15:21:31

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 524

Re : About Corruptions

Yea..pulling the string effect active correctly.-1 def and -1 sp
I think i get my answer
i read this on the 2nd sentence of pulling the string
the card is then placed on the opposing character with its permanent effect.

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