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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 17-08-2011 14:23:09

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 04-08-2011
Messages : 150

iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

At the heart of the secret pirate cemetery, Captain Al Killicrew and her pirates united their forces with Jon Filibuster to prepare for an epic battle.

Analyze your opponents weakness, ask the Arc-kadia for some powerful Items, transform your Golems and take on the epic fight !


Analyze.All the characters gain Spirit = 2 and all the opposing characters with a Defense above 2 have Defense -1. Duration 2 Turns. Chain.

Jon the Filibuster (and his two evolutions). Uncommon. Character. Pirates. Marauder. Esprit 0. Attack 5/8. Defense 1. Heath points 13. Turns 1, 3 et 5 : Attack +1.

Morphospiral. Uncommon. Action. Pirates. Golem. Mechanist. If 3 or more Items are attached to your characters, choose 3. These Items are discarded and your character gains Attack +4.Permanent.

Accumulair. Common. Item other. Pirates.Mechanist.This card is attached to an opposing character determined at random. Duration 3 Turns. If the character suffers damage, the character that deals this damage heals 2 Health points, gains Attack +1 until the end of the game, this card is then discarded.

Elbow Grease Common. Action. Pirates. Craftsman. Choose one of your Golems, he heals 2 Health points. Chain.

Precise Chaotic Shot. Common. Action. Marauder. Min Attack +2 and Defense +1. Chain Item.

Enjoy the Game Everyone !
Eredan iTCG, The Trading Card Game.
Find the game also on Facebook !

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#2 17-08-2011 16:48:49

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

I wonder who is the bar wench with Lil laddie, tongue

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#3 17-08-2011 16:53:22

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

amber a écrit :

Precise Chaotic Shot. Common. Action. Marauder. Min Attack +2 and Defense +1. Chain Item.

Interesting == [card]Art of the Iron Fist[/card].

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#4 17-08-2011 16:59:04

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Awesome undead pirate XD

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#5 17-08-2011 17:04:51

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Jon fully leveled gives all Pirate Marauders +1 attack.  I foresee someone sticking him, [card]Gemineye[/card], and probably Powder [card]Hook[/card] in a deck.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#6 17-08-2011 20:44:44

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Aparture Sience Lab
Inscription : 17-03-2011
Messages : 123

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

MrLordi92 a écrit :

Jon fully leveled gives all Pirate Marauders +1 attack.  I foresee someone sticking him, [card]Gemineye[/card], and probably Powder [card]Hook[/card] in a deck.

am i that predictable?
but yeah, finally the perfect reinforcement to pirate snipers (A.K.A marauders)

This is my rifle
This is my gun
This one's for fighting
This one's for fun

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#7 17-08-2011 21:23:44

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

hutyro a écrit :

am i that predictable?
but yeah, finally the perfect reinforcement to pirate snipers (A.K.A marauders)

Are you kidding right?
This is one of the worst release ever. With all Pirate decks running low they release cards that worth nothing to current meta. As I say in the past they don't want to make pirate guild more than a cheap decks for newbies. Let me see:

In this guild marauders are weak and little surprising (Even worst than Nehant marauders), golems are too weak for resist a Freeze or heavy spell deck, talking mages is ridiculous... pirate mages is worst of the slum (Even more than CDS mages, that is other kind of decks that is pretty lost). Powder decks has minimal success and has lot of huge enemies.

When other guilds has great amount of heavy combos and cards (Solaris+Obesity, Brothers at arms, Flawseekers, lot of theurgies, Daggers and spells) pirates remind more lost than ever.

In summary pirate guild is a trophy of shame to they that use to call himself as card designers. The real noise that this release make is add more low price rares and uncommons for a premium boosters.

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#8 17-08-2011 21:47:06

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

RyogaLX a écrit :
hutyro a écrit :

am i that predictable?
but yeah, finally the perfect reinforcement to pirate snipers (A.K.A marauders)

Are you kidding right?
This is one of the worst release ever. With all Pirate decks running low they release cards that worth nothing to current meta. As I say in the past they don't want to make pirate guild more than a cheap decks for newbies. Let me see:

In this guild marauders are weak and little surprising (Even worst than Nehant marauders), golems are too weak for resist a Freeze or heavy spell deck, talking mages is ridiculous... pirate mages is worst of the slum (Even more than CDS mages, that is other kind of decks that is pretty lost). Powder decks has minimal success and has lot of huge enemies.

When other guilds has great amount of heavy combos and cards (Solaris+Obesity, Brothers at arms, Flawseekers, lot of theurgies, Daggers and spells) pirates remind more lost than ever.

