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#26 26-01-2012 16:24:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : Xzia New Year!

LOL I always forget the lazy part.

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#27 26-01-2012 16:26:38

Inscription : 07-09-2010
Messages : 434

Re : Xzia New Year!

Quite honestly it's not worth it for F2P ... not worth it for P2P even.

If you want to get it as F2P - you have to play constantly and chaces are - you're going to start an hour or two too late and wont be able to get all the eggs you need.

As for P2P - you need to buy 7 packs to get it ? Really ?

This doesnt change the fact I am going to farm a little just to get 1-2 cards from the auction.

"Of course they don't want that (adding more crystals to the game) to happen, because then the outrageous card prices would drop"

So MUCH stupidity in one sentence xD

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#28 26-01-2012 16:27:56

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colorado, USA
Inscription : 29-07-2011
Messages : 306

Re : Xzia New Year!

blackwaltz a écrit :
jackal19 a écrit :

strong too if you get the benevolent one haha let the whining begin

You mean the " I iz Free playah why u not fair feeriik" whining?

Hahaha, I love you SO much right now.

Speaking of Col. Beowulf, I'm surprised he hasn't chimed in yet...

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#29 26-01-2012 16:33:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Xzia New Year!

Sapphon a écrit :

Do you get the same amount of eggs from each mission? => Yep

Can you do each mission more than once to get eggs? => Yep

If the answer to both is yes than why wouldnt you just keep farming the 5 point missions? => Because it may be boring ;p

Also why would you spend the extra eggs on a levels up Dragon and not just buy the baby dragon and level the thing up? => Because some people are just lazy ;p

ok,,,how about if we lose??do we get less luans?i just got beat by shadow(damn,,too much discarded card),,,and got 15 luans

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#30 26-01-2012 16:34:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Xzia New Year!

oh i forgot this,,,,is it one kind of dragon,,,you can evolve it,,,,or they are 3 differents dragons?thanks

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#31 26-01-2012 16:39:15

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

free_seller a écrit :

oh i forgot this,,,,is it one kind of dragon,,,you can evolve it,,,,or they are 3 differents dragons?thanks

one kind of Dragon
two evolution level 2

Collectionneur de cartes

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#32 26-01-2012 16:48:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Xzia New Year!

Zurga a écrit :
free_seller a écrit :

oh i forgot this,,,,is it one kind of dragon,,,you can evolve it,,,,or they are 3 differents dragons?thanks

one kind of Dragon
two evolution level 2

so if we want the 2 of them(if we decide to evolve one,we can't change it right?)
we have to get somehow 8400 luans??can we get actually two of them,,,i kinda like them all,,,i'll buy 8 bosters for them,,,,,damn!!i have exams,can't play a alot this week

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#33 26-01-2012 16:50:37

Lieu : Minsk
Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 44
Site Web

Re : Xzia New Year!

Sapphon a écrit :

Do you get the same amount of eggs from each mission? => Yep

Can you do each mission more than once to get eggs? => Yep

If the answer to both is yes than why wouldnt you just keep farming the 5 point missions? => Because it may be boring ;p

Also why would you spend the extra eggs on a levels up Dragon and not just buy the baby dragon and level the thing up? => Because some people are just lazy ;p

15 luas for 5 energy mission/eazy zahal's fight
45 luas for 23 energy mission/fallen boss

every time 8 energy just disapired?

''Take these broken wings
and learn to fly again
and learn to live so free''
- Mr. Mister

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#34 26-01-2012 16:52:51

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

Snow_nimf a écrit :

15 luas for 5 energy mission/eazy zahal's fight
45 luas for 23 energy mission/fallen boss

every time 8 energy just disapired?

No, based value for bosses are 15EP (10 for Zahal boss).
23EP is when you have already won this boss. This extra value is not taken in account for the Luan reward.
You have to choose between luan and cards.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#35 26-01-2012 16:53:52

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

free_seller a écrit :

so if we want the 2 of them(if we decide to evolve one,we can't change it right?)
we have to get somehow 8400 luans??can we get actually two of them

You can buy how many dragon you want.
You must buy two of them to have the two evolution.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#36 26-01-2012 17:13:13

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : Xzia New Year!

so we're practically screwed as free players. Awesome event Feerik least we got erein and nalen on the last one

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#37 26-01-2012 17:20:15

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

Like for the last events, you can balance between time and money.

