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If you have The Prestige, do you really need Anathematize as well?
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I voted yes, but it actually depends on your deck.
Prestige can help you aganst a lot of decks, but unless you have an ans/void or a lot of watchers you can use it only once, to remove 1 or 2 cards.
But Anathematize, can surprise an adversary, preventing from him discarding too much cards to get the ones he needs before using ANS, and runing decks that uses the discard pile as strategy, like, Ihas, Kotoba Weapons at will, DK, Burn in hell, Arcanium and few others.
But its all a matter of strategy, some decks, like beatdowns, have no reason to have a anethematize on the deck. Or decks that make use of dicard pile.
Or like my case, I play DK, or a deck with Sevylath, Lady Yilith and the Foam Giant. In both case to use the anethematize would do me more harm than good, so I dont have use it...
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Nah i dont use anathem that much if i ever get a prestige ill use it with out anathem anyway
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-Frederica Bernkastel
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even if i would have prestige i wouldnt use it.
that card only works on extremly bad decks, triple core card shit n' sth like.
there are better ways to handle those.
so Anathematize allways. lovin' it.
silent leges inter arma
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even if i would have prestige i wouldnt use it.
that card only works on extremly bad decks, triple core card shit n' sth like.
there are better ways to handle those.so Anathematize allways. lovin' it.
I think that's the most asinine thing I've ever seen posted on these. To completely discount a card because it only works on bad decks? How does that even MAKE SENSE? The Prestige works differently from Anathematize. Anathematize prevents your opponent from digging back into his discard pile, or from cards like Burn in Hell and Panic! From gaining additional effects. The Prestige works more like a sniper, taking out your opponent's key cards before they can really hurt you. Of course The Prestige is going to be more effective in discard decks, but then again so does Anathematize. They both have their uses, and running one of each isn't a bad idea. Especially if you have The Hungry Void, and can Prestige something twice. Now that just hurts.
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you tell me the card text? this is your serious?
one copy should be first in the graveyard.
and he should bable to get back or have multiple, but u dont know.
so YES, this is not Yugioh. Where you have x thousand cards.
Among 20 cards is no place for such a dud.
my opinion, does not have to be yours
I do not see a direct comparison between Prestige and Anathem.
But when asked about their either here, Anathem is much more useful.
silent leges inter arma
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I actually prefer prestige... Its better for destroying Ihas deck, or divine light or base cards of a whole deck, but when using a discard deck is better Anathemize
I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. (Hafez)
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you tell me the card text? this is your serious?
one copy should be first in the graveyard.
and he should bable to get back or have multiple, but u dont know.so YES, this is not Yugioh. Where you have x thousand cards.
Among 20 cards is no place for such a dud.
my opinion, does not have to be yoursI do not see a direct comparison between Prestige and Anathem.
But when asked about their either here, Anathem is much more useful.
You do realize the comparison between Prestige and a sniper, right? It picks off threats that are trying to hurt you. So in a discard deck, it can do that quite easy, and with amazing results. In ELO? Maybe not so much, but if you're playing, say, Mages, you wanna get rid of those Rain of Death quickly. Or Weapons at Will if you're playing Kobota. Assassination if you're playing Zil. Will it work 100% of the time? No. But there will be times when Anathematize will be worthless as well, since you USUALLY want to wait until late game to use it. Prestige can work turn 2 and beyond if you draw it.
But YOU said it only works on extremely bad decks. For that you get the Award for Stupid Generalization. These cards have similar mechanics with different uses and shouldn't really be compared.
Remember; Prestige = sniper. Anathematize = discard pile nuke.
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even if i would have prestige i wouldnt use it.
that card only works on extremly bad decks, triple core card shit n' sth like.
there are better ways to handle those.so Anathematize allways. lovin' it.
Ahah. Seems that you never played in ELO. Prestige only working against bad decks, good one!
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you cant really compare them because they work differently.
Prestige takes the opponents key cards out, which really is a pain. eclipse w/o solaris?
kotoba w/o waw?
plus, it simply discards 2 cards, which is nice for discard-decks.
Anathem is mostly a counter to ANS, but in general to nearly everything that interacts with the grave.
i see no reason for not playing both in a deck if the situation requires it.
which one is the better card, well, check the market
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