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#1 20-04-2012 10:39:52

Inscription : 07-10-2011
Messages : 74

Help with Priest Discard deck


Now I am running this deck:

[card]The eternal[/card], [card]The Pyschurgist[/card] and [card]Kriss[/card]


1x[card]Danger in delay[/card]
2x[card]I hate brawlers[/card]
1x[card]It is time[/card]
1x[card]Mental Siphon[/card]
1x[card]Tadaa! You're a bunny![/card]
1x[card]The secret of the Crow[/card]

And so fare, I like this game, I have fun with it and I can play ELO with it. However, with the new relesses, for the NOZ and SAP, they are recycling cards licke **** and now I have trouble with them, when before they were free candy.

So, I am thinking of make the following changes, but I would like to hear your wise advices.


New deck:

[card]The eternal[/card], [card]The Pyschurgist[/card] and [card]Alyce[/card]

Replace Kriss for Alyce, so I can clean the discards piles. However, that means I gotta chance my deck and have some advantages and also disvantatges.

1x[card]Anathematize[/card] Perhaps i don't need it??
2x[card]Blackmail[/card] =
1x[card]Chiaroscuro[/card] =
1x[card]Clumsiness[/card] =
1x[card]Danger in delay[/card] =
1x[card]Dissidence[/card] =
1x[card]festivites[/card] =
2x[card]I hate brawlers[/card] =
1x[card]It is time[/card] =
1x[card]Mental Siphon[/card] =
1x[card]Mercy[/card] Now I only be able to heal with The eternal...
1x[card]Obesity[/card] =
1x[card]Tadaa! You're a bunny![/card] =
1x[card]The secret of the Crow[/card] =
2x[card]Theft[/card] No point on having 2 theft, perhaps only 1 or none
2x[card]Treacherous[/card] =

As I will have 2 mages, I can add a [card]Double clay[/card] and perahps 1 [card]Indigestion[/card] for Alyce

Dont know if it is worth the change to this new deck (I will have to buy Alyce, double clay and indigestion, but i can afford it), or keep the 1rst and only add +1 [card]Anathematize[/card]

What you will recommend me?

Thank you for your time!

"If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse" - Woody Allen

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#2 20-04-2012 10:57:21

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Help with Priest Discard deck

Have you thought of this setup?

Kriss, Salem, Alyce?

3 Indigestion
3 Panic
3 Blackmail
3 Theft
2 Mercy
1 Mental Siphon
2 Cloning - Reuse your cards
1 Suspicion of Treason - Chainable with Alyce
2 Anathematize - Anti graveyard recycling

So here is the fun part:

Blackmail -> Theft, Anathematize, Mercy
Mercy -> Theft

Panic -> Theft, Indigestion, Cloning, Anathematize

Shadow Spell (Suspicion of Treason, Panic, Indigestion, Cloning) -> Any cards
Blackmail -> Any cards

Dernière modification par magius (20-04-2012 11:15:00)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#3 20-04-2012 11:10:09

Inscription : 07-10-2011
Messages : 74

Re : Help with Priest Discard deck

It's way more agressive discarding.

However, dont you think that I will miss a TANK like The Eternal?
Also, cards like Dissidence, obesity and the secret of the crow ara really usefull for example counter  Supernova, Wild buds...

I dont know if having 2 mercy, a card that only Kriss can play is a wise idea...

However it is true that i have a lot of chains and combinations to be done. Perhaps i will just have to try it, and experiment with it!

Thank you for ***bip*** advices!

"If God exists, I hope he has a good excuse" - Woody Allen

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#4 25-04-2012 06:48:11

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Help with Priest Discard deck

Ballack a écrit :

It's way more agressive discarding.

However, dont you think that I will miss a TANK like The Eternal?
Also, cards like Dissidence, obesity and the secret of the crow ara really usefull for example counter  Supernova, Wild buds...

I dont know if having 2 mercy, a card that only Kriss can play is a wise idea...

However it is true that i have a lot of chains and combinations to be done. Perhaps i will just have to try it, and experiment with it!

Thank you for ***bip*** advices!

The idea is to discard his deck by turn 3-4. By that time, you don't really need a tank. You don't need dissidence if you use Suspicion of Treason and it is chainable by Alyce.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#5 25-04-2012 08:28:28

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : Help with Priest Discard deck

try using 2x shifting sands instead of 2x anathematize.
this way you can keep your blackmails

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#6 25-04-2012 09:23:54

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Help with Priest Discard deck

Gent M a écrit :

try using 2x shifting sands instead of 2x anathematize.
this way you can keep your blackmails

Unless you are pure Priest Discard (i.e. Psychurgist, Alyce, Kriss), I do not see the need to use [card]Shifting Sand[/card] as by the time you need your Blackmail back, the opponent should deck out. Anathematize on the other hand makes sure the opponent is unable to recover from the discard so far (especially if they have A New Start).

Dernière modification par magius (25-04-2012 09:26:14)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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