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#1 12-11-2011 05:24:50

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

[UPDATE] Thx to everyone who helped me out with ideas and my questions, for now i think i know how to build or at least what to build in my 1st deck for this game, so again thank you big_smile

[UPDATE 2] Need some advice for my next Deck this time. Scroll down to see what i'm looking for^^
basicly i cant decide between Trackers and Avalonian

first off i apologize for any grammar misstakes and foolish questions^^

so yeah i started 2 days ago and played around till level 8 and was amazed how quickly the rules explained themselfes, thou i still think that the randomazing on attack and certain cards make it unpredictable.
after browsing around through the galleries and looking through the forums i came to aim for a The Pack deck. this is my 1st try after i gave it some thought, thou i need to know some things later this post.

- INSERT FIRST TRY HERE - was a bit pathetic

I thought of it as my first Deck since the majority of it is contained in the starter i'm gonna buy, but here are my questions for some of the cards

- can't decide which spot to fill for the 3rd character... so i sticked to Dark since she seemed solid... then again i'm way to new and don't know jack about the meta^^
- Do get the effect of Dances with Volk right if i assume that i get the heal and then become a 0/X (iE Fenrath 0/11) ?
- With Evil Intentions seems like a great Card but where can i get it? unfortuneatly i can't seems to find the origin of this card... or do i have to fuse cards for it (like with Fog Hydra lvl 2) ?
- Is Time to die a good idea? i thought of it soley for boosting Blood Ties but i ain't got the experiance yet to judge if that's enough
- The last couple of cards are Trophy cards so i'd like to know why they also are avaiable in the shop. does it mean i can buy em straight away or do i have to get the trophy 1st and then pay for em additionaly?

- last question; how exactly does the additional attack from The Howls work? i mean i get all the parts and that 5 is the highest you can get (Fenrath, Wild and the 3 tokens together), but how are those attacks made/ handled?

that beeing said i know that it will take some time, games and money to accumulate this deck, but then again i'd like to know if it's worth it^^

hope to hear form ya'll soon


Final Deck

[card]Bloodsword[/card] - Warrior Version


3x [card]Bestial[/card]
3x [card]Blood Ties[/card]
3x [card]Dances with Volk[/card]
1x [card]Nehantic Stone[/card]
3x [card]Fly off the Handle[/card]
3x [card]Lunation[/card]
1x [card]The best defense...[/card]
1x [card]Nehant Shield[/card]
1x [card]Storm[/card]
1x [card]Time to Die[/card]

gonna switch [card]Blood Ties[/card] and for [card]Favor of the Dawn[/card] once i get some money or some luck with my boosters.

and here my alternative Version for fun^^

[card]Bloodsword[/card] - Marauder Version


3 [card]Lunation[/card]
3 [card]Assassination[/card]
1 [card]Dagger Master[/card] - lvl3
1 [card]Time to Die[/card]
3 [card]Fist Blade[/card]
2 [card]Artrezil's Blade[/card]
2 [card]At Daggers Drawn[/card]
1 [card]The Show must go on![/card]
3 [card]Fly off the Handle[/card]
1 [card]Offensive[/card]

still working on the Artrezil's and Assassinations thou

Dernière modification par L4r90 (20-11-2011 12:05:57)

I'm back to Pack

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#2 12-11-2011 12:35:31

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

-First off, dark or bloodsword should fill that 3rd spot. I really like bloodsword a lot more though.
-Dances with volk will heal you then put your min at 0.
-With evil intentions was a halloween event card. Cant get it anymore. Sorry.
-Time to die is always a good idea. Fits in any deck. (You should have an assasination as well from the tutorial to use in the case you do go with dark over bloodsword because it goes along with time to die quite nicely)
-with trophy cards, I think you get it rite away. (not really sure, since I havent bought a trophy from the store)

all i know of about pack. some others have more experience with it

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#3 12-11-2011 13:35:28

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

Both Dark and bloodword are maruaders... Bloodsword is the better choice the extra +1 attack to fenrath and wild can help a lot. Camp is probably unneeded since the pack have dances for healing. I don't think adding assassination is a good idea fenrath cant use it and the only thing you'd have to chain it with is time to die... the odds of getting bothare a bit crappy and playing it without time to die is weaker than chaining anything with fly off the handle...

