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#1 01-07-2011 11:34:31

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

New Trophies + The Shaman

New Trophies + The Shaman

New Trophies

New Trophies are now available for all guilds.

    Win 3 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 10 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 25 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 50 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 100 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 250 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 500 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 900 games with a Nehantist Deck.
    Win 1300 games with a Nehantist Deck.

Take on the same challenges with the Kotoba, the Sap Heart, The Nomads and all the other Eredan iTCG guilds. Without forgetting our Mercenary friends of course. As a bonus, a new exclusive Nehantist guild trophy is avilable too.

Get all the following Nehantist characters at their last upgrade: Dimizar - Iron Mask - Soul Chewer - Carkass - Hate - Ardrakar - Chalice - Anagram (any evo) - The Fallen - Shadow, Lady of the Nehant.

Tons of rewards

Once these trophies completed, you will earn crystals, Experience Destiny cards, XP and titles.
A new trophy in store.

Players that did not manage to complete The Shaman trophy, can now purchase it in the Eredan iTCG store.

Play 15 games against different players having all your characters still alive by the end of Turn 6. You will win the Shamanism card and the Shaman title.


Shamanism : Action. Unique. Collector. All your characters heal 1 Health point at the end of each Turn. Duration: 2 Tours.

Have fun!
Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
Find this also on Facebook !

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#2 01-07-2011 11:35:50

Lieu : East. . . Always to the East
Inscription : 18-09-2010
Messages : 970

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

new trophies yay smile

Never lost a fair game... or played one.

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#3 01-07-2011 11:43:56

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

The Great corruptor one epic XD

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#4 01-07-2011 12:24:35

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Philippines
Inscription : 29-06-2011
Messages : 214

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman


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#5 02-07-2011 06:28:02

Inscription : 22-02-2011
Messages : 33

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

Is there any reason why past battles are not taken into account for these new trophies? Just curious, because it kind of seems unfair to those that have been around for a while and have played thousands of battles already. 

Also, is there going to be a trophy for completing all of the trophy cards for act 3? or a cumulative trophy for acts 1-3 like there was for acts 1-2

Dernière modification par Antwil (02-07-2011 06:41:17)

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#6 02-07-2011 13:56:59

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

Antwil a écrit :

Is there any reason why past battles are not taken into account for these new trophies? Just curious, because it kind of seems unfair to those that have been around for a while and have played thousands of battles already. 

Also, is there going to be a trophy for completing all of the trophy cards for act 3? or a cumulative trophy for acts 1-3 like there was for acts 1-2

I agree. Ive been playing since august of last year and have played 4329 games with an 80% win ratio (at the time of this posting). In order to achieve the top of all of those trophies id have to play 10400 additional games. Other new trophies in the past have counted for past wins when initially introduced. I've signed in twice in the past and been awarded several trophies due to the fact that i had already completed their requirements. I think these should as well. Between Zil and Sap Hearts im sure ive won 1300 games in each of those guilds. Call me crazy, but I like consistency...

Dernière modification par Erezil (02-07-2011 13:58:00)

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#7 02-07-2011 15:54:27

Lieu : no temple to Xochiquetzal here
Inscription : 18-04-2011
Messages : 22

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

Antwil a écrit :

Is there any reason why past battles are not taken into account for these new trophies? Just curious, because it kind of seems unfair to those that have been around for a while and have played thousands of battles already.

I think so, too.

Mad Scientist * Born under the xochitl
"Everything bigger than a hamlet should have a temple dedicated to Xochiquetzal . I even volunteer as high priest."

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#8 02-07-2011 17:05:18

Modérateur Eredan
Inscription : 20-04-2010
Messages : 11 566

Re : New Trophies + The Shaman

There is one raison : the staff decided to do in that way.
They want to give new long term objectives.

This makes grinding one's teeth on the French part.

Personally, I played from day one, I have more than 4500 victories with all types of decks....

Collectionneur de cartes

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