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#1 17-08-2011 16:14:02

Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 74

Teaching and multiclass characters

"Teaching" according to description gives the character it is attached to the attributes (class, guild, race and caste) of the character it was played by. This does not seem to work when you play teaching with a multi-class character, (in my case with Ardranisß) because the character which I attach "Teaching" to behaves like a mage but not like a marauder. Specifically speaking if I attach teaching to Armada with Ardranis, Armada is supposed to be a mage-marauder, but if I play Flames of the Phoenix with her (mage-warrior action card which deals spell damage) she does not do a physical attack afterwards which she is supposed to because she's not only a mage, but also a marauder.

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#2 17-08-2011 16:19:19

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : Teaching and multiclass characters

It's normal.
The Phoenix say "mage : makes no physical attack"
If your character is a mage it can't make a physical attack , don't mean nothing if your character is also a marauder or other type of class.

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#3 17-08-2011 17:11:15

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Teaching and multiclass characters

But no the less, teaching has some bugs, like when I use it from Sevylath to the Foam Giant he becomes a cléric, can use Paladin Hammer but its still a golem. (In other words when he has the Teaching on him I can play Darkstoneheart + Paladin's Hammer on the chain).

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#4 18-08-2011 03:19:03

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Philippines
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 214

Re : Teaching and multiclass characters

Yes the teaching effect is remove but the hammer effect still remains ... that means if you use it on foam .. then foam will become human after the hammer was activated

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#5 18-08-2011 12:17:05

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : Teaching and multiclass characters

No, what i meant to say is that he remains a golem even while during the teaching effect when he should be Cleric/Warrior human he is like Cleric/Warrior Human/Golem. I can play a Firion and the hammer, shouldnt be possible.

There some other cases with problems with teachings, but maybe also the Foam giant because when it gets hit with the demon may rise he still can equip all kinds of items... But while My Lady ylith got hit with it once i couldnt use the paladin hammer.

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