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#4 12-11-2011 18:44:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2011
Messages : 141

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

I think most of the questions got answered. You need to buy the trophies first then complete them, storm and time to die arn't too difficult though. About the line-up, most people use Bloodsword (either version) or Faceless as the third character. I'll direct you to a a french thread with multiple line-ups and deck lists, you'll probably be able to recognize most of the cards.

Here you go:

Just ask if you can't understand something or need something translated.

Good luck!

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#5 12-11-2011 20:33:11

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

ok got it^^

right now i got all my questions anwered, and in terms of Dark... i think i'll switch to Bloodsword (+1 attack to other warriors) for the final setup.

i watched through the link and thankfully most of the cards had (working) links, so i could at least read through the cards or recognize pictures xD
but most of those decks lacked the damage/ attack part i was aiming for... also i dont get the benefit of Favor of the Dawn in one of those decks, since the game is already random enough o.O

also it sucks that i can't get With Evil Intenstions anymore since i missed out of the event D:

The one cards i thought was interesting was Stone Heart since it synergizes to an instant heal when used with Dances with Volk (i guess that's what was mentioned in the thread as well, but then again i dont understand french^^)

two last question about the linked decks; why did not a single one of em utilise Blood Ties when playing with Fenrath? i think it synergises pretty well in the first couple of turns to trigger his passive on everyone even before they enter their first combat.
and second; can you please translate the theory part one the marauder version (the one with Dagger Master) since i really dont get the benefits of it, rather beeing a fun deck to use o.O (rather why there was only one version of it that wasnt lvl 3 and hence unique ->better?)

and thx again for the replies

edit: new deck (after realizing that i wont get some cards and some games played with a half complete deck)

[card]Bloodsword[/card] (Warrior Team bonus)

3x [card]Bestial[/card]
3x [card]Blood Ties[/card]
3x [card]Dances with Volk[/card]
1x [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card]
3x [card]Fly off the Handle[/card]
3x [card]Lunation[/card]
1x [card]Camp[/card]
1x [card]Dissidence[/card]
1x [card]Time to Die[/card]
1x [card]Scheme[/card]

reasons beeing the fact that Storm is only usefull in the first round most of the time... (tested it while playing Dismemberment and keeping in mind what could have happened if i had Storm instead). and Scheme for With Evil Intentions for the fact that i wont get this card no matter what -.-
added Dissidence after i've seen how this card can destroy Clan/ Caste Decks (this one included)

Dernière modification par L4r90 (15-11-2011 00:45:04)

I'm back to Pack

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#6 13-11-2011 05:29:45

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

alright, time for a quick update plus impressions

got around half of the deck already, excluding some of the expensive cards. so yeah, is it the fact that there're almost no players who buy boosters or that it is a new edition but i cant seem to find the prices on [card]Lunation[/card] (13k) for beeing uncommon fair while keeping in mind that [card]The Howls[/card] and and [card]Wild[/card], beeing rare, are ALOT cheaper.
gonna wait for some income on my side till i unlock the trophy cards, and i already know that i'm gonna hate the achievement for [card]Scheme[/card].

also while beeing new to the game i think it's a pain in the ass to level up cards... the practice room somewhat speeds it up, but still...

and two additional things about certain cards

1st [card]Dances with Volk[/card] is awesome! BUT, and here i dont know if it's just my bad luck, i seem to never do damage in the same round whatsoever. iE i had the situation where i healed up full and even with 0/13 stats did no damage to a 2 def character -.-

2nd there should be a tooltip or more text on Fenrath since his ability only checks for life outside of combat (after/ before battle) so i had to cut out my idea for using [card]Time to Die[/card] with [card] good offense[/card] D:

after playing around a bit got my 1st streak of 25 wins and counting... but i'm way too tired to go for more now

is there any way to get crystals faster in this game? and no i'm not gonna share all my info on some mindless/ endless survey for a couple of Feez

so yeah, thx for the help so far, they really helped me out!
and keep further suggestions and comments coming^^

edit: normal cards missing: Wild, 2x Bestial, 2x Dances with Volk, 3x Lumination
trophy cards: all 4 basicly^^

Dernière modification par L4r90 (14-11-2011 03:01:05)

I'm back to Pack

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#7 13-11-2011 06:12:39

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2011
Messages : 141

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

Hey, sorry I couldn't answer faster to your earlier post. Your deck looks good, you have the basic cards and a good tool-box. You'll need to make some minor adjustments as you go along but that's more based on the meta and what your having trouble with.

First- The damage you do with Dance with the Volk is pretty much luck-based. It's usually not too bad since the heal is significant but it's a pain if you're unlucky.