In summary pirate guild is a trophy of shame to they that use to call himself as card designers. The real noise that this release make is add more low price rares and uncommons for a premium boosters.


Why does everything have to be good in ELO to some people to say anything more than 'This release is terrible!'

I like Jon, and once he drops to the price he's supposed to (At the most 1K) I'll probably build a little Marauder deck.  Thanks hutyro for being as enthused as I am about him.


As for the other cards, [card]Morphospiral[/card] is useless.  [card]Analyze[/card] is lackluster at best. [card] Accumulair[/card] is.....   I don't know.  Probably bad.  [card]Precise Chaotic Shot[/card] is neat, but I'm not sure if anything can use it.  And [card]Elbow Grease[/card]....?  At least it chains.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#9 17-08-2011 22:14:21

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

I am not impressed with this release. I took one look at it and said 'This is it? This is what we have been waiting a week for? This junk? And this 'Marauder' doesn't even get an attack boost, like they are all supposed to do. I am becoming less and less impressed with the releases. All they are is just an excuse to bleed those who do pay to play dry as a bone. Since I am a free player that doesnt hurt me but still start releasing something at least semi decent for a change?

And the new loading screenshot? Of Hares? Not only is it wrong (Hares is not max level at...2) What is this? Warstorm? We know what the cards look like and what they do. We dont need a picture showing us every single time we long in. All it does is make a slower loading time. Get rid of it.

AND FOG SNAKE IS UP 12K! Give it a rest people drop him back down because this is just getting stupid. He is not worth that much. I swear to *(*)&^*(&%^*(^%*&^$*

EDIT DANTESAN: I've regrouped your messages... posting three separate posts in a row with the sole purpose to complain is trolling and frankly annoying Col. You have the right to express your opinion yet simply bashing and whining about every single detail will only make you look like an angry teenager. I suggest you think twice before posting. Consider this a warning.

(Edited again and actually by me....At least I didnt curse this time so consider that an improvement. My points and 'opinions' as you call them (plural) still stand. A cheap common like Fog snake should have dropped back to a reasonable price by now instead of shooting even higher. Who in their addled brain pan will pay 12k for that? Plus the loading screen shot wasnt needed all this time why all of the sudden is it now? How about actually answering those questions?)

Dernière modification par Col.Beowulf (17-08-2011 23:30:48)

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#10 17-08-2011 22:53:02

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-06-2011
Messages : 347

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

That Hares is max level 2...have to combine to get full evo.

Fog Snake is worth what people are willing to pay, as all cards are.

Edit...Wow, last 2 posts were taken off quick..ignore me.

Dernière modification par EwokDan (17-08-2011 22:53:43)

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#11 17-08-2011 23:23:27

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Col.Beowulf a écrit :

I am not impressed with this release. I took one look at it and said 'This is it? This is what we have been waiting a week for? This junk? And this 'Marauder' doesn't even get an attack boost, like they are all supposed to do. I am becoming less and less impressed with the releases. All they are is just an excuse to bleed those who do pay to play dry as a bone. Since I am a free player that doesnt hurt me but still start releasing something at least semi decent for a change?

If you're a free player, why do you care if their releases are 'bleed those who do pay to play dry as bone?'  And I don't think they're bled dry as bone.  If one is spending all of their money on this game (My God, I HOPE someone no one does this.) then they really need to reevaluate their priorities in life.  If you don't pay, why bother mentioning it?  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#12 17-08-2011 23:29:24

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

MrLordi92 a écrit :
Col.Beowulf a écrit :

I am not impressed with this release. I took one look at it and said 'This is it? This is what we have been waiting a week for? This junk? And this 'Marauder' doesn't even get an attack boost, like they are all supposed to do. I am becoming less and less impressed with the releases. All they are is just an excuse to bleed those who do pay to play dry as a bone. Since I am a free player that doesnt hurt me but still start releasing something at least semi decent for a change?

If you're a free player, why do you care if their releases are 'bleed those who do pay to play dry as bone?'  And I don't think they're bled dry as bone.  If one is spending all of their money on this game (My God, I HOPE someone no one does this.) then they really need to reevaluate their priorities in life.  If you don't pay, why bother mentioning it?  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

Or how about this? It just means as a free player I wont spend anytime playing this week at all. Because these cards arent worth even trying to save up for? You maybe think about that? Even as a free player I care about what is released and how the game direction goes.

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#13 17-08-2011 23:35:48

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Col.Beowulf a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :
Col.Beowulf a écrit :

I am not impressed with this release. I took one look at it and said 'This is it? This is what we have been waiting a week for? This junk? And this 'Marauder' doesn't even get an attack boost, like they are all supposed to do. I am becoming less and less impressed with the releases. All they are is just an excuse to bleed those who do pay to play dry as a bone. Since I am a free player that doesnt hurt me but still start releasing something at least semi decent for a change?

