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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse : http://forums.eredan.com/index.php.
Les forums d'Eredan GT restent ici, ainsi que les anciens forums d'Eredan iTCG qui y seront toujours en lecture seule.
This release presents the epic story behind Aez the King of Avalonia before and after he retrieved the Sword of the 5 Elders!
We are proud to present you a new caste of Mercenaries: The Avalonians! These proud knights live their lives to the full with nothing but honor and respect. Two new gameplay elements are introduced with this caste: Change in Level and the Quest cards.
You will also find that some cards have been added to the Tempus caste along with the founder himself: Tempus. Many non-affiliated cards can be found in this release as well.
Quest Action Card : These cards bring a nice bonus when a specific objective is fulfilled. For example, Fulfill Your Destiny => At the end of a Turn, if one of your characters carries "Sacred Avalonian Blade" and has participated in a fight this Turn, he has Attack +5 until the end of the game, the Quest card is then discarded. Permanent.
Level: A new card effect that enables characters to upgrade their Level temporarily during a game. Caution! A character that is affected by this card will not evolve in traditional eredan style. Example: If Aez Evo 2 gains 1 level, he becomes 3 but the character card will not change, it will remain Evo 2. Character Evolutions can only be gained via experience and outside the fighting zones.
Aelide, Queen of Avalonia (and her two Evos). Rare. Character. Mercenary. Warrior. Human. Avalonia. Spirit 1. Attack 4/6. Defense 2. Health points 13. Gain chain if you play a Jewel. Turns 1, 3 and 5: Your Avalonians gain 1 Level until the end of the game..
Time Shift . Rare. Action. Tempus. Warrior: Warrior: -X to magic damage suffered by your character where X equals his Defense. Mage: Defense +X where X equals your character's Spirit. Chain.
Sacred Avalonian Blade. Rare. Item One Handed Sword. Avalonian. Attack +X where X equals the Level of your character. Heals 1 Health point and gains Defense +1 if "Cup of Life" is in play. Activates at the end of a fight. Permanent.
Six Feet Under. Rare. Action. Attack +1 and an additional Attack +1 if your character does not carry an Item. Mercenary: An additional Attack +1. Chain.
Tempus (and his Two Evos). Uncommon. Character. Mercenary. Mage. Human. Tempus. Spirit 1. Attack 3/5. Defense 1. Health points 13. Turns 4, 8 and 12: Defense +1.
Distracted Rare. Action. At the start of the fight, the opposing character has Defense = 0 until the end of the fight. Chain. Duration: 3 Fights.
Training Uncommon. Action. Choose one of your Warriors and attach this card, he gains Dual Wield. Permanent.
Good Fortune. Uncommon. Action. Avalonian. A permanent card in play is selected at random amongst those of the Opposing Player and is discarded. The next Avalonian Item in your Deck is placed in your Hand. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck.
Johan, Lord Protector of Avalonia (and his two evos). Common. Character. Mercenary. Avalonian. Warrior. Spirit 1. Spirit 1. Attack 5/7. Gain Chain if you play a One Handed sword. Turns 2, 3 and 4: The next Quest in your Deck is placed on one of your out of combat characters determined at random..
Triumph. Common. Action. Avalonian. Attack + X where X equals the Level of your character -1. Your character gains 1 Level until the end of the game. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck. Chain: Item.
Fulfill your Destiny. Common. Quest. Unique. At the end of a Turn, if one of your characters carries "Sacred Avalonian Blade" and has participated in a fight this Turn, he has Attack +5 until the end of the game, the Quest card is then discarded. Permanent.
Trial on the Bridge. Common. Quest. Unique. Avalonian. At the end of the Turn, if the total sum of your characters' levels is above 12, an opposing character determined at random suffers 8 direct damage points, this card is then discarded. Permanent.
Avalonian Shield. Common. Item Armor Shield. Avalonian. Combattant. Your character gains 1 Level until the end of the game. Defense +2. Permanent. Avalonian: Chain.
The Cup of Life. Common. Item Jewel. Human. Avalonian. If "Aelide, Queen of Avalonia" is one of your characters and alive, she gains Spirit +1. Choose one of your living Avalonians, the character will then heal 2 Health points. Permanent.
Time Mix. Common. Time Spell. Tempus. Mage. 1 or 2 Time spells are selected at random from your Discard Pile and return to your Deck. At the end of the fight, this card is placed in your Deck. At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 2 additional Turns..
Time Blast. Common. Time Spell. Tempus. Mage. Turn 5 and less: Attack +3. At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 1 additional Turns. Turn 5 and more: -4 to physical and magic damage suffered.
Once Upon A Time. Common. Action. Your character gains his Order bonus if he hasn't received it already. The Weapons played by the two characters in battle activate immediately. Chain: Weapon.
Wall of Shields. Common. Action. Each of your Avalonians carrying a shield gains Defense +X where X equals the amount of Avalonians carrying a Shield. Permanent.
No Capes! Common. Every item of clothing in play is placed in its owner's Deck and its carrier suffers 2 direct damage points.
Up to Wednesday the 5th of October 2011 at 12.00 (french time), when you buy a 12 or 4 card Booster in the store, you will earn one extra bonus card!
NB : This offer is not included in the Legendary Pack.
Have fun!
Les résultats du sondage sont masqués pour les invités
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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Just some questions. Is there a time that I can check on the server to check if I am within the allowed time?
Does the extra card take effect starting now at this moment? If I understand correctly that makes 4 card packs 5 card packs and 12 card packs 13 card packs right?
Lastly has this promo been run before? I would be interested if it were truly a bonus extra random card. But if its a bonus card that is only what you get when you do the 5 daily quests then not so much.