Second- The best way to take advantage of fenrath's ability is by damaging your other characters before they play ex.: Blood Ties on turn 1 means a +1 Attack for your other characters. Or by simply waiting until a character comes back into play (while making sure Fenrath stays alive.)

As for the price of lunation, it mostly went down in the last weeks. (from 20k to 12-13k) It's more pricey because you absolutely need 3 for every Pack deck (You need only 1 Wild, and Howls are just plain bad.)

My only suggestion would be [card]The best defense...[/card], it's a beast with lunations.

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#8 13-11-2011 17:24:41

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

i've thought of that cards as well, but (currently) 30k feels like way too much, given the limited use and the fact that i'm still missing the Luminations^^

still it would have been nice if Fenraths ability would constantly check since i've thought of Time to Die + a good offence = +12atk (if you're "lucky" enough to lose 4 hp). but had to scratch that, once i figured out how realy works

then again my question; is there any way too earn crystals faster?
right now i'm at 6k and spent 10 bucks on the basic zil/the pack deck

I'm back to Pack

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#9 13-11-2011 18:10:04

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

if your adamant against doing free feez offers your only gonna get crystals from playing games and from facebook friends.. so it'd be a fairly slow process.... u could level characters and sell em at a prrofit thats how i got some my first crystals id take pack characters, level em and sell em for a profit.

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#10 14-11-2011 02:55:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

uhm quick question; since i've never played mages/ priests it didnt seem to obvious to me, but [card]Wild[/card] is shadow guemelite... so in theory i could play shadow spells with her right?

so would [card]Cloning[/card] be a good choice, given the fact that Wild would be the only one who could cast this spell?

...than again it's damn expensive D:

edit: finaly figured out how to insert card images, if they are working that is^^
so i'm gonna update the previous posts for now.

I'm back to Pack

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#11 14-11-2011 03:29:08

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

I wouldn't use a cloning, I've thought about tryin out a kiss of death, could be usefull if wild is 1 of the last ones standing..

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#12 16-11-2011 21:21:24

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

alright... thx again for the help^^

think i'll ditch the shadow spells for now since ven thou [card]Wild[/card] can cast em 1spirit is just way too low to make it effective

so the final build looks like this;


3x [card]Bestial[/card]
3x [card]Blood Ties[/card]
3x [card]Dances with Volk[/card]
1x [card]Nehantic Stone[/card]
3x [card]Fly off the Handle[/card]
3x [card]Lunation[/card]
2x [card]Hit the Road[/card]
1x [card]Storm[/card]
1x [card]Time to Die[/card]

ok... i shouldnt call it "fianl" but that's what i'm aiming for, right now. later on i can still add the real expensive stuff since i thought of [card]Stone-Heart[/card], [card]Distracted[/card] and [card]Favor of Dawn[/card] but simply can't afford those right now in a money way of speaking^^

i upgraded the [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card] to [card]Nehantic Stone[/card] after realizeing that against most mage decks it's not enough to protect only one character and the fact that even constantly playing the same card sure slows me down damage-wise, but lets me win in a sure way.

that beeing said i still miss 3 [card]Lunation[/card], [card]Storm[/card] and one more [card]Dances with Volk[/card] to complete this deck... and even without the Lunations and Wild (right now replaced by 2 [card]All is fair in Love...[/card], 2 [card]...and War.[/card], and a [card]Treacherous[/card]) it currently works pretty well in my level range (12) and also i'm on my way to the 75 consecutive victory trophy big_smile
also i consider cutting a [card]Dances with Volk[/card] for [card]Treacherous[/card] since it works pretty well against most decks (after seeing what they've had to discard)

Dernière modification par L4r90 (16-11-2011 21:52:01)

I'm back to Pack

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#13 16-11-2011 21:51:03

Inscription : 14-09-2011
Messages : 722

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

wow 75 victory streak? I miss the low level rooms

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#14 18-11-2011 03:40:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

ok... only missing 1 [card]Lunation[/card] and [card]Storm[/card] and its done^^

so i already set sights onto a new deck and here is what i'm aiming for next. also it's kind if the complete opposite of what i build up first but i'll give it a try since i like the mechanics of this

Name/ Feez price (18. 11. 2011)

[card]Aelide, Queen of Avalonia[/card] 3k
[card]Aez, King of Avalonia[/card] 8.8k
[card]Johan, Lord Protector of Avalonia[/card] 180

