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Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress: http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.
Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
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I'm trying to make a deck that focuses on the strengths of eclipse characters, a fast but strong deck. The less turns it takes to destroy my opponent the better.
2x[card]Acrobatic Dodge[/card]
2x[card]Burning Soul[/card]
2x[card]Discreet Elimination[/card]
2x[card]I hate mystics[/card]
1x[card]Reinforce the faith[/card]
1x[card]Smart Ass[/card]
2x[card]Sol'ra Eclipse[/card]
2x[card]Under the sun[/card]
2x[card]Weapon Dance[/card]
The point is to use Sol'ra Eclipse + Under the sun (Noun-ta + Sol'ra Eclipse works aswell) as soon as possible, so Kararine and Mouktar can destroy the opponent. But if I can't use that combo right at the beggining (first or second turn) I get pretty much f*cked up. I'm looking for some good cards that can replace cards like I hate mystics and Watcher but since i'm new to the game I don't have the crystals to buy really good cards (and I still have to buy the cards to level up my Djamena). So any opinion on how to improve my deck is welcome!
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time to die and assasinations are realy good. smart ass is better than watcher and harshness is a good counter to mages
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If u want a faster and stronger deck u must consider at least 2 [card]Assassination[/card] since u can chain them with Noun-ta and [card]Time to die[/card] , if u get 2 assassination just keep 1 burning soul
Also u can add 2 [card]Incarnation[/card], it's a nice card for the 3 first turns since they won't heal and u can finish another char u didn't kill in the first hit
moreover u can use it along with [card]Sentence[/card] in turn 4+ to make damage instead of healing the opponent
Get 1 [card]Harshness[/card] in case u fight mages, it's a nice boost jajaja and chains
Later when u have more crystals...if u can afford them... get 2-3 [card]Solaris[/card], 2 [card]Obesity[/card] and u might also want 1 [card]Supernova[/card]... it's kind of a lifesaver sometimes, but u have make sure Sol'ra eclipse is in play and u also have to play it with djamena (since it's a priest card).. it's quite useful when the opponent gets the first turn so u can use djamena in round 4 and finish them off
That's it
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