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#1 18-04-2012 13:05:11

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Fire Ring Deck

figured I would add a deck I've been messing with on the side (cheap deck too)

Updated list
Alishk Pyromancer
Master-mage Marzhin

Fire Ring X3
Combustion X3
Burn in hell X3
smoked arrow X2
Unleash hell X2
Fireball X1 (Hopefully turns into Rain of death X3 later)
Mage's Grand Staff X1(possibly needs replaced)
Double clay
Cut and thrust
Mental siphon
It is time

Pretty simple deck strategy here, Alishk gets +2 to fire spell damage and marzhin gets +2 attack for each fire spell in the graveyard.

with fire ring in play alishk can be doing 10 damage at the end of the round (12 with mage's grand staff) and marzhin can have a crazy high attack while still being able to play fire ring for extra damage.

thanks for reading smile

Dernière modification par kilcosu (19-04-2012 03:21:45)

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#2 18-04-2012 13:23:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Cool idea. I've been testing the same "firebending" deck but with Demon Hunters With Nashi Kyoshiro and Okooni. With Fight Fire with Fire, replacing double clays. Unleash Hell replacing Smoke Arrow. Though I do have the RoDs for fillers with Rosary beads for Okooni tanking. It has a decent win / loss ratio. Poor against mages but hurtful to aggro decks who try to pick on Kyshiro if not careful.

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#3 18-04-2012 13:26:12

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Oh possibly Try it out with Ciramor's pure mage verison instead of Prophet. Just throwing ideas at you to toy with

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#4 18-04-2012 13:28:42

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Bmyarne a écrit :

Oh possibly Try it out with Ciramor's pure mage verison instead of Prophet. Just throwing ideas at you to toy with

Nah... Erevent is better on this occasion than Ciramor.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#5 18-04-2012 13:38:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : Fire Ring Deck

magius a écrit :
Bmyarne a écrit :

Oh possibly Try it out with Ciramor's pure mage verison instead of Prophet. Just throwing ideas at you to toy with

Nah... Erevent is better on this occasion than Ciramor.

Well played...He completly slipped my mind.

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#6 18-04-2012 13:44:16

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

I did not even think to use erevent at all! (possibly because I hardly go into the cards store lol) that is a really good choice, I've been using prophet because he was dropped in adventure mode.

and considering smoked arrow is for filler damage on later turns than actually being played, an AoE such as unleash hell would be a very good replacement, albeit a more expensive one given the price difference lol.

now i'm kinda tweaking it on and off for counter cards since the main strategy is in play.

all three can chain with cut and thrust and is especially useful for marzhin's attack if they have high def. (and discard weapons)

breaker can be used for any type of situation although its AoE

Good ideas so far smile

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#7 18-04-2012 13:49:11

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : Fire Ring Deck

I'd say Reborn would be cool, cause it turns their spirit to zero, letting Fire Ring bust them down for full damage. Suck that you can't use Flowering, since that lowers spirit as well. (Or can you? I'm not sure...)

But yeah, nice deck. Love it.

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#8 18-04-2012 13:59:44

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Ryken a écrit :

I'd say Reborn would be cool, cause it turns their spirit to zero, letting Fire Ring bust them down for full damage. Suck that you can't use Flowering, since that lowers spirit as well. (Or can you? I'm not sure...)

But yeah, nice deck. Love it.

Unfortunately marzhin isn't a nature guem too otherwise it would be able to be added, but i'll have to check out reborn now lol.

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#9 18-04-2012 14:08:06

Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 514

Re : Fire Ring Deck

check this :

The main weakness of the deck is your charaters get O.H.K.O very fast without protection but Fire Ring and Master-Mage require alot of cards to build-up , leaving the deck has almost no slot for defensive cards .

Not mention your discard speed for Fire Ring to deal full damage is fast , so the deck may need some recycling cards

Dernière modification par iQuit (18-04-2012 14:14:12)

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#10 18-04-2012 14:27:59

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

iQuit a écrit :

check this :

The main weakness of the deck is your charaters get O.H.K.O very fast without protection but Fire Ring and Master-Mage require alot of cards to build-up , leaving the deck has almost no slot for defensive cards .

Not mention your discard speed for Fire Ring to deal full damage is fast , so the deck may need some recycling cards

yeah i'm working on the defense part as we speak, and partly why I plan on keeping the double clay though that has already been reduced by one.

final upgrade for marzhin has a 17 health and I can put in a single it is time for extra support on him when needed.

fire ring caps out at 6 fire spells in the graveyard +2 making it an 8 max (plus bonuses) so this deck won't get too crazy with that. between the damage of fire and attacking marzhin doesn't need very much higher than a 12/13 anyway

but defense is lacking so i've got a lot of work before i'll ever call this done

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#11 18-04-2012 14:35:11

Inscription : 19-02-2012
Messages : 1 294

Re : Fire Ring Deck

This is my version of the fire ring deck big_smile
Without Marzhim, based only on magic damage, so it's faster and don't die with anathematize as the master mage and it's going pretty well tongue

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#12 18-04-2012 14:41:43

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 139

Re : Fire Ring Deck

I have a deck similar to this. I used erevant and that compendium pet mage instead. The reason was to add darkat to marzhin, boosting his attack through the stratosphere and allowing him to one shot by the 2nd or 3rd turn, and the main problem is survivability so alishk's stats in this day and age just don't cut it anymore sad  Its a fun deck but your opp will have a field day cutting down your char.  If you can survive though its pretty decent, esp. on some adventure mode bosses.

