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#1 11-05-2012 16:13:30

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

You have elected Miss Eredan and she is crowned today, to Saphyra the Zil's utmost dismay. Here she is Coranthia miss Eredan 2012 !


Thank you to the Guem people!

Here is the list of the winners of the Miss Eredan animation, each one of them wins a copy of Coranthia as Miss Eredan:

Karim_Elsalim, All_Black, Axelandro, Spieler, agnr, Pablo_Cesar, reynald97, nathanmarcelo, yohual, marekiaroo.


What's more you can get Miss Eredan 2012, as a common card, from the newcomer booster until wednesday May 16th at noon (French time). After that, it won't be available anymore!

Eredan iTCG, the trading card game.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#2 11-05-2012 16:14:19

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

I bought a newcomers and didnt get a refund or please fix?

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#3 11-05-2012 16:19:45

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

The card is not a bonus card, this card takes place of the standard version of Coranthia.
You can find her or not depending of your luck.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#4 11-05-2012 16:20:07

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

It didn't state it was a sure drop. Coranthia Miss Eredan replaces Coranthia standard edition in New Comers. That means she won't be a sure drop but a common card in these boosters. And for those who want to know : you can sell her on the market.

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#5 11-05-2012 16:20:50

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Zurga a écrit :

The card is not a bonus card, this card takes place of the standard version of Coranthia.
You can find her or not depending of your luck.

Well that would have been nice to know! No...I want my money back! I am not going to waste what little Fee'z I have over....a CHANCE.....nope...refund now!

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#6 11-05-2012 16:22:44

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Col.Beowulf a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :

The card is not a bonus card, this card takes place of the standard version of Coranthia.
You can find her or not depending of your luck.

Well that would have been nice to know! No...I want my money back! I am not going to waste what little Fee'z I have over....a CHANCE.....nope...refund now!

would you be saying the same thing if you got a good, expensive card from that booster?

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#7 11-05-2012 16:23:45

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

soulst3al3r a écrit :
Col.Beowulf a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :

The card is not a bonus card, this card takes place of the standard version of Coranthia.
You can find her or not depending of your luck.

Well that would have been nice to know! No...I want my money back! I am not going to waste what little Fee'z I have over....a CHANCE.....nope...refund now!

would you be saying the same thing if you got a good, expensive card from that booster?

Yes...because the ONLY reason I bought one was to GET other reason!

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#8 11-05-2012 16:35:48

Lieu : Votorantim,São Paulo
Inscription : 17-06-2011
Messages : 4 606
Site Web

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

She's beautfull :DDD

E meu nome não é SHIRLEY!

Eredan-->> Storm Videos <<--Videos

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#9 11-05-2012 16:40:11

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Soo.....about that refund?

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#10 11-05-2012 16:59:04

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

There's no refund on boosters unless there's something wrong with them. In the current case, nothing ever said Coranthia was a sure drop. If you really insist, you can try to contact the support, but I'm afraid they will say exactly the same.

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#11 11-05-2012 17:00:20

Inscription : 27-12-2011
Messages : 51

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Stormholt a écrit :

She's beautfull :DDD

Saphyra woulda looked better ;_;

AND, as already stated, once a new runic priest comes out, she will be obsolete, so gameplay-wise, she is completely useless... collection wise... well shes a freakin common, so theres no real merit to it because she can be obtained in one pack, and art-wise, while the artist did a great job (I seriously mean that, good job), Saphyra woulda looked SO much better.  Again I say, nubs will be nubs (they will vote the way nubs would vote...)

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#12 11-05-2012 17:00:52

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Sapphon a écrit :

There's no refund on boosters unless there's something wrong with them. In the current case, nothing ever said Coranthia was a sure drop. If you really insist, you can try to contact the support, but I'm afraid they will say exactly the same.

Then I want A Cornthia....since she was and Is the only reason I bought the stupid pack. Send me a link for this mythical support...and if I dont...get one or the other I will make sure to never drop this...I'm still peeved you people nerfed the Strength

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#13 11-05-2012 17:01:02

Staff Feerik
Lieu : Montpellier
Inscription : 17-12-2009
Messages : 289
Site Web

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Hello Beowulf,

I'm sorry, but as you know boosters contain random contents and it's impossible for us to refund players who are not satisfied about what they got in their booster.

If i refund you now, i will have to refund all the players who get a booster with cards they dislike and as a simple human, i'm not able to.

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#14 11-05-2012 17:02:40

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Jisay a écrit :

Hello Beowulf,

I'm sorry, but as you know boosters contain random contents and it's impossible for us to refund players who are not satisfied about what they got in their booster.

If i refund you now, i will have to refund all the players who get a booster with cards they dislike and as a simple human, i'm not able to.

I didnt buy the pack for anything other than her....the Original Post about her in the pack should have mentioned...."Oh by the way she isnt a sure thing drop" and that would have saved me all this trouble.

