
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

Eredan GT forums stay here, the same for the old Eredan iTCG forums who pass in read only.

Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.

#1 22-12-2011 02:04:24

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

New trophy

So, it doesn't just remove permanents.
Any cards played before it, even non-permanents, that are the same as your character's guild, are also destroyed,and their effects are removed from the round....why?
Is this a mistake, or did you just make a trophy card that can shut down EVERY caste or guild strategy?

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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