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#1 03-04-2011 19:31:25

Inscription : 06-02-2011
Messages : 51

Crow deck help?

First time using crow so any help would be great, here is the deck so far (just went for what looked good)

Characters :
Oogoe Kage
Karasu Kage

Is there better choices? I like Karasu Kage but maybe a better choice then Gan'so?
Anyway here's there Item cards (so far)

Others :
Firon x3
Karajutsu x3
Time to die x1
Tsume x3
Wakizashi x3

So...that's it so far, I bought 3 shuriken's like an idiot thinking these are beast just to realise that there  tracker only -.-.

Anyway any help would be great, thanks.

P.S money isn't a problem, the only things I can't afford is NWS and HV.

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#2 03-04-2011 19:54:43

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-03-2011
Messages : 239

Re : Crow deck help?

if i were you i would use [card]Toran The Regent[/card] instead of ogoe or gan'so and if money is not a problem some [card]Tadaa!You're a bunny![/card] would be nice big_smile

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#3 03-04-2011 20:35:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Crow deck help?

Hondaime a écrit :

if i were you i would use [card]Toran The Regent[/card] instead of ogoe or gan'so and if money is not a problem some [card]Tadaa!You're a bunny![/card] would be nice big_smile

Yes, you need Toran The Regent for a proper Crow deck
Get rid of those firons, get 2 bleedings, 3 tadaas, and 3 disagreement

Dernière modification par GGuti (03-04-2011 20:36:23)

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#4 03-04-2011 21:25:40

Inscription : 06-02-2011
Messages : 51

Re : Crow deck help?

Anything else?

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#5 03-04-2011 21:50:30

Lieu : Argentina
Inscription : 27-11-2010
Messages : 1 076

Re : Crow deck help?

[card]Favor of the dawn[/card] is a good defensive card and that's something crows need. And if you can, try to get the [card]Reborn[/card] trophie card for lowering spirit for tsume damage and spell protection.

“¡Se me ha acabado el té!”

[Chat Eredan Hispano | Clan Séptimo Sentido]

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#6 03-04-2011 22:36:06

Inscription : 06-02-2011
Messages : 51

Re : Crow deck help?

Well that's abit off topic? Noone here is even talking about tracker's.

Anyway after using crow's with the improvments everyone has said i've come to the decision that the crow are really lacking at the moment and cannot compete with the big boys.

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#7 03-04-2011 22:45:20

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 12-03-2011
Messages : 239

Re : Crow deck help?

Sorry about that , but the reason was that i created a similiar topic with the subject being tracker's instead of crow's i got 1 response :x

If I we're you i would try Tsoutai's if you haven't already they look like they're strong of course if money isn't a problem you should do fine

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#8 04-04-2011 01:35:24

Inscription : 06-02-2011
Messages : 51

Re : Crow deck help?

Wish I could help you out on tracker's but i've not been playing in awhile so wouldn't have a clue lol.

Thanks for the help everyone anyway.

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#9 04-04-2011 17:12:17

kleos D
Inscription : 26-01-2011
Messages : 38

Re : Crow deck help?

Tsume x3
Wakizashi x3

you can make a proper classic crow deck with those cards, which consist of karasu, oogoe zil version and gan'so..

forget toran, go the bushido way, you have two warriors ( oogoe & gan'so ) ready to chain wakis with tsume.. put two to three tadaa you're bunny and you're set to kill everyone..

you could also utilize some of the new kotoba warriors cards like zazen or Iaido to further augments your two warriors..

oh, and don't forget some courtesan cards (manipulation, OV) for oogoe..

Dernière modification par kleos D (04-04-2011 17:17:12)

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#10 04-04-2011 23:15:03

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Re : Crow deck help?

Samsari a écrit :

[card]Favor of the dawn[/card] is a good defensive card and that's something crows need. And if you can, try to get the [card]Reborn[/card] trophie card for lowering spirit for tsume damage and spell protection.

that's Diversion and Bleeding's job

@last comment on the thread

Crow without Toran is FAIL

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