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#1 18-11-2011 02:48:39

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 26-10-2011
Messages : 5

Nehant Warrior

What does a Nehant Warrior deck look like?

For my characters I have:

????? (Fallen, Ardrakar, Soul Chewer,...)

Or does the Maurader build look better?

The Shadow, Nehant

What does everyone think?

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#2 18-11-2011 06:45:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 06-10-2010
Messages : 219

Re : Nehant Warrior

I've had a lot of success with

Soul Chewer

Using the new cards Demonic Explosion and Break the first chain...starting to get my "Price of flesh" cards...

Feel I need some Black Chimeras to really make it sing

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#3 18-11-2011 13:06:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 259

Re : Nehant Warrior

If you want a high defense lineup, use Azaram and Ripper with Ardrakar and put Underworld in your deck.

If you want a fast kill line-up, change Ardrakar for Chalice for using Dark Fury or Demonic Affliction to 1HKO lots of people, but die to any AOE.

Use Soul Chewer if you got the new cards from the last release, he is beast.

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#4 18-11-2011 13:34:30

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : Nehant Warrior

i was think9in of using him in a maruader deck with the shadow and daggers of surrerance...

whats the appeal of chalice?

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#5 18-11-2011 13:57:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 259

Re : Nehant Warrior

Chalice has 1 HP. If you get him at turn 1 for example, use 2 Dark Fury then you have a +10 ATK, if I'm not mistaken he has Atk something around 6/8 so he keeps 16/18 and makes your opponent to have Defense -1.

Then he dies because of 1 HP, but he reborns with 5 HP and attack 8/10, also reduces ALL your opponents atk and def by 1 while he is alive. With 5 HP he can Time to Die and Dark Fury again to get 18/20 atk or use demonic affliction to make the opponent to lose 3 HP instantly.

He is good because you can 1 shot the enemy killer, for example Keizan or Rargnor, and you will for sure survive your opponent beatdown, because he reborns when he dies, also weaken all enemies.

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#6 18-11-2011 14:01:33

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : Nehant Warrior

the dowbnsiide being that if you dong go first and play against anyone with an aoe.... then you have a character thats going to get 1 shot for sure..

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#7 18-11-2011 14:13:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 259

Re : Nehant Warrior

Yes, he is very weak against AOE, but the same way he reborns if he dies by AOE, but you lose the ability to kill and survive a beatdown =/

For this I don't trust him, I prefer Ardrakar or Soulchewer a lot more.

But to tell you the truth my love is for marauders xD
I have a configuration to play WoD with The Shadow, Hate and Ardrakar/Dimizar and maybe next month I'll build up a marauder beatdown with The Shadow, Azaram and Anagram (Demon version), when cards prices from new release will get lower.

Dernière modification par rutse (18-11-2011 14:15:49)

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#8 18-11-2011 15:34:06

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : Nehant Warrior

I thought id like the wod setup more than i do it seems kinda broke, hate not bein able to use spells, needin to get everythin perfect or bein totlally screwed... generally does ok vs mages me for and terribly vs beatdown decks that can 1 shot my guys...the wod theme just seems to be missing sumthin..... needs a 3rd character that works with the theme too...

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#9 18-11-2011 15:49:59

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Nehant Warrior

I had play Nehant demons for long time, with this new cards available I found that there are three different builds. Azaram is obviously a marauder, He's not demon warrior and He don't have any synergy with warrior builds.

For Nehant warriors were two builds:
Aggro decks (Chalice, Ardrakar, Soulchewer)   
Tank push decks (Ripper, Ardrakar, Soulchewer)

If you want to build a resilent demon warrior build check this videos

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#10 18-11-2011 16:30:50

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : Nehant Warrior

if only azaram were a nehant guem he'd make a sweet third for a wod deck, festivities played by hate would be sweet...

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