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#1 06-04-2011 21:04:35

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 04-03-2011
Messages : 7

Rate my discard deck

My current discard deck is:

Abyssien the Devourer lvl 3
Salem lvl 4
Marlok the Repentant lvl 3

3 Panic
3 Treacherous
3 Look Away
2 Theft
2 Fallback
2 Manipulation
2 Illusionary Reflection
1 Tadaa! You're a Bunny
1 Anathematize
1 Cloning

My deck did fairly well in the ELO my max is around 1800 elo, however i am facing difficulties against low spirit deck such as quickdraw, nomads (solar angered chars), and pirate. Help me modify this deck pls, thx a lot

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#2 08-04-2011 09:36:56

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Rate my discard deck

Add ANS Ishaia HV Prestige

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#3 26-05-2011 23:13:12

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 80

Re : Rate my discard deck

ive got a thing 4 using kriss with my discard deck the fact that he can heal abyssian when things turn nasty is awesome and fallback works better against quick draw so a couple of them will potentialy eliminate them annoying ****

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#4 03-06-2011 13:56:06

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Rate my discard deck

I'm currently looking into building a discarder deck as well. Was just wondering though who would pair better with Salem and Abyssien the Devourer:

Marlok the Repentant or Kriss?

Need some decent advice here smile

BTW, how does Kriss heal Abyssien?

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#5 03-06-2011 13:59:14

Lieu : SDM
Inscription : 10-12-2010
Messages : 1 191

Re : Rate my discard deck

Lyquid a écrit :

I'm currently looking into building a discarder deck as well. Was just wondering though who would pair better with Salem and Abyssien the Devourer:

Marlok the Repentant or Kriss?

Need some decent advice here smile

BTW, how does Kriss heal Abyssien?

i think kris is better because he can do theurgy so he can heal abyss i find marlok to be a double edged sword because of his high spirit

New englishchat:

"Tea is best enjoyed with your fellow monsters"
-Frederica Bernkastel

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#6 03-06-2011 14:26:36

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Rate my discard deck

That's one input. Highly considered smile Thanks!

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#7 03-06-2011 15:13:50

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Rate my discard deck

Not to mention Kriss can use Theft and Look Away. Marlok can't even use Panic. Just Mental Siphon.

Might as well consider Eternal. At least he can use both Theft and Mental Siphon.

Dernière modification par magius (03-06-2011 15:14:22)

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#8 03-06-2011 15:22:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Rate my discard deck

This changes everything. Marlok seems to be a disadvantage if he can't use the key cards. I don't have the necessary cards to level up Eternal. I might be better off buying Kriss.

Really appreciate the feedback smile Helped a lot in decision-making wink

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#9 03-06-2011 16:37:38

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : Rate my discard deck

Lyquid a écrit :

This changes everything. Marlok seems to be a disadvantage if he can't use the key cards. I don't have the necessary cards to level up Eternal. I might be better off buying Kriss.

Really appreciate the feedback smile Helped a lot in decision-making wink

Interestingly Eternal might be cheaper than Kriss if you buy the separate components. Eternal has good defense as well as health. That will be a good factor in discard deck.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#10 03-06-2011 23:46:40

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Rate my discard deck

Would you know the requirements for the upgrades of Eternal?

And would Eternal be able to chain some cards like the mage cards? Witchblades can't chain mage cards unless the card states CHAIN. Is it the same for Eternal?

Thanks in advance. Really appreciate this.

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#11 04-06-2011 00:17:37

Inscription : 15-12-2010
Messages : 1 021

Re : Rate my discard deck

Lyquid a écrit :

Would you know the requirements for the upgrades of Eternal?

And would Eternal be able to chain some cards like the mage cards? Witchblades can't chain mage cards unless the card states CHAIN. Is it the same for Eternal?

Thanks in advance. Really appreciate this.

Witchblades can chain any light spell if Anzara is in play an alive

The Nehant Champion
"With facts, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual" Galileo Galilei

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#12 04-06-2011 02:04:53

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 27-12-2010
Messages : 262

Re : Rate my discard deck

Yes, I agree. I am fully aware of the chaining abilities of Light Spells when Anazra is around other Witchblades because I also have a WB deck. But that works for the WBs because of the character synergy.

I'm looking at the possible character combinations for a Zil Discard deck. Salem, Abyssien the Devourer and ?????.

Eternal have good stats but I don't know how he'll fair when mixed with a Zil character. On the other hand, there was a suggestion to use Kriss.

I'm being cautious in buying the characters because it entails a lot of crystals. I would like to buy the right character given the crystals I have left. It's good to buy Kriss for 18,000 crystals and that's it, bankrupt *LOL*. Some cards are just way too expensive *sigh*

Dernière modification par Lyquid (04-06-2011 07:02:05)

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#13 04-06-2011 20:08:35

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-09-2010
Messages : 108

Re : Rate my discard deck

you can obtain Kriss via trophy, too.
i think its called "the puppeteer"

once you have that trophy, the 18k crystals are wasted money since you cant sell kriss.
but it will take ages until you are finished with, because you need Abomination lvl6...
so its up to you.
the Eternal might be a wise choice, but i would stay with Marlok, because he can chain spells. add one cloning and [card]mental syphon[/card] as soon as you hit lvl 16.

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#14 07-06-2011 02:33:14

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 06-06-2011
Messages : 6

Re : Rate my discard deck

In addition to being able to use Theft, Kriss can also use Look Away (as he is a Circus).

If you use Kriss instead of Marlok, you should get rid of the Illusionary Reflections (as only Abyssien would be able to use them) and substitute them with "I hate Brawlers" (which can be used both by Abyssien and Kriss).

Also, since you can't use Manipulation without a Courtesan, you could substitute them with Dissapearance, that comes very handy against plages like Tea Ceremony, Sitar Hero, Crystal Storm and the like. I remember a battle against  Kimiko, Dandy and Isahia, in which I lost Abyssien and Kriss early on, but Salem ended up winning the battle single-handed since he had Dissapearance equiped and the enemy just couldn't hurt him with anything.

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#15 12-06-2011 04:50:55

Inscription : 21-05-2011
Messages : 20

Re : Rate my discard deck

The line up that I use, and is my personal favorite is [card]Salem[/card],  [card]Abyssien the devourer[/card], and [card]The Shadow[/card].

The shadow is a big hitter, with 3 def with abyssien. She can play all but one of your discard cards(panic) and you don't have to really worry about her not being able to play look away.

Dernière modification par MasterRiddlez (12-06-2011 04:54:56)

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#16 27-06-2011 22:35:09

Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 80

Re : Rate my discard deck

hello im rollin with kriss ATD and saleem and so far ive had a 78/13 win ratio!
and for an earlier comment on how kriss heals "mercy" is an amazing addition but can be considered to be "expensive"

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