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#1 10-06-2012 04:20:31

deadmans days
Inscription : 10-06-2012
Messages : 49

Runics help

i would like help on making this deck a but smoother but i only have 20k left to spend at the moment

my current deck is
runic lord hares lv4
runic warrior agillian lv3
coranthia nemaria worshiper lv3

...prepares for war nox x1
ceremonial nox x2
haresian force nox x2
honor the enemy x1
nemarias trident
power of the colossus x2
priest diadem nox x1
protection of the pantheon nox x1
resistance x1
runecraft nox x2
runic big blade x1
runic power cor x2
runic power nox x1
runic shield nox x1
war cry nox x1
war cry cor x1

i only win about 1/2 the time with this deck im looking for something that has a better chance like my wild buds or guem trackers this feels like my old powder pirates where if i dont get the right draw in the first 2 rounds i cant win.
any advice on what to add/remove? better cards that i can chain or a easier way to recycle so i can discard when i dont get the cards i need?

id like to make a ELO deck for every guild but only have 2 at the moment

is this worth the investment or should i sell it and finish off my "the pack" deck

  1. yes
  2. no
Votes totaux: 8

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#2 10-06-2012 08:10:24

Lieu : Illinois
Inscription : 14-03-2012
Messages : 59

Re : Runics help

I run the exact 3 char but that set up of yours is kinda imbalanced rune wise and for your character wise.

~ A smart mind is a dangerous weapon ~

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#3 10-06-2012 08:28:01

deadmans days
Inscription : 10-06-2012
Messages : 49

Re : Runics help

i dropped runic warrior agillian for sanquinam the kertasien it helps a little but not much. im 4 and 11 right now. not too happy may sell off my runics dont think they are ready for ELO over 1600 yet.

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#4 11-06-2012 16:03:43

Lieu : Illinois
Inscription : 14-03-2012
Messages : 59

Re : Runics help

They are but like I said that deck is imbalanced

~ A smart mind is a dangerous weapon ~

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