It is almost possible to have 1 dragon for free.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#38 26-01-2012 17:28:41

Lieu : Minsk
Inscription : 01-09-2011
Messages : 44
Site Web

Re : Xzia New Year!

Zurga a écrit :
Snow_nimf a écrit :

15 luas for 5 energy mission/eazy zahal's fight
45 luas for 23 energy mission/fallen boss

every time 8 energy just disapired?

No, based value for bosses are 15EP (10 for Zahal boss).
23EP is when you have already won this boss. This extra value is not taken in account for the Luan reward.
You have to choose between luan and cards.

ah i see, tnx Zurga.
anyway it sadly, when free-players's still outboard:
cuz get 286 wins of 5 energy missions, just for six days...
mission impossible.
epic drake locked for free players.
only auction remains.

''Take these broken wings
and learn to fly again
and learn to live so free''
- Mr. Mister

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#39 26-01-2012 17:30:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 238

Re : Xzia New Year!

Zurga a écrit :

Like for the last events, you can balance between time and money.

It is almost possible to have 1 dragon for free.

I quote one from the french forum who mad the calculation.
It is google translator but hey i can t speak french so better then nothing.

Zayox3 a écrit :

It's time that you expect ALL!
In this sunny Thursday, we are faced with new Made In China Feerik where you're going to farmer as ... a CHINESE
So I summarizes the data:
- Mission 5 PE = 15 Luana (ratio = 3)
- Missions to 8 PE = 24 Luana (ratio = 3)
- 23 Missions PE = 45 Luana (ratio = 1.95)> >> We forget because not profitable (except for any cards)!
- Basic Booster = 200 to 120 Fee'z Luana
- Booster 12 cards = 700 400 Fee'z Luana
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Let's start with the impatient who want everything immediately. You will need to have the 8600 Luana level 2 Dragons 1 (History to save in times of crisis, you will make the evo yourself!)
8600/200 = 43 boosters Fee'z 120
43 * 120 = 5160 Fee'z (5000 Fee'z = € 50)
8600/700 = 12 400 Fee'z Booster Booster + 1 120 Fee'z
(12 * 400) + (1 * 120) = 4920 Fee'z (5000 Fee'z is always equal to € 50)
You will have to pay € 50 to get your two dragons presto! And since we are in times of balance, I offer you a bonus calculation: Each dragon is € 25!

Now for the bitter Farm we will call the "budget" (This is the criiiiiiiiiiiiise).
So that's your play time to get the two dragons:
8600/15 = 573.333 games
573.333 * 5 PE PE = 2866.66
2866.66 333.33 * 5 min = 14 min = 238h and 52min and 50 sec
You will need to play 238h 52min and 50 sec of 6 days (6 days = 144h) for 2 dragons!
What? I was crying in the headset that's impossible!
Bah, you have the solution to farmer (in less than 5 hours sleep per night to empty your supply of PE every 5 hours) during 119h for a single dragon.

There is one final solution: Make half the farm and half of Fee'z.
What you eat 119h and 25 €
Have Fun!

I think this one of the worst event ever ...
Why Boss mission only give 45 Luana ... this is totally stupid.

Dernière modification par Sereaphim (26-01-2012 17:31:33)

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#40 26-01-2012 17:34:46

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

Because the base cost of these mission is 15EP, not 23EP

Collectionneur de cartes

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#41 26-01-2012 17:40:47

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 238

Re : Xzia New Year!

Zurga a écrit :

Because the base cost of these mission is 15EP, not 23EP

This is not a excuse !!!
Is it so hard to calculate with the real EP cost and not with the first one ??
So I farm a mission that give me more eggs/EP then a Boss that is much harder.
Sorry but this is baby bullshit.

