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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#2 22-11-2011 21:24:46

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 26-01-2011
Messages : 166

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck

You probably will not receive a lot of advice when you write your deck out with links like this.  Your best bet would be to just write the card names out, most players know what most cards do and are probably not as willing to click through each of these links  and remember every card they looked at.

Just a helpful suggestion smile

~Today is the tomorrow that you worried about yesterday~

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#3 22-11-2011 22:47:51

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-02-2011
Messages : 16

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck

Stallion1990 a écrit :

You probably will not receive a lot of advice when you write your deck out with links like this.  Your best bet would be to just write the card names out, most players know what most cards do and are probably not as willing to click through each of these links  and remember every card they looked at.

Just a helpful suggestion smile

Thanks! I am new here so thanks for the advice

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#4 22-11-2011 22:53:02

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck

It'd be easier if you just linked the cards like this:

[card]Draconian Sword[/card]

When you post something there's a few buttons at the top of the text box.  There's one that says 'Card.'  Simply highlight the name of a card you typed, then click it.  it'll link it so when you hover over it when the post is published you can see the card.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#5 22-11-2011 23:03:46

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-02-2011
Messages : 16

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck

I edit my post ,so here is My DK deck. Please help me build a good Dk deck some advice plz. I will tahnk you a lot

Kounok the prophet Lvl 3

Arkalon Lvl 2

Zahal Lvl 4


Crystal shelf X2

Derif Geiss's Double Blade X1

Derif Geiss's Shield X1

Dragon Molt X1

Draconian Sword X1

Living Dagger X1

Action cards:

Armed and Read X2

Dragon's Presence X3

Magic Attack X2

The Dragon's Champion X2

I hate Mystics X1

Wanted! X1

Win Using Force x1

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#6 22-11-2011 23:21:20

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 27-02-2011
Messages : 16

Re : Help with my Dragon Knight Deck

[card]Kounok the prophet [/card]


[card]Zahal[/card] Lvl 4


[card]Crystal shelf[/card] X2

[card]Deirf Geiss's Double Blade[/card] X1

[card]Deirf Geiss's Shield[/card] X1

[card]Dragon Molt[/card] X1

[card]Draconian Sword [/card]X1

[card]Living Dagger[/card] X1

Action cards:

[card]Armed and Ready[/card] X2

[card]Dragon's Presence[/card] X3

[card]Magic Attack [/card]X2

[card]The Dragon's Champion[/card] X2

[card]I hate Mystics [/card]X1

[card]Wanted![/card] X1

[card]Win Using Force[/card] x1

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