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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
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I've started playing again in the last few days and have noticed there is alot of random healing.
Life Devourer says that if you deal more damage than the opponent than heal 2 health points, yet it heals 4...did this twice in one game.
And NO there was not two cards of the person. I could not find a card in graveyard or on team that added to this ability.
Just finished a match killed the opponent and he healed 6 points at the end of fight and NO healing cards on the field.
Is it just because they have cards with higher upgrades as I am trying to upgrade mine that they are given free healing...or is just to pad stats to get more perfects?
really starting to annoy me
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The life devourer was on which character ?
I bet for [card]Urakia[/card] at his last level:
Dernière modification par Zurga (25-10-2011 11:43:53)
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It would help us if you could be more specific, like against what characters you were playing.
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It was three different matches. The first and second time around were Kotoba decks. Using basic characters with two or three upgrades...I believe Anamaya was in both and then Tsuro in one. But none of the players where anything that adds to or heals. I know as I use Kotoba Tracker.
The second deck was a Nehantists deck using Ardaker (Upgrade 3), Soul Chewer (upgrade 3), and Anagram (Upgrade 3, I believe) and there was no life devourer out and suddenly they healed for 6 at the end of the battle, and I was not fighting Soul Chewer.
Dernière modification par gelfangel (25-10-2011 13:15:22)
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I have noticed this too. It's really anoying. It's always 6 hp they heal. My latest match where this occured was against 3 Nehantists. But I don't remember which characters.
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Was there a Vital Syphon involved?
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Haven't noticed this yet, but have noticed my stats going to 0 def 0 spirit with no cards played that affect either against a Iro the Duelist once.
It's either hacking or just a very bugged game, possibly a bit of both.
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Haven't noticed this yet, but have noticed my stats going to 0 def 0 spirit with no cards played that affect either against a Iro the Duelist once.
It's either hacking or just a very bugged game, possibly a bit of both.
Heyhey leorio, there is something I have to tell you...
I dont like you!
you are more annoying than Col.Beowulf
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....is that a good or bad thing?
Just saying, games get hacked, bugs happen.
Its one of the things we are forced to put up with in most, if not all, games.
All we can hope for is the bugs to get fixed, and the hackers banned (and in some rare cases, hit with a lawsuit.)
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Leorio a écrit :Haven't noticed this yet, but have noticed my stats going to 0 def 0 spirit with no cards played that affect either against a Iro the Duelist once.
It's either hacking or just a very bugged game, possibly a bit of both.Heyhey leorio, there is something I have to tell you...
I dont like you!
you are more annoying than Col.Beowulf
what the hell did leorio do wrong???he doesn't insult people or do anything,,,,he just curious person i guess
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dude just posts way too much and whines too much...bug this, bug that. No posts that really help out other ppl
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dude just posts way too much and whines too much...bug this, bug that. No posts that really help out other ppl
That's because I play the game a lot, so I tend to notice things that are out of the ordinary.
At first, I was mistaking some things, mainly due to the lack of an "official" rulebook in game. At the moment, I've noticed at least 20 different random bugs, some of which are reproducible.
Of course, to some this may seem like complaining, but the moment I dropped 30 bucks on the game, I gained that right as a paying customer.
It's feedback and, of course, curiosity that keeps me asking questions and playing...and thus paying.
Oh, and 10 or so posts a day is nothing. It's like me saying "Hi" 10 times.
Dernière modification par Leorio (23-02-2012 13:56:27)
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dude just posts way too much and whines too much...bug this, bug that. No posts that really help out other ppl
Then lets change his name to "stupid donkey 2.0" .... jk jk...
Guys guys he has all the right to ask for bugs, he is not as old as us so give him an opportunity.
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)
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soulst3al3r a écrit :dude just posts way too much and whines too much...bug this, bug that. No posts that really help out other ppl
Then lets change his name to "stupid donkey 2.0" .... jk jk...
Guys guys he has all the right to ask for bugs, he is not as old as us so give him an opportunity.
