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#1 01-06-2012 22:16:01

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Awakening and Demonic Portal

Awakening doesn't remove the effects of Demonic Portal.  If this is intended, it needs to be changed.  There are not enough answers to the card.


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#2 01-06-2012 22:31:13

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

How the awakening could block demonic portal ?
Demonic portal is a spell and is not attached to anyone.
If awakening is played before demonic portal, OK, it should prevent you to stay a demon and demonic portal can't choose you, but in other case, I don't see the point.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 01-06-2012 22:34:37

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

Sorry about the miss quote, I meant Demon May Rise.  Try not to be so condescending next time there Zurga, I don't appreciate it.


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#4 01-06-2012 22:46:40

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

Sorry if you found me condescending, it is not intended.

Read me again, you will see that my question is normal and the precision I give is only to explain what you should have missed.

Now, please, could you tell the exact order of the cards ?

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 01-06-2012 22:56:54

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

I'm a release player, don't treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Demon May Rise was played first, then Awakening, followed by Demonic Portal.  The opponent still swapped attack scores.


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#6 01-06-2012 23:31:12

Lieu : dans ton c**
Inscription : 04-09-2011
Messages : 3 741

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

another corruption bug...
seriouslhy. corruption truly is the most bugged deck... ^^'

===============zil dagger FTW!!================

"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"

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#7 02-06-2012 00:32:20

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

steven_allen a écrit :

I'm a release player, don't treat me like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Demon May Rise was played first, then Awakening, followed by Demonic Portal.  The opponent still swapped attack scores.

i dont see what is wrong with how zurga said things. Noone is being condescending here

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#8 03-06-2012 00:32:07

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

skadooosh a écrit :

another corruption bug...
seriouslhy. corruption truly is the most bugged deck... ^^'

Hell yea, this card is the most s***** card tongue

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#9 04-06-2012 03:25:09

Inscription : 26-04-2012
Messages : 40

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

steven_allen a écrit :

Sorry about the miss quote, I meant Demon May Rise.  Try not to be so condescending next time there Zurga, I don't appreciate it.

Would you like to post some screen-shots?
Coz I think without them, bugs rumors can be too much for Feerik to focus on confirmed bug. No offense to challenge the truthfulness if you had really faced the bug, but usually a screen-shots solved many problems.

btw, I haven't faced this bug you mentioned. (I'm using a corruption deck, and though it really bugged in many different ways)

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#10 04-06-2012 10:21:06

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : Awakening and Demonic Portal

A screen would definitly help. We'll still have a look at this issue, but a screen would be a great help ^^

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