
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 25-03-2012 21:51:13

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-03-2012
Messages : 4

Newb Question

     I'm new to eredan.  I am enjoying it so far but I was wondering why, after I finished the tutorial and bought my second starter deck, there was no one in the rooms to challenge?  I was the only person, even when I switched rooms and decks.  I realize the error was probably on my part so any information will be helpful.
     I look forward to playing against you all.

Kryst Daymen

Hors ligne

#2 25-03-2012 22:22:57

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Newb Question

It's more problem of timing.
Most people playing the game are European.
Not the best time to find partners.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 26-03-2012 00:04:36

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-03-2012
Messages : 4

Re : Newb Question

I was trying at 3 am or so, American time.  Central to be exact.  I don't know what time that is in sections of Europe, but I'm guessing it must have been during working hours maybe?  I'll get off my lazy american butt and re-learn the time differences and try again.

Thanks for responding.  I appreciate it.

Kryst Daymen

Hors ligne

#4 26-03-2012 10:48:12

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Newb Question

If I remember well, best time are 6:00PM - 10:00PM GMT (so something like 12:00PM - 04:00PM Central American Time) .
I know hat there is a lot of Latin American people connected, but always the same trouble the beginning.
After the firsts levels, you will find a lot of people everywhere at every time.
As soon as you can access to the adventure mode, you will gain XP through this feature and you will arrive to the main all level room.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 28-03-2012 04:06:15

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 25-03-2012
Messages : 4

Re : Newb Question

Thank you for your response.   I found the adventure mode.   I'm slow but I think I'm getting the basics of all this down.  Now if I could just get my check so I could buy some decks and boosters, lol.

Kryst Daymen

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