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#15 11-05-2012 17:11:04

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Lygatos a écrit :

Saphyra woulda looked better ;_;

Yeah. If she would have won, I'll be playing my zil dagger deck again. Miss eredan Saphyra would the last they see before I throw a dagger master at them >_<

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#16 11-05-2012 17:12:38

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

The original post doesn't mention you can get unfoiled cards, too. Is it then ok to ask a refund if you don't get foil cards ?
What I want to say, using this "stupid" example, is that when there is a sure drop card, we mention it : it's the "Until XXXXX, when you buy a certain card booster in store, you get a bonus card in addition to the normal content" part we add in news each time there is a special offer on boosters.
I know the difference between "can get" and "get" is short, but if there really was such an offer, we would have be more than precise on the wording.

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#17 11-05-2012 17:15:55

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Sapphon a écrit :

The original post doesn't mention you can get unfoiled cards, too. Is it then ok to ask a refund if you don't get foil cards ?
What I want to say, using this "stupid" example, is that when there is a sure drop card, we mention it : it's the "Until XXXXX, when you buy a certain card booster in store, you get a bonus card in addition to the normal content" part we add in news each time there is a special offer on boosters.
I know the difference between "can get" and "get" is short, but if there really was such an offer, we would have be more than precise on the wording.

Except you use the word "can" in the promotion collector cards as well so you see my problem. You say can for everything so yay....whomever buys a pack gets a Corinthia....oooohhh wait now...its just a "misuse of your language bit" again. But like I said.....something will happend because I am not going to just waste the little bit of free Fee'z I had saved up for this.....travesty!!!!!

Or here is an idea....just give me the Corinthia....its "just a common" right? The odds were in my favor to get her anyways and I did waste my bonus for you will shut me up since it was the ONLY reason I did buy a pack AT ALL!!!

Dernière modification par Col.Beowulf (11-05-2012 17:20:20)

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#18 11-05-2012 17:23:08

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

im sure they have other ways to quiet you down in the forums without needing to give to your demands as it will open up the flood gates

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#19 11-05-2012 17:26:46

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Col.Beowulf a écrit :

Except you use the word "can" in the promotion collector cards as well so you see my problem.

Nop. We use "you get" (my example was a copy / paste of the last promotion, the one on the runic cards). You just read what you wanted to read. I understand it can happen and it's kinda frustrating, but understand that, like Soulstealer said, if we give you Coranthia now, why would anyone bother buying New Comers boosters when they just have to buy one and come and complain on the boards ?

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#20 11-05-2012 17:34:30

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

I wont drop this....until something POSITIVE Happens in my favor, you people know I am not a paying player and to be led on by false advertisement like this and to get no proper recompense is just plain wrong. I wouldnt care if you took back the cards I bought (by refunding the booster) I just dont want to be out 400 Fee'z when all I wanted was her...and if I got banned from the forums over do realize that would make me a martyr for the 'freebies' right? When all I am asking is for something in return (or even the fair trade back) of a mispurchase.

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#21 11-05-2012 17:45:16

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Col.Beowulf a écrit :

to be led on by false advertisement

Just because you didn't read it properly means that it was false. You're wrong from the start. Repeatedly claiming otherwise won't magically make it true. And believe me when I say that making a scene over it is really the worse thing you could ever do to change anything.

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#22 11-05-2012 17:58:52

Inscription : 25-03-2012
Messages : 56

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

I didn't win sad

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#23 11-05-2012 17:59:10

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Sapphon a écrit :
Col.Beowulf a écrit :

to be led on by false advertisement

Just because you didn't read it properly means that it was false. You're wrong from the start. Repeatedly claiming otherwise won't magically make it true. And believe me when I say that making a scene over it is really the worse thing you could ever do to change anything.

In ANY card open a pack you are allowed to trade the RARE in for maybe another pack or at least another card you want. Thats all I am asking. I didnt get what "Was advertised" so I am asking for a way for this 'poor old free player" to still have a chance to get it? Why is that such a bad thing to ask? A refund, a card, a trade....its like you WANT to upset the little guys?

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#24 11-05-2012 18:05:57

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 12

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

Sapphon a écrit :

Just because you didn't read it properly means that it was false. You're wrong from the start. Repeatedly claiming otherwise won't magically make it true. And believe me when I say that making a scene over it is really the worse thing you could ever do to change anything.

It's not that he read it wrong, it's that it was worded improperly. You don't want Beowulf to complain about being mislead, get a better ****ing translator OR double/triple/quadruple check your stuff before posting it so that things like this don't occur. You don't want a scene? Be reasonable and you won't get one.

Discard deck users are cowards.

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#25 11-05-2012 18:07:10

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : May 11th 2012 : Miss Eredan drawing of lots and special offer

what exactly did you get in the pack? i have a feeling that you wouldn't complain if you got a master-mage pilkim or gust in there regardless of getting a coranthia.

btw, im a free player and I think that your complaint is ridiculous

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