
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 14-01-2012 19:34:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-11-2011
Messages : 216

Sap (insect ^^)

Need need... race insect... so much ><

this is an idea.

The Blackmoth
sp    3
at    4/6
df    1
hp   14
At start of the fight, at+x where x is equal to number of activating cards in this turn.
If there are more 5 cards activate, "Blackmoth" get at+1, df+1, sp+1, permanent.

The whitemoth
sp 2
at 5/9
df 2
hp 15
your other insect df+1.
odd turn; a costume is created.

The fenomoth
sp 0
at 3/7
df 1
hp 16
until the end game, your insects can play 3 cards in each turn. If you play 3 cards , the end of that turn, one of them is randomly returned to your deck.

Costume. (insect/ action)
At start of each turn, your insects gain at+1 until the end of the turn.

The mysterious box (insect/ action)
3/4; Activate triple times for each "costume"s in game.
1/4; Activate five times for each "costume"s in game then all "costume"s in game are return to your deck.

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