2x [card]Good Fortune[/card] 390 each-> 1170
1x [card]Trial on the Bridge[/card] 350
3x [card]Triumph[/card] 450 each-> 1350
2x [card]Wall of Shields[/card] 100 each-> 200
3x [card]Hero From a Distant Land[/card] 280 each-> 840
3x [card]Avalonian Shield[/card] 3.4k each-> 10.2k
3x [card]The Cup of Life[/card] 1k each-> 3k
1x [card]Sword of the 5 Elders[/card] 8k
2x [card]Sacred Avalonian Blade[/card] 16k each-> 32k

Total price= 69090 feez

alright... i don't think i can change much on this since most cards are a given and limited. from what i think it has a slow start-up time and then basicly turtles to end game where either your opponent dies the conventional way or due to no cards remaining in his deck. i do keep in mind that the queen is more important than the king for this to be successfull^^

either that or a simple tracker deck where i would just buy the starter and fill it up with missing cards while knowing that the 3 assasinations and the anti magic glyphs are the only expensive part xD
but then again it would be like playing the The Pack just without the survivalability but more early game burst (i'm speaking from a 11/11 [card]Ayama[/card] in the first round thx to [card]Shui Khan[/card], playing [card]Time to Die[/card] and [card]Assasination[/card] for +4, making her 19/19 and instant killing most opponents in an blink of eye. 20/20 against marauders)

so can some of the people who played one of these deck give me their impressions to those? also i'd like to know who they "feel"

Dernière modification par L4r90 (19-11-2011 05:18:59)

I'm back to Pack

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#15 18-11-2011 04:48:27

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 02-10-2011
Messages : 234

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

rofl queeny is only worth 3k lol new arrivals boosters.. right after the change to the market place i sold one for 140k

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#16 20-11-2011 12:14:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

quick update... [card]Nehant Shield[/card] is an AWESOME addition to this deck! wether [card]Wild[/card] or [card]Fenrath[/card] get's it is random, but it's still effective in makin em harder to kill and every once in a while i manage to go 1st with this setup;

[card]Wild[/card] gets the Shield and attacks a random warrior -> [card]Lunation[/card] fetches itself from my deck and all i play is [card]Time to Die[/card] and [card]The best defense...[/card] wich results in 17/21 atk and 6 def for my 1st attack in the game xD

at first i didnt get the ability of Nehant Shield and thought it would trigger as stated "at the beginning of the fight" but apperantly it should be "at the beggining of the game". so yeah... awesome card that also helps (together with Wild) to thin out the deck for a quick kill/ a better hand.

edit: i made a mistake on my calculation since i forgot the 1 atk in turn 1 from Lunation so its 6/10 (base)+ 1 (against warriors)+ 1 ([card]Lunation[/card]) + 10 ([card]Time to Die[/card] and [card]The best defense...[/card]) = 18/22^^

Dernière modification par L4r90 (20-11-2011 22:26:32)

I'm back to Pack

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#17 20-11-2011 13:17:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-11-2011
Messages : 216

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

It sound good big_smile

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#18 30-11-2011 19:34:03

Inscription : 21-03-2011
Messages : 89

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

How would [card]Stone-Heart[/card] be a good addition to The Pack?
Right now I`m using [card]Tadaa! You`re a bunny![/card] if i need a little more def to survive and [card]Dances with Volk[/card] when Tada is not enough and i need to survive.

With averaging out the HP of the characters, wouldn`t the Stone-Heart kinda break the possibilites of using Tada? I can see the potential versus AoE, but you don`t see many of those around.

Dernière modification par Hilmario (30-11-2011 19:36:16)

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#19 30-11-2011 20:13:20

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

Hilmario a écrit :

How would [card]Stone-Heart[/card] be a good addition to The Pack?
Right now I`m using [card]Tadaa! You`re a bunny![/card] if i need a little more def to survive and [card]Dances with Volk[/card] when Tada is not enough and i need to survive.

With averaging out the HP of the characters, wouldn`t the Stone-Heart kinda break the possibilites of using Tada? I can see the potential versus AoE, but you don`t see many of those around.

You shouldn't really have either of those cards.  You should have more aggro in the deck.  The Pack is meant to beat the opponent senseless, not make his attack lower. or heal.  Their damage output is good enough to alleviate the need for suppression.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#20 30-11-2011 20:50:16

Inscription : 21-03-2011
Messages : 89

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

The problem with The Pack is Fenrath. If he dies its pretty much game over, so need to have some cards for damage mitigation.