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#13 18-04-2012 14:50:33

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

yeah marzhin will ALWAYS be susceptible to anathemize so that's something to wonder about sometimes lol, but i figure he is just one more piece to the puzzle since alishk and erevant will also be dumping damage on them. its my goal not to rely on marzhin as much as other decks might

with the recent releases of double clay and (although i'm not using it) master mage robes, any mage can survive pretty well against ongoing physical assault and I hope the fight will not last more than turn 6 at the latest.

i'm not seeing this deck in ELO but I think it'll be fun to just use in level rooms

Dernière modification par kilcosu (18-04-2012 14:54:10)

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#14 18-04-2012 14:51:38

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Fire Ring Deck

damn i was thinking in posting a deck like this yesterday... you should put some discard magic

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#15 18-04-2012 14:56:56

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Santuros a écrit :

damn i was thinking in posting a deck like this yesterday... you should put some discard magic

I tried rock armor to make the whole "discarding x fire spells at the end of my turn" a little more bearable but I realized how much of a fail that card is and took it out immediately lol

if that was even the point you were making tongue

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#16 18-04-2012 15:16:31

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Fire Ring Deck

kilcosu a écrit :
Santuros a écrit :

damn i was thinking in posting a deck like this yesterday... you should put some discard magic

I tried rock armor to make the whole "discarding x fire spells at the end of my turn" a little more bearable but I realized how much of a fail that card is and took it out immediately lol

if that was even the point you were making tongue

If you want to really discard your fire spells and cause some harm to opponent's hand as well, why not Mental Siphon. Perfect for your need and discarding opponent's hand as well of their cards which they want to play.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#17 18-04-2012 15:18:10

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

magius a écrit :
kilcosu a écrit :
Santuros a écrit :

damn i was thinking in posting a deck like this yesterday... you should put some discard magic

I tried rock armor to make the whole "discarding x fire spells at the end of my turn" a little more bearable but I realized how much of a fail that card is and took it out immediately lol

if that was even the point you were making tongue

If you want to really discard your fire spells and cause some harm to opponent's hand as well, why not Mental Siphon. Perfect for your need and discarding opponent's hand as well of their cards which they want to play.

now that is an excellent idea

Dernière modification par kilcosu (18-04-2012 15:18:34)

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#18 18-04-2012 15:49:54

Inscription : 08-05-2011
Messages : 45

Re : Fire Ring Deck

breaker is good against demon may rise, but be careful against dazzle

Never do evil that a good may come of it.
Give a thief enough rope and he will hang himself.
The greater the sinner, the greater the saint.

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#19 18-04-2012 16:26:53

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Fire Ring Deck

well i was thinking of some cards to get rid of nehantic stone or some magic protective items

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#20 18-04-2012 22:14:56

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Santuros a écrit :

well i was thinking of some cards to get rid of nehantic stone or some magic protective items

yeah breaker would work wonders against that. or maybe freeze

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#21 18-04-2012 22:49:55

Inscription : 02-07-2011
Messages : 760

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Try only to use fire spells, u still have x3 unleash hell to put plus add one darkat(to boost marzhin´s attack) and 1 dragon´s with + paladin hammer so marzhin can heal alot with his attack

and the last character may be Erevent for his spell boost

Dernière modification par Damncaster (18-04-2012 22:50:43)

No good... No evil... Just a Judge

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#22 18-04-2012 23:46:30

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Damncaster a écrit :

Try only to use fire spells, u still have x3 unleash hell to put plus add one darkat(to boost marzhin´s attack) and 1 dragon´s with + paladin hammer so marzhin can heal alot with his attack

and the last character may be Erevent for his spell boost

Picked up erevent as soon as he was mentioned lol.

yeah I grabbed a couple unleash hells a little bit ago, I would still need 2 more fireballs which i dont even know when that will happen. it's getting there though lol

on a side note breaker is kinda buggy in adventure mode i've noticed. I would select the cards attached that I want them to discard but they would never discard -__-

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#23 19-04-2012 00:13:21

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Fire Ring Deck

dragons breath....

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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#24 19-04-2012 01:44:41

Lieu : Michigan
Inscription : 28-02-2012
Messages : 408

Re : Fire Ring Deck

Santuros a écrit :

dragons breath....

that would be a really good option if marzhin's spirit wasn't going to be 0 the entire time. all together the collective spirit of my noz will be 4 or 5 +2 for alishk and everent... I mean I guess it would be better than smoked arrow without a doubt but still a little to expensive for something not even better than combustion

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#25 19-04-2012 02:45:58

Lieu : Colombia!!!
Inscription : 17-10-2010
Messages : 998

Re : Fire Ring Deck

kilcosu a écrit :
Santuros a écrit :

dragons breath....

that would be a really good option if marzhin's spirit wasn't going to be 0 the entire time. all together the collective spirit of my noz will be 4 or 5 +2 for alishk and everent... I mean I guess it would be better than smoked arrow without a doubt but still a little to expensive for something not even better than combustion

i dont know why would you like to include marzhin, better save for Erevent and prophet, that would do the trick... you can edit you first post so we can see what are your changes

I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)

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