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I just finish unlocking all of Valentyne's pieces, and now i'm tryna make a deck around her, Can u help what is better card For this deck......
Charcters (3)
Queen Avolonia
CAN U HELP ME PLzzz??????thxx
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actually i dont think that she is an 'awesome' character but i can imagine that her ability to draw one quarter of ure deck automatically may come in handy for all decks relying on keycards like Crystal Storm even though on the other hand they are fast enough allready with illumation...
as for answering ure question i think she is a poor match for either saphyra or aelide since they all dont share any key cards.
either make a tank deck around her (give her two craftsmen to help her out) or stay a neutral warrior deck containing lots of items until you obtained enough crystals to get some real lineup
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!
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thx...n whit beter zill must i have...???
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erm... i hope i got that straight...
for a zil deck containing saphyra you should think about [card]abomination[/card] and [card]shadow[/card], both are rather expensive as would be their decktools
Dernière modification par Calandra (17-02-2012 21:40:57)
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!
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She is a very poor character, far too easily OHK'd. Loosing cards from your deck softens you up for discard for starters...better if she could use Jewels wothout restriction (Firon). It's Artaban all over again...maybe in 6 months she'll be buffed.
Don't get me wrong, her gear is nice and the ability to add them whilst out of combat is cool. But considering you could get a card like Scragh from an event...seems pretty lame imo.
The whole drive behind this event is to get one of the evo'd cards with the hearts...saving on average 25k in crystals. Oh, and Feerik getting more people in the ELO rooms...been a long time since I've fought so many different people, really nice change.
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ye and i bet the winner of this week will be some happy lucky ass... besides... not every event can have a card like scargh... valentyne isnt too bad for a starting player since she has better chances to survive then for example hares or aez or whatever early game character
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs high.
Wash the spears... while the sun climbs low.
Wash the spears... who fears to die?
Wash the spears... no one I know!
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so who is nice to be with Valery or sphyra??
and what card is good for this deck?? thanks for the advice dude ....
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Valervy herself is damn weak in the first turns... so she needs Chars that backup her.
In that case Craftmen like Jorus, Ramen, Galene, ... seem close.
another idea could be King Aez with his Sword, for more def n atk.
Valervy has its advantages, you do not have to worry about her equipment.
And you can care more about the other 2.
Juwels n Shield are part of her equipment, so you can think about [card]those we love[/card], maybe with Aez, 5elder sword n avalonien shield.
maybe [card]penance[/card] if there's a good male char too
[card]exordium[/card], [card]fame of the winners[/card] ( if full merc team )
n if there are different def boni on valervy you can use [card]the best defense...[/card] to push her atk, cause her own atk is damn low, even if fully equiped.
n so duels like this r possible screenshot
Dernière modification par Aigle1705 (18-02-2012 09:45:57)
silent leges inter arma
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Valervy herself is damn weak in the first turns... so she needs Chars that backup her.
In that case Craftmen like Jorus, Ramen, Galene, ... seem close.
another idea could be King Aez with his Sword, for more def n atk.Valervy has its advantages, you do not have to worry about her equipment.
And you can care more about the other 2.Juwels n Shield are part of her equipment, so you can think about [card]those we love[/card], maybe with Aez, 5elder sword n avalonien shield.
maybe [card]penance[/card] if there's a good male char too
[card]exordium[/card], [card]fame of the winners[/card] ( if full merc team )
n if there are different def boni on valervy you can use [card]the best defense...[/card] to push her atk, cause her own atk is damn low, even if fully equiped.
n so duels like this r possible screenshot
wow ***bip*** val is good....n ***bip*** other is damd good atck>>>WOW...
if i use Zil who is the best beside Val??????thx..pren..
Hors ligne
Aigle1705 a écrit :Valervy herself is damn weak in the first turns... so she needs Chars that backup her.
In that case Craftmen like Jorus, Ramen, Galene, ... seem close.
another idea could be King Aez with his Sword, for more def n atk.Valervy has its advantages, you do not have to worry about her equipment.
And you can care more about the other 2.Juwels n Shield are part of her equipment, so you can think about [card]those we love[/card], maybe with Aez, 5elder sword n avalonien shield.
maybe [card]penance[/card] if there's a good male char too
[card]exordium[/card], [card]fame of the winners[/card] ( if full merc team )
n if there are different def boni on valervy you can use [card]the best defense...[/card] to push her atk, cause her own atk is damn low, even if fully equiped.
n so duels like this r possible screenshot
wow ***bip*** val is good....n ***bip*** other is damd good atck>>>WOW...
if i use Zil who is the best beside Val??????thx..pren..
and .........why do I always run out of cards with val????OMG
Hors ligne
cause with her, you only have 9 deck cards?
means 20 cards -5 handcards n -6 of her items that are taken out.