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#21 30-11-2011 22:10:48

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-11-2011
Messages : 126

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

MrLordi92 a écrit :
Hilmario a écrit :

How would [card]Stone-Heart[/card] be a good addition to The Pack?
Right now I`m using [card]Tadaa! You`re a bunny![/card] if i need a little more def to survive and [card]Dances with Volk[/card] when Tada is not enough and i need to survive.

With averaging out the HP of the characters, wouldn`t the Stone-Heart kinda break the possibilites of using Tada? I can see the potential versus AoE, but you don`t see many of those around.

You shouldn't really have either of those cards.  You should have more aggro in the deck.  The Pack is meant to beat the opponent senseless, not make his attack lower. or heal.  Their damage output is good enough to alleviate the need for suppression.

The best scenario and idea for [card]Stone-Heart[/card] is in the 2nd turn after one of your chars is almost one-shoted (happens ALOT against mages) or turn 3 after 2 of your charavters are wounded to ensure that they all live a bit longer and to maximise the bonus Fenrath gives you (2nd turn szenario means you'll have a fully buffed attack on the 3rd turn). Tadaa! You're a bunny! kinda breaks this deck i guess since you can almost never chain into it ->not enough damage -> not my style^^
i'd rather take the damage and have a double KO or take my chances with Dances with Volk.

against most of the decks i've played against; nope... if you're matched up against Noz expect someone to die in the 1st round unless you got a Nehant Stone, in which case he'll most of the time die to the Lightning Bolt lvl3 in the turns after... so you'll have to adjust and utilyze the recourses of the deck. [card]Lunation[/card], [card]Bestial[/card] and [card]Nehantic Stone[/card]/ [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card] are given and make or break most of the games^^ the one thing i'd like to see in the future is another permanent card for The Pack that increases def (doesnt matter if it's an item or action) instead of more atk cards. right now they got the right amount of damage, so survivalbility is more of an issue since the permanent cards are quite limited and you'll lose a good amount of games where the opponent strips you of the Lunations... not because of the damage but the defense you lose.

I'm back to Pack

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#22 30-11-2011 22:23:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 13-09-2011
Messages : 141

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

I really feel like Stone-Heart is an underrated card. I have one and use it in many decks. It could be useful in a pack deck, especially with Dance with the Yolk. You can use it to heal your other characters before using Dance since you'll likely get to full health anyway (that's if your other characters have less health than the one you're playing the stone with.) The characters on turn 3 (Bloodsword most of the time) will have more health left because of the lunations. You can also use it before storm when you don't want one of your characters dying. Kind of situational but useful.

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#23 30-11-2011 22:50:32

Inscription : 21-03-2011
Messages : 89

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

Thanks for the quick replies. It apparently has it uses then, nice one chaining with storm smile

After some consideration I`ve landed on 1 Tadaa, 2 Volks and 1 Nehantic Stone for defansive measures , experimented some with it and seems like it`s enough. Don`t have space for Stone-Heart or Storm in my current setup.

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#24 30-11-2011 23:01:10

Inscription : 21-03-2011
Messages : 89

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

L4r90, sent you a PM smile
Please check when you have time.

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#25 01-12-2011 00:07:37

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : New to the game - Need some help and got some questions

L4r90 a écrit :

against most of the decks i've played against; nope... if you're matched up against Noz expect someone to die in the 1st round unless you got a Nehant Stone, in which case he'll most of the time die to the Lightning Bolt lvl3 in the turns after... so you'll have to adjust and utilyze the recourses of the deck. [card]Lunation[/card], [card]Bestial[/card] and [card]Nehantic Stone[/card]/ [card]Dark Stone Heart[/card] are given and make or break most of the games^^ the one thing i'd like to see in the future is another permanent card for The Pack that increases def (doesnt matter if it's an item or action) instead of more atk cards. right now they got the right amount of damage, so survivalbility is more of an issue since the permanent cards are quite limited and you'll lose a good amount of games where the opponent strips you of the Lunations... not because of the damage but the defense you lose.

I wasn't talking about the validity of Nehantic Stone/Dark Stone Heart.  They're both great cards that belongs in this deck because of The Pack's weakness to magic akin to Superman's weakness to magic.  I was talking about Tadaa! and Stone-Heart.  Nehantic Stone is a known card in the general Pack build, so I shouldn't have to clarify what defense cards are used and which ones aren't.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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