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#1 20-01-2012 09:58:10

Inscription : 20-09-2011
Messages : 69


For the second time this day, when I played The Stone King quest using my corruption deck and finished it but I did not received any points in my Past Time quest! I really need that 6 points because I want to finish this quest.

It happened everytime I discard my [card]Vital Syphon[/card] and used [card]Break the Second Chain[/card], which caused massive damage to the [card]The Stone King[/card] but I don't know how he gets that kind of damage from [card]Vital Syphon[/card]. Please fix this and give me back my 6 points!

Dernière modification par ll_Kuala_ll (20-01-2012 10:03:41)


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#2 20-01-2012 11:48:20

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 10-09-2011
Messages : 2 557

Re : Bug!

We'll look into it.

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