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#1 27-06-2011 17:35:40

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

DK talk

So, the biggest hitting combos from the dk release , from what I'm learning, are:

Valentin: Chimera+ Last action

In the name of the Dragon+ The Best Defense, pull magic attack.

Chimera Equipped:
Power+ The Last action
In the Name of the Dragon + Last action, pull magic attack.

Chimera + The Dragon's Champion= Damn near unkillable.
The Dragons Champion + using A drac sword/armor/dragon's prescense= Up to 8 hp after hitting the death mark.

Cons: Freeze can ruin it
50/50:If Drac' Swords or chimera are discarded, In the name of the Dragon can bring them back for free.

I need the last action, otherwise the deck is complete ._.


Dernière modification par Anihilate (27-06-2011 17:36:53)

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#2 29-06-2011 14:54:45

Inscription : 11-06-2011
Messages : 20

Re : DK talk

well dk is quite good
but i dunno maybe its noz problem
it allways cost high (lol)

the best dk deck i ever fight is have some of this card
- in the name
- chimera
- last action
- prestige
- void
- a new start
- clumsines

other card is staple dk card like :
- draconian sword
- dragon armor
- magic attack
- etc

well u can count on the crystal cost ^^

Dernière modification par shaderlol (29-06-2011 14:55:32)

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#3 29-06-2011 19:33:46

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 500

Re : DK talk

Last word > Last action
In the name of the dragon + word + than the sword= +5->12 attack also heal big.
Also being frozen isn't to bad cause it basically lets you use heal activation on the items again.

Dragon Knights ftw big_smile

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#4 30-06-2011 01:34:12

Lieu : no temple to Xochiquetzal here
Inscription : 18-04-2011
Messages : 22

Re : DK talk

Anihilate a écrit :

Chimera + The Dragon's Champion= Damn near unkillable.
The Dragons Champion + using A drac sword/armor/dragon's prescense= Up to 8 hp after hitting the death mark.

A few days ago I encountered a DK deck that played [card]Kounok the Prophet[/card] with 3 [card]Crystal Shelf[/card], a [card]Dragon Armor[/card], [card]Chimera[/card] and, as a final good bye kiss, [card]The Dragon's Champion[/card]. It was demoralizing seeing your guys being burned down and he himself healing everything you managed to chip away since [card]Valentin[/card] and [card]Zahal[/card] each equipped a Dragon Armor via [card]Armor Invocation[/card] and a [card]Draconian Sword[/card].

And yes, there was the [card]Power[/card] + [card]Than the Sword[/card] combo included and [card]Dragon Fangs[/card] was used to finish my 5 Spirit Tracker off ^^

It was interesting to see but depressing to play against and I'm only happy I didn't see any [card]Fragment of Chimera[/card].

And, BTW, seeing Power + Than the Sword virtually in every DK deck isn't really fun, you know ^^

Mad Scientist * Born under the xochitl
"Everything bigger than a hamlet should have a temple dedicated to Xochiquetzal . I even volunteer as high priest."

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#5 30-06-2011 12:01:06

Inscription : 31-03-2011
Messages : 1 575

Re : DK talk

I have been testing my DK, and made up to 1850 on elo last week, this week with the bans on discard I hope I will do better, because even with the ANS, the high levels deck with prestige, void is anoying as hell. It always depend that the ANS come before they could anatematize my discard pile.

The main problem I have been facing is the Standard Neantic deck. The dk need at least the 3 first turns on equiping and while that they got enough corruptions in you to make you useless. Especially, The demon may raise and demoniac portal. Somehow it seens the players always know when I comb the last def. To counter it i put a crown of the frontier... And revealign the secret fuck up your spirit making Chimera useless..
If I can win one in 10 is a lot...

Anyway, I belive for a DK deck get really competive you must have an ANS (what deck dosent?) Because you must dicard a lot in the beggining, to have card you can comb with In the name of the dragon and so your equipments can come quick. And so you can all your in the name of the dragon again.

I personally dont think using armor invocation a good idea. In order to be usefull you must have at least 2 dragon's wit and 2 invocations.. I think it uses too much space for more usefull cards, when Valentin can alredy equip it in chain with a sword or Zahal as chain in the armor. The only problem is Kounuk.

I belive the Last word + then the sword combination can be really powerfull, the problem with it is that it needs to be in your hand to work. So if you get a lot in the starting hand you will be forced to dicard them. I actually have more faith in the Last Action.

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