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#1 13-04-2012 04:02:20

Inscription : 07-04-2012
Messages : 11

Dragon Knights?

well now that i finished lvling up all my Tempus and just need to buy 2 aging and a mastery to make it an elo deck im going back to the deck i got in the store when i started.

i have all the Dragon Knight cast members maxed except the new one.
what are some suggestions? i have almost all the fragments i need to finish my chimera but i dont really know what to build since the new releases.

any and all advise on this cast and a overall deck spec would be greatly appreciated.

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#2 13-04-2012 19:48:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 16-03-2011
Messages : 139

Re : Dragon Knights?


There's a lot of dk builds/deck advice topics already, just look around a bit. Here's a couple links

Dernière modification par UIA (13-04-2012 19:50:29)

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#3 14-04-2012 02:21:01

Inscription : 07-04-2012
Messages : 11

Re : Dragon Knights?

sounds expensive.... wish i had bought the zil deck instead :-\

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#4 14-04-2012 03:02:05

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 09-01-2011
Messages : 260

Re : Dragon Knights?

DK's are super expensvive.

You could try the new trackers who are very nice and pretty cheap, and some Italian guy even got 3th in elo using them.

Kotori kage, Shui Khan (guem version) and hime

using 3 of Transmission of knowledge, return to sender and katamaru
and 2 of The art of tracking and shuriken as the main power of the deck.

then fill the rest up with cards you think are useful with them, or just counter cards against certain decks the set has trouble against.

They have a good fighting chance against the mages that have gotten way more popular with the latest releases.

There not to expensive, there pretty strong and are play very different from the Tempus.

Dernière modification par steeliebob (14-04-2012 03:07:28)

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#5 14-04-2012 04:10:55

Norad IV
Inscription : 25-07-2011
Messages : 116

Re : Dragon Knights?

steeliebob a écrit :

DK's are super expensvive.

You could try the new trackers who are very nice and pretty cheap, and some Italian guy even got 3th in elo using them.

Kotori kage, Shui Khan (guem version) and hime

using 3 of Transmission of knowledge, return to sender and katamaru
and 2 of The art of tracking and shuriken as the main power of the deck.

then fill the rest up with cards you think are useful with them, or just counter cards against certain decks the set has trouble against.

They have a good fighting chance against the mages that have gotten way more popular with the latest releases.

There not to expensive, there pretty strong and are play very different from the Tempus.

i never had a problem with the new kotori deck. i either use harshness or pray to spirits (depending what deck i'm using, nomad/kotoba), usually they end up quitting or let the time bar go out. which is one reason i haven't bothered to upgrade the kotori i have, just seems like a useless card that can't compete.

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#6 14-04-2012 10:46:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 09-01-2011
Messages : 260

Re : Dragon Knights?

That someone got to the top 5 with the deck kind of proves that you can compete with them.

Harshness isn't a problem for them, because well,... any nomads has low or even 0 defense already.

Pray to spirits can be a pain at times, admitted. But any deck has opponents that they have trouble against.

Claiming Kotori is useless is just a bit silly to me.

turn 1: transmission of knowledge + Katamaru + Art of Trackig (From turnbonus) = + 8 power, + 2 defense, - X to opponent defense.

Only getting stronger on later rounds.

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