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#1 30-06-2011 14:11:39

Inscription : 27-01-2010
Messages : 788

The Royal Guard Trophy

A new trophy is available until the 7th of July 2011 at 9.00 (french time).
You don't have much time so don't waste any!

Win 10 games against different players during which you will systematically select the character with the lowest Health points amongst those available to you during the game. Disconnections are not taken into account. You will win the card The Dead Gods and the title: The Royal Guard.


The Dead Gods : Action. Unique. Collector. At the start of each Turn, the character with the lowest Health points loses 1 Health point. Priest: At the start of each Turn, the Mage with the lowest Health points loses 1 Health point. Permanent.

Eredan iTCG, the online trading card game.
Find this also on Facebook!

Don't kill the dream, execute it.

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#2 30-06-2011 14:19:14

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : The Royal Guard Trophy

question my character with the lowest health plays first? or opponents?

Dernière modification par jackal19 (30-06-2011 14:19:37)

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#3 30-06-2011 20:32:10

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2010
Messages : 174

Re : The Royal Guard Trophy

I am sorry, maybe I'm just tired but I don't understand the requirements for this trophy?

Am I to kill the guy with the lowest first? Keep him alive? Do I need to build a deck with low health points?

Any help is appreciated.


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#4 30-06-2011 20:41:01

Lieu : Germany - Tilleda (Kyffhäuser)
Inscription : 12-12-2010
Messages : 1 500

Re : The Royal Guard Trophy

win 10 battles.

in each turn were you can choose the chars, you must take your character with the lowest health.
the enemienal character doesnt matter.
even the choice of the enemy in his turns doesnt matter.

if your chars have the same health it doesnt matter which one you choose.

means no special deck needed, you can play your normal deck.

BUT: leaving doesnt count, it must be a kill or discard victory.

very easy trophy in imho. i needed 17 battles, with 3 loses n' 4 leavers...

silent leges inter arma

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#5 01-07-2011 07:32:23

Inscription : 12-05-2011
Messages : 33

Re : The Royal Guard Trophy


like this if it is your turn play the char with the lowest health

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