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So I'm curious why I am only allowed one Danger in Delay in my deck?
I just spent money to get the trophy, spent the time to finish it and got the card. My second. But no where does it say 'ONLY ONE ALLOWED IN YOUR DECK'
I also have a questions on why (and this was not always the case) am I allowed one Living Nature (Sap Heart Deck) yet people are allowed three Crystal Storms (Noz decks)? I understand they want to limit the damage of the card but with living nature that can be done with higher spirit. But with Crystal Storm your spirit doesn't matter...two damage to all opponents every turn. Nothing stops it. And there are not many cards that remove cards such as this from characters not in battle.
So if you are going to fix one Living Nature fix Crystal Storm, otherwise go back to the way it was.
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The card says "Unique" which means you can only have one copy in your deck.
Living nature was modified some months ago to become unique.
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But I do not understand why it needs to be unique...is it just because it is a trophy card?
Based on Living Nature being unique than why is Crystal Storm not unique it would be considered worse than Living Nature. By far a broken card that does more damage than a card like Living Nature and has more of a chance with Noz decks of being returned
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Almost all trophy cards are unique.
Living nature has been nerfed due to his power through all the game. With this card you can kill from beginning to end of the game.
Crystal Storm is a AoE spell, you can not chain on this card.
So when you play it, your caster is defenceless and you can not kill your opponent directly.
You can kill your opponent faster than he can put crystal storm in action.
No need to nerf crystal storm.
if you play Furagu level 3, crystal storm make you gain life, not sure the card need a nerf.
Just adjust your deck and play to counter this card.
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You said ALMOST all are unique cards so what is special enough about this one to make it unique?
Crystal Storm needs to be nerfed for the fact that it can kill most decks. You do a for sure 12 damage with one card over two turns. So throw a second in you are doing 6 in the first, 12 in the second and then 12 in the third for a total of 30 by the end of the third. That is just pulling two of the cards and that kills most decks no matter how you prepare for it. So your players are dead by 4th round. Even a Sap Heart deck heavy on HP does not last. And what happens when you prepare for this deck then you are open to most other types of decks.
If you are going to make Living Nature unique then Crystal Storm needs it as well. Three cards can do 36 AOE damage by the end of the third round. That kills in three rounds.
As a side, I have seen plenty of cards and decks that kill with non-unique cards in the first round.
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I have verified, all trophy cards are unique.
They are special : they are trophy cards
sorry for you if you can't beat Compendium deck with Sap Heart deck, it's mean you kill too slow.
Last time I have used Elfins deck against compendium with 3 Crystal Storm and Illumination and Conversion, guess what :
Turn 1 OS, no crystal storm in action
Turn 2 2HP to the opponent, one crystal storm
Turn 3, Elfin bow, one dead, another with 5 HP, only one crystal storm in play.
Turn 4, I won by perfect.
No big deal with this type of deck.
[card]Clumsiness[/card], damages to character not in combat, [card]Good Jorusien[/card].
Look at all the cards to make the best deck possible.
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Question Zurga
Do you or the other Mods have any influence in balancing the game?
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You said ALMOST all are unique cards so what is special enough about this one to make it unique?
Crystal Storm needs to be nerfed for the fact that it can kill most decks. You do a for sure 12 damage with one card over two turns. So throw a second in you are doing 6 in the first, 12 in the second and then 12 in the third for a total of 30 by the end of the third. That is just pulling two of the cards and that kills most decks no matter how you prepare for it. So your players are dead by 4th round. Even a Sap Heart deck heavy on HP does not last. And what happens when you prepare for this deck then you are open to most other types of decks.
If you are going to make Living Nature unique then Crystal Storm needs it as well. Three cards can do 36 AOE damage by the end of the third round. That kills in three rounds.
As a side, I have seen plenty of cards and decks that kill with non-unique cards in the first round.
Look not every deck in this game is going to beat every other deck. That's just how this game works. Depending on the type of Sap Heart deck you are playing you might not beat a CS compendium deck, but there are lots of decks out there that smash it in the face with out even trying! Any type of marauder deck for instance... However if you want a solid card that can help you out against CS or any other pesky, Non-weapon, permanent card use [card]Clumsiness[/card]
The worst is yet to come and all I have to trade is only everything.
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Question Zurga
Do you or the other Mods have any influence in balancing the game?
No, we give our opinion on some subjects but the staff decides at the end.
Dernière modification par Zurga (11-02-2012 19:03:50)
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This is is the dark side of card gaming. People answer questions by telling you that you just are not doing it right or good enough.
1) If I build a deck to counter it I then end up getting beat by other decks.
2) I understand that you can not build a deck to beat all decks.
3) I have been playing CCGs for going on 17 years now. Helping someone by telling them they are doing it wrong and they need to do it your way is not the way to go about it.
I have played against a comp deck with more than just Sap Hearts. My comment was not that I could not beat it. Was never really the point. The idea was that if you are going to so call 'correct' some cards to make it fair then explain to me why not take care of other cards.