If you're a free player, why do you care if their releases are 'bleed those who do pay to play dry as bone?'  And I don't think they're bled dry as bone.  If one is spending all of their money on this game (My God, I HOPE someone no one does this.) then they really need to reevaluate their priorities in life.  If you don't pay, why bother mentioning it?  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

Or how about this? It just means as a free player I wont spend anytime playing this week at all. Because these cards arent worth even trying to save up for? You maybe think about that? Even as a free player I care about what is released and how the game direction goes.

No, I realize this.  I mean why bother saying it's bleeding paying players dry, when that doesn't effect you at all.  The market for feez and for crystals are two very different markets.  If you read my comment I was speaking about that, not of the release as a whole, I already did that in an earlier post.  I didn't think of that because I don't assume that's what you meant.  We all know what it is to assume....

And quite frankly, it might be good for the game if you don't play for the week.  I heard games do far better without trolls.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#14 17-08-2011 23:41:30

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

MrLordi92 a écrit :
Col.Beowulf a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

If you're a free player, why do you care if their releases are 'bleed those who do pay to play dry as bone?'  And I don't think they're bled dry as bone.  If one is spending all of their money on this game (My God, I HOPE someone no one does this.) then they really need to reevaluate their priorities in life.  If you don't pay, why bother mentioning it?  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

Or how about this? It just means as a free player I wont spend anytime playing this week at all. Because these cards arent worth even trying to save up for? You maybe think about that? Even as a free player I care about what is released and how the game direction goes.

No, I realize this.  I mean why bother saying it's bleeding paying players dry, when that doesn't effect you at all.  The market for feez and for crystals are two very different markets.  If you read my comment I was speaking about that, not of the release as a whole, I already did that in an earlier post.  I didn't think of that because I don't assume that's what you meant.  We all know what it is to assume....

And quite frankly, it might be good for the game if you don't play for the week.  I heard games do far better without trolls.

Im not a troll, I dont just insult for the sake of insulting. I have valid points and I am just tired of letting these people walk over the free players. But you speak of the 'bleeding' paying players as a reason I needed not comment ok well think of this. They buy all this, well junk. But they also get cards players like me want. So they skyrocket those prices up to compensate for this....'release' so when they release stuff like this it does directly affect me. Even if its not these cards...specially. It is all designed, just to make them 'Feerik' money regardless of the outcome in the actual game. So yes. I will comment on the un-justice of it all. By in by...not the defination of 'trolling'.

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#15 17-08-2011 23:55:01

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Col.Beowulf a écrit :

Im not a troll, I dont just insult for the sake of insulting. I have valid points and I am just tired of letting these people walk over the free players. But you speak of the 'bleeding' paying players as a reason I needed not comment ok well think of this. They buy all this, well junk. But they also get cards players like me want. So they skyrocket those prices up to compensate for this....'release' so when they release stuff like this it does directly affect me. Even if its not these cards...specially. It is all designed, just to make them 'Feerik' money regardless of the outcome in the actual game. So yes. I will comment on the un-justice of it all. By in by...not the defination of 'trolling'.

Dantesan called you a troll, I'm just going by what he said.  In all fairness, the last post about Fog Hydra was.....  Unneeded by all standards.  Arbitrary complaining is trolling.

Is that really how the marketplace works?  The Virtual Boy was a major flop, but did consumers start selling their Nintendo's for a higher price because of it?  No.  They took it like men. 

That's how you assume the marketplace works, and IMO it's wrong.  The marketplace works on the most basic level of marketing and purchasing, which is supply and demand, not 'This card is terrible!  I'll sell this one for a lot more than it's worth to make my money back.'

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#16 18-08-2011 00:50:52

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

So when does Noz get some love?

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#17 18-08-2011 00:57:48

Inscription : 28-07-2011
Messages : 58

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Flame war. Geez, guys settle down, have a cup of tea. It's just a game. If you don't like it wait for another week, you won't die. And to the other guy, if you don't like his opinion just ignore it, you won't die too.

And in the end, I flame them both. (smiley)

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#18 18-08-2011 01:04:46

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

UrBestFriend a écrit :

And in the end, I flame them both. (smiley)


"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#19 18-08-2011 03:22:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 293

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

MrLordi92 a écrit :

  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

You just made my day.

Re: This release. It's ok. If every release had a big impact with extremely powerful cards we'd be on a downward spiral aka power creep.

Lady Jane can kick your ass.