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Just saw the random healing trigger after Trial on the bridge killed an opponent. Cost me the match. This really does need to be fixed.
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Just saw the random healing trigger after Trial on the bridge killed an opponent. Cost me the match. This really does need to be fixed.
Trial on the bridge usually deals 16 damage, and heals 8 after it. Lots of card work this way on the game, like powder kegs.. In the end the damaeg dealt is correct, just the way it is counted is confusing.
As for the kotoba described to heal 4 hp, Keep your guard up + Life devourer would explain it..
As for the bugs, unless you bring a eres or a video it's hard to know if it was a bug, or you as a new player didn't notice something.. You would be surprised how many bug people see that are only mistake from new players.
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i think i know what he is talking about... there are some cards and effects in this game that are not shown properly... líke urakia always gets a confusing mess around her hp when she is dealt damage to... or if u use sentence the damage isnt shown immediatly but a second afterwards... this may be the reason for his confusion
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!
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Bridge activates after all other effects, and this was against a Kotoba deck. If you die by bridge, you're meant to stay dead.
Just happened again vs soul chewer. No cards whatsoever active.
Sorry, but this is completely unacceptable.
I'm a patient customer, but this bug directly affects me in a huge way.
Here's some details.
No opponent cards active, all Avalonians above lv 3.
Turn ends, all avalonians alive.
Trial on the bridge triggers.
Opponent dies.
Their health becomes the opposite of what they died at, -1=1, -2=2, =7=7, and so on. They don't die, and are allowed to continue fighting.
Dernière modification par Leorio (23-02-2012 17:54:57)
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ye not exactly... next time try to remember all life points of all enemy chars in the turn the bridge should activate... when the bridge hits its dealing something like 15 damage putting the enemy char who got hit in the negatives but then its not supposed to deal that much so the programming team somewhat made it heal the 7 hp up to the 8 damage dealt... this effect comes a bit afterwards which gives the impression of a 'random' healing... its not! its just not shown properly
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!
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Bridge activates after all other effects, and this was against a Kotoba deck. If you die by bridge, you're meant to stay dead.
Just happened again vs soul chewer. No cards whatsoever active.Sorry, but this is completely unacceptable.
I'm a patient customer, but this bug directly affects me in a huge way.
Did u read what I just wrote? Bridge is supposed to deal 8 damage, but due to the programming it deals 16 damage and heals 8 after it, so in the end the card deals 8 damage correctly alot of cards work this way on eredan. It is done due to limitations of flash programs..
Start paying attention to the amount of hp done, each time to see if the game is really bugging. Cause if this "random healing" was happening at the rate you describe it is happening there would be a lot more people complaining.
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No, it say's "-8" exact, and their hp is always below 8 before it hits.
Their hp value then flips after they die to the exact opposite.
That's not how bridge is meant to work.
If ya want, I'll get a screenshot of the damage it deals for ya.
Dernière modification par Leorio (23-02-2012 17:58:06)
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No, it say's "-8" exact, and their hp is always below 8 before it hits.
Their hp value then flips after they die to the exact opposite.
That's not how bridge is meant to work.
If ya want, I'll get a screenshot of the damage it deals for ya.
It says "-8" and deals "-16" and after correct it.
Yesterday it was the case.
Today, I do not know, it could be a new bug.
I will try and let you know what I see.
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And here ya go. Works fine in adventure mode.
Also, iI'm sure you noticed...but I like anime. Was watching the Crimson Brigade and forgot to close it before taking the screenshot.
And it just happened again, although this time the opponent didn't die from bridge's damage (they had 10 hp before it hit), and their hp shot up by 6.
Dernière modification par Leorio (23-02-2012 18:51:05)
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Just happened again vs Tempus deck with no enemy cards active. We all know tempus is 100% spells/actions.
HP was 7, they took 8 damage from bridge, their hp was -1...then 1.
Fix it this weekend or refund the 25 dollars wasted on making the deck. Your call.
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I have tried and no problem at all.
The guy is killed without trouble or stays alive if he has more than 8HP.
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