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#1 23-02-2012 22:20:32

Inscription : 25-10-2011
Messages : 48

How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

I picked up the daily quest (5th day) and forgot to click get can I pick it up now?  Looked in the trophy room but that will not let me choose.

Any suggestions or answers?

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#2 23-02-2012 22:28:04

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

No ways known.
Try to see if the card is already in your collection.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 23-02-2012 22:47:36

Inscription : 25-10-2011
Messages : 48

Re : How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

No, cuz it is a random card to be choosen it is hard to tell, but I do not not see anything new in it.

Altho...I do have 666 cards...number for the antichrist...that may be telling...

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#4 23-02-2012 23:01:34

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

Zurga a écrit :

No ways known.
Try to see if the card is already in your collection.

oh nooooooooooooooo,,,,,,,,,,,if zurga doesn't know,,,,who else could answer that??lol

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#5 24-02-2012 08:14:13

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

have you tried logging-in again?

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#6 24-02-2012 09:33:20

Lieu : Dickes B, oben an der Spree
Inscription : 09-04-2011
Messages : 1 751

Re : How to pick up a reward after trophy enters trophy room.

offtopic...: i think zurga is the nehant in disguise just check these 6666 posts of his... truely develish

Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!

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