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#1 29-06-2011 11:31:07

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Vital Siphon

Just noticed that Vital Siphon's effects does not work properly on some characters. To name a few...

1.  Archmage Anryena - healing max is around 2 health points with around 8 corruption spells attached;

2.  Tsoutai Ayako, Toran, Hime - healing does not happen after the fight.

Note: This already implies that at least 4 corruption spells are already attached to the opposing character.

What's puzzling about this bug is on the first time Vital Siphon attaches itself to a Tsoutai, no healing occurs. The second time the Tsoutai faces a Nehant, healing MAY happen but not the case at most times. The third time the Tsoutai faces a Nehant, no healing occurs. Again, if there are healings that happen, 2 health points max are given.

I'll post again if I encounter problems of this nature so the developers can include this in their iteneray smile

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#2 29-06-2011 13:17:10

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

Re : Vital Siphon

Thanks for your feedback, I'll get some info on the matter and let you know.

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#3 03-09-2011 03:33:22

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Vital Siphon

Have to wait for around 5 turns before the effects activate against Aerouant and Alishk. If there is healing, the most is 1 health.

Dernière modification par Lyquid (04-09-2011 08:55:10)

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#4 03-09-2011 08:46:02

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : Vital Siphon

Perhaps the fact that Vital Syphon deals magical damages and Noz have great Spirit has something to do with this.
You need a lot of corruption before the Vital syphon deals some really noticeable damages

Collectionneur de cartes

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#5 03-09-2011 12:38:17

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Vital Siphon

Yes, I'm aware of this. What prompted me to post this was when I attached 5 Corruption Spells to Anryena whose Spirit was currently 3.

2 of those Corruptions Spells were Vital Syphons. So, if I do the math, total magic damage should be dealt was supposed to be 5 respectively from each Vital Syphon.

Subtracting Anryena's Spirit of 3, she would had been dealt at least 2 from each Vital Syphon. Making that a total of 4 for the turn.

Assuming that Vital Syphon is not included in the damage deal/heal, she would had at least suffered 2 damage points. But no damage was dealt.

Another case in point was Pilkim whose Spirit stat was boosted to 5 (due to turn bonus). Pilkim had more than 8 Corruption Spells attached to him (2 of which are Vital Syphons). For 2 turns, no damage dealt. This was a bit alarming.

I will continue to gather data in the playing field to further validate my findings or to spot for cases of the same nature. My sincere objective is to provide valuable input that the Feerik Team can use in improving the game smile

Dernière modification par Lyquid (03-09-2011 12:41:21)

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#6 04-09-2011 04:25:35

kleos D
Inscription : 26-01-2011
Messages : 38

Re : Vital Siphon

have you considered anryena's -1 to magic damage on your calculation?

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#7 04-09-2011 07:11:18

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Vital Siphon

have you considered anryena's -1 to magic damage on your calculation?

Thanks for the input. That was not considered. Guess that explains everything. Thanks smile

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