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Everyone will receive the same Collector Card when purchasing a booster It isn't random.
In 12 card boosters: You will get 12 cards + Collector Card. (13 cards in total)
In 4 card boosters: You will get 4 Cards + Collector Card (5 cards in total)
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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Out of curiosity, does the Time Blast card means this. It is not very clear with the "Turn 5 and more" text before and after the "At the end of Turn..."
Time Blast Common.
Time Spell. Tempus. Mage.
At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 1 additional Turns.
Turn 5 and more: Attack +3.
Turn 5 and more: -4 to physical and magic damage suffered.
Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan
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Out of curiosity, does the Time Blast card means this. It is not very clear with the "Turn 5 and more" text before and after the "At the end of Turn..."
Time Blast Common.
Time Spell. Tempus. Mage.
At the end of the Turn, the Turn Counter advances from 0 to 1 additional Turns.
Turn 5 and more: Attack +3.
Turn 5 and more: -4 to physical and magic damage suffered.
I think that it is effectively attack +3 defense +4 spirit +4 when played turn 5 or after.
Then at end turn it does the 0-1 advancement.
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Nice release, we were waiting for a mercenary fora long time, just since yesterday there was the Avalonian caste in the market, witch allowed people who noticed to buy all aez and 5 ancient sword before price rises, when I got achance to loggin for example Aez was alredy over 34k price..
Something similiar happend when the fog hidra was released and allowed some people to mass buy Fog snakes, you guys got be more carefull with these things..
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There is an error on Time blast.
You should read : Turn 5 and before : attack +3
On Turn 5 this is all the effects at the same time, but for the others turn it is one effect or the other.
Collectionneur de cartes
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There is an error on Time blast.
You should read : Turn 5 and before : attack +3On Turn 5 this is all the effects at the same time, but for the others turn it is one effect or the other.
Yes indeed, it has been fixed: It is Turn 5 and less : Attack +3
Less as opposed to more.
Don't kill the dream, execute it.
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This is awsome .
+1 for the funny artworks
-1 cuz Distracted is OP
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Distracted do nothing at time when it is played and it is attached only to the opposing character you can't choose another character to attach this card.
So you choose : you kill now or next time.
Dernière modification par Zurga (28-09-2011 15:51:19)
Collectionneur de cartes
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-1 cuz Distracted is OP
Not so much.
Also love the Monty Python card!
Dragon Knights ftw
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iQuit a écrit :-1 cuz Distracted is OP
Not so much.
Also love the Monty Python card!
I'm glad someone else caught that.
"Some say there's no subtly to destruction. You know what? They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage
"One footstep among many is silent. One footstep alone is deafening."
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Ouch, I also thougt that Distraction is kinda overpowered, my doubt is 3 fightst of that character, or any 3 fights? If its any 3 fights it's not so overpowered.
Especally becuase there is no guild/caste restriction, we can have a Kotoba using it or an Zill Marauder deck, or imortals..
I liked training, I could dual wiel Quiemra + Draconic Blade on a DK deck, or another usefull blade if you feel like using Dragon wits.
Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (28-09-2011 17:23:28)
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Training + Chimera + Paladin's Hammer?
Dernière modification par Nessaj (28-09-2011 17:55:14)
Evil is just a point of view >)
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When I use the level-up cards in battle, and my character is max level, does the level number still go up?
Example: Aez level 3 gets equipped with the new shield, does his level go up to 4? I'm assuming no changes to his evo state, just the level number going up, for purposes of the match?
Lady Jane can kick your ass.
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Thats how I understood it, this way Aez can get even higher bonus from the sword of the 5 ancients..
Funny for the avalonian shield to say it only gives chains to Avalonians, if it is alredy caste restricted to the avalonian, useless information.
Other the shield wall who says nothing for cast restriction, but only give bonus to avalonians. While it's possible for another caste character to play it I doubt the card will be used in something other than an Avalonian deck.
Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (28-09-2011 18:33:38)
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Funny for the avalonian shield to say it only gives chains to Avalonians, if it is alredy caste restricted to the avalonian, useless information
[card]Golemarlok[/card], [card]Ica-Rusty[/card] and the others golems can play it too. Similar restriction to [card]Tsume[/card]'s.
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Paladino.:RR:. a écrit :Funny for the avalonian shield to say it only gives chains to Avalonians, if it is alredy caste restricted to the avalonian, useless information
[card]Golemarlok[/card], [card]Ica-Rusty[/card] and the others golems can play it too. Similar restriction to [card]Tsume[/card]'s.
Ouch, totally forgot about golems. My mistake in this one. While in pratical terms, if I'm goign to put a shield for a golem Runic Gauntlet would be a much better choice.
Dernière modification par Paladino.:RR:. (28-09-2011 20:19:05)
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Avalonian Shield does not have a caste restriction....
Dragon Knights ftw
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Avalonian Shield does not have a caste restriction....
Than forum description is wrong..
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Go look at the card.
Dernière modification par goscar (28-09-2011 20:30:03)
Dragon Knights ftw
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Go look at the card.
Not saying I doubt you, just that I can't log in the game untill I get home, so I was taking the description of the card in this thread as a base.
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Why is Triumph not Guild restricted when it can only be played by Avalonians ?
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YAY finally....a Merc release been waiting for one of those since forever ago.
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Ive been begging for this since forever ago haha
p.s. i just bought a 4 pack (5 now i guess) and pulled out a councelor ishaia!!! just thought id let you all know ) Can this day get any better?!?!
Dernière modification par killrex2 (29-09-2011 00:34:11)
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