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#20 18-08-2011 04:00:45

Lieu : Rhode Island
Inscription : 05-12-2010
Messages : 1 470

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

pekpekkypek a écrit :
MrLordi92 a écrit :

  That's like being a male feminist.  You talk about equal rights for women, when you're not a woman.

You just made my day.

Re: This release. It's ok. If every release had a big impact with extremely powerful cards we'd be on a downward spiral aka power creep.


PS:  Glad I could make your day.

"Some say there's no subtly to destruction.  You know what?  They're dead." ~ Jaya Ballard, Task Mage

"One footstep among many is silent.  One footstep alone is deafening."

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#21 18-08-2011 08:26:51

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Personally, I felt this release is decent. Pirates have now a decent equipment-based Marauder addition (at least 2 cards that have great synergy with Nahrwal). Again a mage counter card (what's with mage counter these days O_o). Mechanist not so much, there's room for improvement still). Overall, a decent release without contributing to power creep.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#22 18-08-2011 09:51:43

Staff Feerik
Inscription : 04-04-2011
Messages : 3 275

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

I think this release is "ok" , if we get always super powerfull cards will be the end ....
But , why Pirates must get this type of release?
The Pirates Guild is the worst in the game and we all know that. It's a good guild , an original guild , but the worst in the game. This is Guild deserves more attention , more than the other guilds.
I really like Pirates and i hope in the future will be some release to be really competitive in elo ( and i hope for mages and marauders )
However , i think the Marauder Pirates Deck it's good , with this release is slightly better , of course not a top elo deck ....

Partecipate alla chat italiana di Eredan ITCG!!!

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#23 18-08-2011 15:22:18

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 740

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster


How cute if Jon got some afro.... smile

Dernière modification par Cossette (18-08-2011 15:23:16)

Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?

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#24 18-08-2011 16:23:44

Mr. Saint-Germain
Inscription : 17-05-2011
Messages : 23

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

I am kind of disapointed by this release... We all know (including developers) that pirates are not competitive right now, I don't think they have ever been but I wouldn't know, yet this release is the worst card wise since... well I can't even remember a worse release.

-The character is not totally useless but it won't change the subpar performance of pirate marauders.

-The mechanist cards are useless.

-[card]Accumulair[/card] ..... Seriously? Last week release for nomads had the same card with better stats, an additionnal effect and a chain : [card]Appui des dieux[/card]

-[card]Analyse[/card] Is interesting, it could have a place in a deck.

-[card]Morphovrille[/card] Is near useless, ports are banned from elo. I don't see how discarding your own objects is useful often enough to justify placing it in a deck. Plus it's golem-only, that means Hic-Kar is the only character that will ever use it.

About the price of the cards that he wants being affected by the realease... He was right.

Lower supply -> Higher prices
More rares/uncommons/commons -> Lower supply for those that he wants

Making terrible cards like this isn't worth the increase IMHO.

I'm all against power creep, but that doesn't mean not to increase the power of the subpar guilds.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised by an event soon... seems to be the trend after bad releases, when less people are buying boosters. And I hope no one is buying boosters trying to get these cards.

Dernière modification par Mr. Saint-Germain (18-08-2011 16:30:30)

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#25 19-08-2011 15:35:41

Inscription : 29-01-2011
Messages : 491

Re : iTCG: Jon the Filibuster

Mr. Saint-Germain a écrit :

I am kind of disapointed by this release... We all know (including developers) that pirates are not competitive right now, I don't think they have ever been but I wouldn't know, yet this release is the worst card wise since... well I can't even remember a worse release.

-The character is not totally useless but it won't change the subpar performance of pirate marauders.

-The mechanist cards are useless.

-[card]Accumulair[/card] ..... Seriously? Last week release for nomads had the same card with better stats, an additionnal effect and a chain : [card]Appui des dieux[/card]

-[card]Analyse[/card] Is interesting, it could have a place in a deck.

-[card]Morphovrille[/card] Is near useless, ports are banned from elo. I don't see how discarding your own objects is useful often enough to justify placing it in a deck. Plus it's golem-only, that means Hic-Kar is the only character that will ever use it.

About the price of the cards that he wants being affected by the realease... He was right.

Lower supply -> Higher prices
More rares/uncommons/commons -> Lower supply for those that he wants

Making terrible cards like this isn't worth the increase IMHO.

I'm all against power creep, but that doesn't mean not to increase the power of the subpar guilds.

Edit: I wouldn't be surprised by an event soon... seems to be the trend after bad releases, when less people are buying boosters. And I hope no one is buying boosters trying to get these cards.

You called it. A event right after rubbish release. Kudos.

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