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#1 16-10-2011 12:23:06

Inscription : 10-07-2011
Messages : 22

Artrezil's Ring and Port bugs

Just bought three of them, and already found a bunch of bugs
1. It is completely unclear now, that the Defence and Spirit bonuses are calculated the moment the card is played, and remain the same after that (no matter if Craftsmen/Mages die, the bonus will be the same)
2. Similar, the fact that the character becomes a Mage AFTER the bonuses are calculated (so, it won't give spirit to himself)
3. If it's equipped by Klementine, Detonation just stops to work.

Dernière modification par Avka (16-10-2011 15:48:54)

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#2 16-10-2011 12:33:36

Inscription : 10-07-2011
Messages : 22

Re : Artrezil's Ring and Port bugs

Edit: Detonation does not work on out-of-combat chars, has nothing to do with the Ring, sorry

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#3 16-10-2011 15:33:50

Inscription : 10-07-2011
Messages : 22

Re : Artrezil's Ring and Port bugs

It seems Detonation only works on out-of-combat Ports that were played, not transferred after death.

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#4 16-10-2011 15:47:49

Inscription : 10-07-2011
Messages : 22

Re : Artrezil's Ring and Port bugs

Ports killed the leftmost char, then discarded instead of attaching themselves to the last one.

Dernière modification par Avka (16-10-2011 15:48:14)

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