>> easy victory for all discard decks
thats why you need permanent cards or some that are shuffled in deck again.
silent leges inter arma
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cause with her, you only have 9 deck cards?
means 20 cards -5 handcards n -6 of her items that are taken out.>> easy victory for all discard decks
thats why you need permanent cards or some that are shuffled in deck again.
hmmm....sir Aigle..
can u advice me what should i do, for best Zil?????thx sir aigle
Hors ligne
Aigle1705 a écrit :cause with her, you only have 9 deck cards?
means 20 cards -5 handcards n -6 of her items that are taken out.>> easy victory for all discard decks
thats why you need permanent cards or some that are shuffled in deck again.
hmmm....sir Aigle..
can u advice me what should i do, for best Zil?????thx sir aigle
Dear me, your sentence structure is nonexistent. There is no best Zil. And if there is, you can bet the others will get better in later weeks. The main decks are:
1. Discard
2. The Pack
3. Daggers
4. Priests
5. Turned to Shadow
Pick one and have some fun! You will learn some things as you go. So study the decks you play against and change cards accordingly.
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Snowball fight! Throw words in the room!
Seriously, your post is mischief. He asks after a very direct benefit to Saphyra.
There remain only 3 decks, two if we remember that his already is lvl3.
Dagger Maros, some daggers n dagger mastery
the other is a hybrid version using stirring up hatred and rain of arrows.
both use saphyra, abonomium and shadowwomen/telendar
for a full deck u should search the forums there sure are different decks
silent leges inter arma
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Snowball fight! Throw words in the room!
Seriously, your post is mischief. He asks after a very direct benefit to Saphyra.
There remain only 3 decks, two if we remember that his already is lvl3.Dagger Maros, some daggers n dagger mastery
the other is a hybrid version using stirring up hatred and rain of arrows.
both use saphyra, abonomium and shadowwomen/telendar
for a full deck u should search the forums there sure are different decks
Rereading it now. I see. I was going off the final post I had seen. Sorry Ni! Good luck and see you in the rooms!
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Thx all is very helpfulll.....But abonomium is very expen...WOW
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I'm use Alyce, Psycuirgist, Abysien the devourer (MAX LVL)
DIscard deck and dagger master deck cant beat this.... aso u can look that saphyra die slowly...
IGN : Phoenix_Blue
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erm...you lost that fight, so.....
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erm...you lost that fight, so.....
Lol, Exactly!
Yesterday Was History,
Tomorrow Is A Mystery,
Today Is A Gift,
That's Why It's Called The Present!
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im not lose LOL
IGN : Phoenix_Blue
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Wow Phoenix hai nice u r deck... can u share whit me about Zil.....i want to be the best Zil....hehehehe...thx a lot....
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Wow Phoenix hai nice u r deck... can u share whit me about Zil.....i want to be the best Zil....hehehehe...thx a lot....
not sure about best zil
but i think... for cheapest is discard
but u need some strategic for not build crap discard
u need some tanker
mostly problem for discard:
1. A new start = use Anathemize ( need 2 )
2. Pirate Narwhal = Dont use action card care with stink bomb ^^v
3. Tracker = Defend focus @ 1 character Like abysien
4. Quick Draw Sap Heart = if 1 kill death no hope
5. Another Discard = Depends on Luck
IGN : Phoenix_Blue
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Niioo a écrit :Wow Phoenix hai nice u r deck... can u share whit me about Zil.....i want to be the best Zil....hehehehe...thx a lot....
not sure about best zil
but i think... for cheapest is discard
but u need some strategic for not build crap discardu need some tanker
mostly problem for discard:
1. A new start = use Anathemize ( need 2 )
2. Pirate Narwhal = Dont use action cardcare with stink bomb ^^v
3. Tracker = Defend focus @ 1 character Like abysien
4. Quick Draw Sap Heart = if 1 kill death no hope
5. Another Discard = Depends on Luck
thx Phoenix btw u from Indo....Like me to bro...hehehe..give some advice plzz..
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PhoenixBlue a écrit :Niioo a écrit :Wow Phoenix hai nice u r deck... can u share whit me about Zil.....i want to be the best Zil....hehehehe...thx a lot....
not sure about best zil
but i think... for cheapest is discard
but u need some strategic for not build crap discardu need some tanker
mostly problem for discard:
1. A new start = use Anathemize ( need 2 )
2. Pirate Narwhal = Dont use action cardcare with stink bomb ^^v
3. Tracker = Defend focus @ 1 character Like abysien
4. Quick Draw Sap Heart = if 1 kill death no hope
5. Another Discard = Depends on Luckthx Phoenix btw u from Indo....Like me to bro...hehehe..give some advice plzz..
add my facebook lets chat
IGN : Phoenix_Blue
Hors ligne
Niioo a écrit :PhoenixBlue a écrit :not sure about best zil
but i think... for cheapest is discard
but u need some strategic for not build crap discardu need some tanker
mostly problem for discard:
1. A new start = use Anathemize ( need 2 )
2. Pirate Narwhal = Dont use action cardcare with stink bomb ^^v
3. Tracker = Defend focus @ 1 character Like abysien
4. Quick Draw Sap Heart = if 1 kill death no hope
5. Another Discard = Depends on Luckthx Phoenix btw u from Indo....Like me to bro...hehehe..give some advice plzz..
add my facebook lets chat
What is ***bip*** Facebook??
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