
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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Les forums d'Eredan iTCG ont déménagés. Retrouvez-les à cette adresse :

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#1 17-05-2011 13:44:21

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 66

A little more space for challenging

Please at least a little more space top and bottom in the level and training rooms. My suggestion is something like that:


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#2 18-05-2011 20:03:10

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 02-02-2011
Messages : 15

Re : A little more space for challenging

What is the point on doing that?
If you want a bigger window, why don't you ask a larger game resolution?

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#3 19-05-2011 15:22:28

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 66

Re : A little more space for challenging

The point is that scrolling is difficult with players constantly entering and leaving the room. When you scroll to the bottom, the scroll returns you to the top and so on. The more space means more players visible without the need to scroll.

The size of the level's, battle's and other screens is a decision of the game developers and is little so it can be viewed nicely even in low resolution of the screen.

So I'm suggesting a better placement of the elements rather than something to do with resolution because I don't know the reason for it. Maybe it's a requirement for facebook games.

Is it clear now?

Dernière modification par paulhealth (19-05-2011 15:23:26)

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