Dernière modification par Sereaphim (26-01-2012 17:43:50)

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#42 26-01-2012 17:41:11

Inscription : 19-09-2011
Messages : 443

Re : Xzia New Year!

Bahhhh i dont care if i cannot get this fog dragon, i cannot use with my nehants anyway tongue. And i oponened my 7 boosters i bought on tuesday and i wont get more til next month xD

Evil is just a point of view >)

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#43 26-01-2012 17:44:37

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Xzia New Year!

Sereaphim a écrit :

This is not a excuse !!!
Is it so hard to calculate with the real EP cost and not with the first one ??
And not change of boss cost to 20 after a very long time ...
Sorry but this is baby bullshit.

So I farm a mission that give me more eggs/EP then a Boss that is much harder.

I give you the reason, I take no decision in this. (Do not forget that Last Mission of Zahal Tresor quest is 10EP and Last mission for Ritual quest is 20EP, i.e 30 luan and 60 luan respectively)

You have all the information needed to take your decisions about this event.

Dernière modification par Zurga (26-01-2012 17:46:15)

Collectionneur de cartes

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#44 26-01-2012 17:57:10

Atomic Sharks
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 07-02-2011
Messages : 127

Re : Xzia New Year!

Not impossible, extremely improbable yes

Here is how Christianity is summed up, Love God do what you want, for when you truly love God what you want is in line with what he wants

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#45 26-01-2012 17:59:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Xzia New Year!

wow guys,,,somebody bid the fame of the winner with 10000 luans,,,,he definitly already gots the dragon,,,and for the foil card 17100??what is wrong with you guys???the actions will be hard too,,for all the rich player out here,,,,take it easy dude!!

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#46 26-01-2012 18:00:51

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 28-12-2010
Messages : 360

Re : Xzia New Year!

Sereaphim a écrit :
Zurga a écrit :

Because the base cost of these mission is 15EP, not 23EP

This is not a excuse !!!
Is it so hard to calculate with the real EP cost and not with the first one ??
So I farm a mission that give me more eggs/EP then a Boss that is much harder.
Sorry but this is baby bullshit.

to make it even worse,,,if you lose,,,you only got 15

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#47 26-01-2012 18:12:35

Gent M
Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 08-07-2011
Messages : 318

Re : Xzia New Year!

I was looking forward to the January event but I'm disappointed. Sure the rewards are cool but the fact that you can only earn Luans in Adventure mode is really boring, especially for someone who has already finished all the final missions a dozen of times.
Considering this the only reasonable option is to use feez, but this is the most expensive event.

To have a comparison - the Scragh event was much much better since you could earn favor in PvP (much much higher diversity then PvE).

Conclusion - I think feerik tries to make us spend money so we won't be bored to death instead of making us spend money so we take part in an interesting and exciting event. (Halloween, Scragh, Guild Banners etc etc etc - most of them were great)

PS Also notice that we do not have any kind of trophies for this event.

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#48 26-01-2012 18:33:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 17-10-2011
Messages : 237

Re : Xzia New Year!

I preferred the Halloween event since you could get candy during normal fights which were more fun than spamming fights against early Zahal missions.  If Luans were dropped during PvP like the candy was, this would be a lot more interesting.

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#49 26-01-2012 18:58:15

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Xzia New Year!

Talking about guild banners, I still have my tickets in the collection.. That loterry never happened..

As for the event itself... I mean, come on, this ia faield one.. Sometimes I get surprised with feerik, that can make some real cool events and some really trash ones..

Also, the timming wasn't really good, since most people alredy spent in the sotne king event, I think this will lead to only the richer or the hardcore playing spending in this..

Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (26-01-2012 18:58:26)

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#50 26-01-2012 20:11:01

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 14-10-2011
Messages : 208

Re : Xzia New Year!

Ok I am a bit confused.  In booster you get a card worth 700 egss right?  and then the  guild battle is over you get a free BURING card in each winning guilds booster right?  SO shouldnt we all wait till the gilid war is over to buy any boosters so we get both the egg carsd and the burning card?  Or am I mistaken about a burning card coming in each back.  Also wont the packs be on sale after the guild war?  Just wondering here.

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