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#1 08-04-2012 10:32:30

Inscription : 29-01-2012
Messages : 489

Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

Hey guys while making a warrior/maraud nehant deck (Torment/Azaram/Shadow) i found i had to choose between this 2 daggers so lets compare...


Pros: Additional direct damage. Cheaper ( is just a few crystals but well lol )
Cons: Isnt dual wield, it's hard to control who will take the direct damages

Pros: +1 Defense, dual wield
Cons: Less aggro, defense isnt always useful

So what you think about em? which do u preffer and why?

Thanks! cya wink

Dernière modification par Satyrox (08-04-2012 10:46:58)

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#2 08-04-2012 10:51:13

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

the dual wield, that's why it cost more wink

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#3 08-04-2012 11:00:00

Lieu : dans ton c**
Inscription : 04-09-2011
Messages : 3 741

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

I personnaly think it's best to have the nehant's splinter...
since the aim of your deck is to kill fast (using extasy I presume)
you won't have time to equip to daggers on each char.
and I think it's good thing to use both the damages from nehant's splinter and extasy...

===============zil dagger FTW!!================

"-oh mon dieu! ils ont tués Kenny!"
"-espèce d'enfoirés!"

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#4 08-04-2012 12:12:53

Inscription : 29-01-2012
Messages : 489

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

Ya i thought almost the same skadooosh, as you said i'll use extasy too, but i dont want it to be the key card of the deck, i want it just as a finisher

The cost i really don't care, it was just a "pro", since i'll use extasy, torment, assasinations and other expensive cards i don't care about the daggers i just want the best dagger tongue

I think the worst point on the splinter it's the enemy will try to avoid the direct damage but I'll try how it works

Thanks for the advice! any1 more using similar decks?

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#5 08-04-2012 14:21:49

Inscription : 22-10-2011
Messages : 72

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

i use dagger of suffrance mainly as a tactical defensive card for azaram. azaram here acts as a supporting dude whose main role in the setup is to use ecstasy+dagger of suffrance. it is essential that the one carrying ecstasy survives, and if azaram plays that combo, he'll have 5 def + 13 hp, which makes him difficult to one shot. this allows both torment and shadow to use aoe dmg. ive used splinter a couple of times and it sometimes ( admittedly rare) clogs up gameplay since only azaram can dual wield it. that said, i prefer dagger of suffrance for that extra 1 def which comes in mighty handy.

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#6 08-04-2012 22:22:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 259

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

I prefer dagger of suffering because it has dual wielding and is no guild related, it means that dissidence or suspection of treason spammers cannot cancel it. Plus the+ 1 defense is nice, even if it doesnt save your life, you can win by points if all characters die.

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#7 10-04-2012 05:57:05

Inscription : 21-02-2012
Messages : 27

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

I use 2 Dagger of Sufferance and 2 Nehant's Splinter

Sin Miedo, Ni Misericordia...

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#8 10-04-2012 11:35:58

Inscription : 29-01-2012
Messages : 489

Re : Nehant's Splinter vs Dagger of Sufferance

gragonith a écrit :

I use 2 Dagger of Sufferance and 2 Nehant's Splinter

I think if you want the splinters to be efficient you need 3 of them, just 2 seem like it wont do too much... I'll test it also anyway

Thanks u all for the tips, really helped me ^^

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