Crystal Storm does more damage to ALL opposing players than Living Nature or some other cards do to ONE player. Living Nature or some tracker decks, ice elf decks, some pirate decks can kill within one round but they kill one person not the whole group. That is the difference.
One crystal storm is fair enough that can be dealt with, but having two or three on the field should not be allowed if you are going to take that away from other decks. Clumsiness only works on the players in battle not those out of battle. Very few cards work on cards outside of battle. As for the perfect win against it...seriously. You are going o quote ONE game. I suppose I could quote quite a few, even some where i have beat a Comp deck.
Thanks bout the Furagu idea could lessen the effect of the card as he heals 1 from everyone, yet three still seriously cripples any deck as Nothing (Spirit or Defense) does nothing to block the card. So instead of maybe 30 AOE damage it spreads 15 AOE damage in three rounds with just two cards.
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Posted by Aigle1705 :
And you come with Crystal Storm ?
Did you see a Compendium winning the ELO tournament ? No.
If the card is so powerful why the card is not widely used ?
Did you try [card]the last word[/card] + [card]The Council's Banner[/card] + [card]Lightning bolt[/card] level 3 on Pilkim turn 1 with The prophet in the line-up ?
There is a lot of dreadful combination.
Crystal storm is very weak, very long to put in action.
There is other cards that need nerf far before crystal storm. (Anyone speak about [card]Mercy[/card] ? )
Now, there is also the reality of this game.
In almost 2 years of existence, there was nerf of cards only 2 times.
I doubt a lot of a nerf of this card.
Dernière modification par Zurga (13-02-2012 11:36:44)
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Thanks bout the Furagu idea could lessen the effect of the card as he heals 1 from everyone, yet three still seriously cripples any deck as Nothing (Spirit or Defense) does nothing to block the card. So instead of maybe 30 AOE damage it spreads 15 AOE damage in three rounds with just two cards.
Furagu actually heals for 1, 3x
Meaning the end effect of a Crystal storm is healed 1 hp, meaning that if there are 3 CS in play, they all heal for 3 hp
Straight damage reduction also destroys this combo, so certain Nomads also fully negate it
Dont get me wrong, Im on yourside and absolutely hate fightning CS decks
but Living Nature is completely broken, it does Spirit + 10 damage if I remember correctly
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but Living Nature is completely broken, it does Spirit + 10 damage if I remember correctly
Spirit +8 only, there was no way to create a Sap Heart deck with 5 races.
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Talamare a écrit :but Living Nature is completely broken, it does Spirit + 10 damage if I remember correctly
Spirit +8 only, there was no way to create a Sap Heart deck with 5 races.
no way... "yet", but still the nerf was needed, as was sol'ra avatar (who is still op as hell in the right setup). i didnt got the nerf on sol'ra eclipse since the removal of the chain rendered it pretty much useless outside of eclipse decks thou.
when it comes to nfuture nerfs i agree on [card]Mercy[/card]... i also think that [card]Stink Bomb[/card] is way too overpowered for what it does. cards like that would be ok if there wherent characters in that clan that have a max atk of 10+ by default. and since they are marauders +1 against certain classes (and now genders). since it chains into anything. i cant count the amount of times where a 1st turn souchi got me with [card]stink bomb[/card]->[card]assassination[/card] nor do i like it for the fact that THIS is still possible. i dont know how good the rate of pirates is in ELO but i think that this should be looked at.
not the fact that trophy cards are unique duh
and yes CS decks are a pain to handle IF you dont got cards against it but as stated, it is manageable to win against those decks, given the luck of draw and the composition of your deck. right now i'm still working my way through to get [card]The Door to Infinity[/card]... but am only halfway through. and correct me if i'm wrong but the wording on the prewviewd card is false right? i've the card beeing used once and it also let the character suffer 1 damage for each card removed o.O
I'm back to Pack
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[card]The Door to Infinity[/card]... but am only halfway through. and correct me if i'm wrong but the wording on the previewed card is false right? i've the card being used once and it also let the character suffer 1 damage for each card removed o.O
The card has been rewritten (It has never been really released before the introduction of [card]Let the master handle it[/card], best farmer players are still level 22 ....).
The new text says that for each card removed by door to infinity, 1 direct damage point is done to one of your character chosen randomly.
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The card has been rewritten (It has never been really released before the introduction of [card]Let the master handle it[/card], best farmer players are still level 22 ....).
The new text says that for each card removed by door to infinity, 1 direct damage point is done to one of your character chosen randomly.
maybe i'll top that^^ i'm lvl 17 right now and am close to 500wins with Zil. the trophy cards shoulnd be a problem since only the Desert Wooden Bow requires lvl 20. and since it takes more and more exp to lvl up i should be done by 20
I'm back to Pack
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Yes, it could be done at level 20.
I did (I'm currently level 21).
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Pirate Marauders can reach 18** ELO Score.. I have seen one last week.
[card]Stink bomb[/card] is a good card against those high DEF.. but useless on stinky ones.. hahah..
Aho'y matey..
Cap't Persot - "Avast, m'harty"
Me hab' 4 P'irate fle'ts... Ahoy, Matey
Plund'r dem!!
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