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#1 24-09-2011 23:49:40

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 12

salable cards and maps?

so i just accessed the marketplace.I then realized i cant sell cards bought at the store,and so i was wondering.How does one obtain those very cards,if not bought from the store.I've also heard there's supposed to be some sort of map thing where you fight and get cards.Is this true?If so,how do i access it?

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#2 25-09-2011 00:04:09

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : salable cards and maps?

You can sell the cards from boosters bought with Fee'z.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#3 25-09-2011 00:19:42

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 12

Re : salable cards and maps? there's no maps and stuff like that?

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#4 25-09-2011 01:16:47

Lieu : Draconie ! Nan d'accord ok...
Inscription : 12-08-2010
Messages : 842

Re : salable cards and maps?

You cant sell collector cards or trophy

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#5 25-09-2011 10:50:53

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : salable cards and maps?

DalekWho a écrit : there's no maps and stuff like that?

In April, there was an animation with a map and you can gain cards, but it is closed now.

You have also the daily quest, if you fullfill the requirements of the quest for 5 consecutives days, you will have a card as rewards (sellable).
You can choose the the card amongst 9 possible cards.

I do not know any other "map".

Collectionneur de cartes

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#6 25-09-2011 20:06:47

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 12

Re : salable cards and maps?

Zurga a écrit :
DalekWho a écrit : there's no maps and stuff like that?

In April, there was an animation with a map and you can gain cards, but it is closed now.

You have also the daily quest, if you fullfill the requirements of the quest for 5 consecutives days, you will have a card as rewards (sellable).
You can choose the the card amongst 9 possible cards.

I do not know any other "map".

what about the thing that fell from the sky in the tutorial?

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#7 26-09-2011 10:01:29

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : salable cards and maps?

The deck from tutorial is not sellable.

Collectionneur de cartes

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#8 27-09-2011 00:22:32

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 24-09-2011
Messages : 12

Re : salable cards and maps?

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#9 27-09-2011 08:35:19

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : salable cards and maps?

The rewards of weekly trophies are not sellable.

Collectionneur de cartes

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