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#1 14-02-2012 19:16:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

[EDIT] Thank you all for helping me and each other out during this Event, i had a blast and hope you did as well. also i got like 20+ guys in my friendlist now xD

#1 i'll start with the 5 Throphies <Don't Give up> mission first since it'll take some time and daily quests count in as well

#2 <Jelous?> lvlin' up 3 female chars from 1 to 3, the reason is the same as above, takes time, but is easily manageable

#3 <Travel over this Land> defeating 6 Bosses in different campaigns. again will take some time, but is quickly done thx to my universal Zil Discard xD

#4 <Request of the Guilds> playing a game with a deck composed of all the 7 different guilds (3 characters of the same guild must be present, no courts). a little breather, since you don't have to win those games you can basicly play whatever you want and it's quickly done^^

#5 <Next to the Arena> this will take some time, but should be done in a couple of hours (even thou i'm doing fairly good in the leveling rooms, i got bad experiances in ELO rooms... OP decks and low level quitter are my main concern).

#6 outside of the selectable missions there is <Hearts!> running as a general one, so #5 should also aid in this

#7 <ask the passers- by> for this i'll need the help of whoever reads this^^ right now my friendslist consists only of one FB buddy, who doesnt even play this game on a constant base. so i'll need 6 of YOU to do this with me when the time arrives.

i realy like the concept of this event, but it sucks that only one of those missions can be active at a time, making timeing very important if i want to do it within 5 days and without spending feez (except if i should run out of time).

so yeah, how are you gonna take this on? and who is willing to help me out with the last mission on my checklist?

Dernière modification par L4r90 (21-02-2012 19:59:21)

I'm back to Pack

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#2 14-02-2012 19:20:12

Atomic Sharks
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-02-2011
Messages : 127

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

well for the friend battle i'll help, just gotta finish lvling my 3 female characters to lv 3

Here is how Christianity is summed up, Love God do what you want, for when you truly love God what you want is in line with what he wants

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#3 14-02-2012 20:47:39

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 40

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

I'll help as well with the friend, same nick ingame.

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#4 14-02-2012 22:43:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-12-2011
Messages : 341

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

ditto same ingame name. everyone else may add me too.

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#5 15-02-2012 01:37:15

Inscription : 27-10-2011
Messages : 66

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

I'm looking for help with passers by too. In-game name Draze_A

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#6 15-02-2012 01:38:18

Inscription : 05-02-2011
Messages : 45

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

I will help out any1 that needs it as well - in game name Grimangel.

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#7 15-02-2012 03:48:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

friend me on facebook larry wilson in game mrmutantlarry

Dernière modification par mrmutantlarry (15-02-2012 03:48:55)

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#8 15-02-2012 04:22:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 10-12-2011
Messages : 233

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

Add me on Facebook. Brandon Yarnevic (have face as pic) just send an email with the comment of eredan with the add so i am not confused

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#9 15-02-2012 04:36:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

thx for the replies^^

update #1 is done

i'll get some sleep and add ya'll tomorrow

I'm back to Pack

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#10 15-02-2012 05:08:38

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

Add me for the passerby quest as well. Same in game name.

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#11 15-02-2012 05:51:46

Inscription : 13-10-2010
Messages : 43

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

Add me for the quest in game name is CLIKKY

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#12 15-02-2012 05:56:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

How can you add friends in game

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#13 15-02-2012 07:10:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-12-2011
Messages : 213

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

go ahead and everyone friend me too
same as forum name


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#14 15-02-2012 09:32:37

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

friend me too my ingame name is in my sig

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#15 15-02-2012 10:08:59

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-01-2011
Messages : 195

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

add me too the name's Genesyxx

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#16 15-02-2012 10:54:09

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : New York City
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 304
Site Web

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

2 Missions Down (ELO 1550 & Defeat 6 Bosses), Willing 2 Help Anyone With The Challenge 6 Friends Challenge Add Me In-Game: CAPT-USA

Yesterday Was History,
Tomorrow Is A Mystery,
Today Is A Gift,
That's Why It's Called The Present!

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#17 15-02-2012 11:19:39

Inscription : 14-02-2012
Messages : 40

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

The mission has to be active for both players when we play eachother, I played someone while not having the mission and the second match didn't count for the 'Passer by'. Maybe it is a bug?

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#18 15-02-2012 16:15:57

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 15-02-2012
Messages : 6

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

I play everydey and help with friends quest smile everyone can add me..
my ingame nickname : deemonCZ

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#19 15-02-2012 20:04:36

Inscription : 18-10-2011
Messages : 41

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

My ingame nick: Arbalest

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#20 15-02-2012 21:44:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-12-2011
Messages : 341

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

how the heck do i add friends?

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#21 15-02-2012 23:27:41

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

ok, just added a bunch of you right now. thou i'll not add anymore players through FB since i've got a bad taste in my mouth, the last time i did that (in RL ppl can be real ****).
still at #2 right now. so it'll take some time till i start the <ask passers- by> quest since someone mentioned that both players got to have it atctive. but tnx again... i guess... for all the replies^^

hotfoot a écrit :

how the heck do i add friends?

go to your inbox (the small envelope right next to your avatar/ exp bar.
go to adress book-> add contacts

Dernière modification par L4r90 (15-02-2012 23:33:55)

I'm back to Pack

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#22 15-02-2012 23:51:43

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

does somebody know how the requests to the guilds quest works?

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#23 16-02-2012 01:14:06

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

free_seller a écrit :

does somebody know how the requests to the guilds quest works?

still on my to do list, but acording to the description just play 1 game with a deck based on each guild. the only restriction is that you must have 3 characters of the same guild in it without using courts in those decks

I'm back to Pack

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#24 16-02-2012 03:58:19

Inscription : 26-10-2010
Messages : 21

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

Why is everyone bailing on Elo battles.  It is so frustrating!!!!!!!

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#25 16-02-2012 04:11:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : My Strat for the Valentines Day Events I NEED YOU ~to help me do this

Renderak a écrit :

Why is everyone bailing on Elo battles.  It is so frustrating!!!!!!!

told ya in the OP xD

also a quick update: right now i'm at <Travel all over this land> 5/6 got stuck right now at the damn noz boss -.- gotta wait for my energy to recharge thou...

still to do: <Next to the Arena> and <Ask passers- by>
hope i can count on ya for the last one aka i hope you'll all have it active when i start this

I'm back to Pack

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