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#1 22-11-2011 23:25:50

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-02-2011
Messages : 16

Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

Hello! Everyone. I am new here and I am having trouble to build my Dk Deck if you guys could help me build a good DK please give me some advice it will help a lot

Thank You!

[card]Kounok the prophet [/card] Lvl 3

[card]Arkalon[/card] Lvl2

[card]Zahal[/card] Lvl 4


[card]Crystal shelf[/card] X2

[card]Deirf Geiss's Double Blade[/card] X1

[card]Deirf Geiss's Shield[/card] X1

[card]Dragon Molt[/card] X1

[card]Draconian Sword [/card]X1

[card]Living Dagger[/card] X1

Action cards:

[card]Armed and Ready[/card] X2

[card]Dragon's Presence[/card] X3

[card]Magic Attack [/card]X2

[card]The Dragon's Champion[/card] X2

[card]I hate Mystics [/card]X1

[card]Wanted![/card] X1

[card]Win Using Force[/card] x1

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#2 23-11-2011 13:30:09

Inscription : 19-09-2011
Messages : 443

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

Try this, on the last page of the thread.

Sorry for the language, it's on Portuguese forums, but all cards are marked as [.card][./card] so you can see what it is. Just find a place for this: [card]The Last Action[/card]

Dernière modification par Nessaj (26-11-2011 04:15:49)

Evil is just a point of view >)

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#3 23-11-2011 13:45:07

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

By the build u did, I assume your new and can't spend too much cristals.

So the first step you should try is upgrading Arkalor to lvl 3 and the dragon molt to Draconic Armor.

If you can, get a Chimera, it's the best weapon for the DK.

If it's to expensive for you, try getting some In the Name of the Dragon. So you can get draconic spells back from you greaveyard.

Cheaper cards you could use are Power + Than the Sword.

Cards you can remove to add this one are Dragon's Presence and the Shield and Blade of Deirf Geis.

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#4 24-11-2011 01:54:55

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-02-2011
Messages : 16

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

Thank You Guys

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#5 24-11-2011 14:01:33

Inscription : 19-09-2011
Messages : 443

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

Try doing this week's trophy, it's awesome for the deck!!!

I remember back the days I started playing, this was my starter deck ^^

Yo ucan do a cheap deck before you get all the rare draconic spells like Paladino said above. You can use lots of [card]Power[/card] + [card]Than the Sword[/card]. So something like this.

[card]Kounok, the Prophet[/card]
[card]Zahal[/card] or [card]Valentin[/card]

3x [card]Power[/card]
3x [card]Than The Sword[/card]
2x [card]Draconic Sword[/card] >> Or you can remove one to put a [card]Crystal Shelf[/card] for now cause it's cheap and you got one already, but later on you will need the second Draconic Sword back
1x [card]Chimera[/card] >> You will spend a bit on this, but it's a lot OP for this deck
2x [card]The Dragon's Champion[/card]
3x [card]In the Name of the Dragon[/card]
2x [card]Magic Attack[/card]
2x [card]Dragon Armor[/card] << Upgrade your [card]Dragon Molts[/card]
1x [card]Living Dagger[/card] << Upgrade to [card]Life Devourer[/card]
1x [card]Clumsiness[/card] or [card]Dragon's Presence[/card] if you want

Then you stick to the more expensive cards:
[card]The Best Defense[/card]
[card]The Last Action[/card] << You can make it with 3x [card]The Last Word[/card] it will be cheaper.
[card]The Prestige[/card] and the other Legendaries

Later on you can play with this, you can [card]Dragon's Wit[/card] + [card]Chiaroescuro[/card] for example ^^

With [card]In the Name of the Dragon[/card], you can re-use some [card]Magic Attack[/card] or recover [card]Chimera[/card] or [card]The Dragon's Champion[/card] if they get discarded to equip your character's back.

You can choose between [card]Zahal[/card] and [card]Valentin[/card], the first has 1 more health and min atack, but the second has more spirit, this will help you to get more attack power from [card]Than the Sword[/card] and [card]The Last Action[/card], also you take less magic damage and heals more with [card]Chimera[/card], it's just a matter of choice and playstyle.

But be warned already that your cards will get constantly discarded from your characters due to the high number of cards that do it, such as [card]Freeze![/card], [card]Break That Iron[/card], [card]Clumsiness[/card], [card]Kunai[/card], and all the new cards from latest releases that everyone has on decks.

Dernière modification par Nessaj (24-11-2011 15:23:40)

Evil is just a point of view >)

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#6 07-12-2011 16:38:08

Lieu : denmark
Inscription : 02-12-2011
Messages : 48

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck #2

pbandres a écrit :

Thank You Guys

i got these unique : danger in delay , exordium and ,with ewil intention. they are nice for this deck if you play it as momentum, when strongest u wil need to hit me for 34 + points to kill me. ( with high spirit )
i really hate freeze, break that iron while playing with chimera  , they should make a card called immune , but thanz anyway for , in the name of the dragon.

I am the Reaper ( Undead DK ) lvl 19 , not even death wil kill me , u dont wanna wait for me to gain momentum , wins 8/10
pls make more undead cards :-) c you on the battlefield.

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