
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 07-03-2012 07:46:10

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

unable to access Eredan via facebook?

Just wondering if anyone has the same problem. Cleared cache and was okay yesterday.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#2 07-03-2012 08:25:58

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 05-03-2011
Messages : 8

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

Well i can´t connect neither by facebook or via facebook account.
1st case: goes on an endless loop of refreshing page,
2nd case: i get this message:

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught CurlException: 6: Couldn't resolve host ''
  thrown in <b>/home/eredan/itcg/facebook-php-sdk/base_facebook.php</b> on line <b>820</b><br />

By the way:

Browser: Google Chrome
OS: windows xp
Flash version

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#3 07-03-2012 08:27:54

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 16-02-2012
Messages : 8

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

Me too.I was playing just now then stop for a while and when i want to play now i cannot play.This is the error pls resolve soon.

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught CurlException: 6: Couldn't resolve host ''
  thrown in <b>/home/eredan/itcg/facebook-php-sdk/base_facebook.php</b> on line <b>820</b><br />

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#4 07-03-2012 08:44:24

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

<br />
<b>Fatal error</b>:  Uncaught CurlException: 6: Couldn't resolve host ''
  thrown in <b>/home/eredan/itcg/facebook-php-sdk/base_facebook.php</b> on line

whats this? help please...

Dernière modification par Cossette (07-03-2012 08:48:02)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#5 07-03-2012 08:53:45

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-03-2012
Messages : 5

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

It is said that Facebook is down in several countries like in Germany, UK, Italy, and unfortunately in Hungary as well (bad news for me). How can we log in to Eredan unless facebook is restored? I'd like to finish a quest today, but I'm afraid I'll run out of time if I can't log in...
It seems like it is impossible to log in with my facebook account through, does anyone know any solution for this? I tried with my facebook e-mail address and with my ingame nick, without any success.
Any help would be highly appreciated!

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#6 07-03-2012 08:55:04

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

will it work if i change my IP address somehow?

yup it works i change my IP into US Via AOL.... >_< Please don't ask me i don't how it works, don't wanna log out or disconnected

Dernière modification par Cossette (07-03-2012 08:59:29)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#7 07-03-2012 08:56:08

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-03-2012
Messages : 5

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

Some news (I was looking around in several sites) says that valid US IP addresses still work.

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#8 07-03-2012 08:57:13

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-03-2012
Messages : 5

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

Facebook is back for me!

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#9 07-03-2012 08:59:26

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

or try using your passwords if you have any and login there dont use fb connect

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#10 07-03-2012 09:45:25

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 05-03-2011
Messages : 8

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

yey, i could enter, at least for now..we´ll se if this holds XD

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#11 08-03-2012 10:39:01

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : unable to access Eredan via facebook?

It works again yesterday but today it seems to be stuck at Eredan logo screen. Anyone seeing this on Facebook?

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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