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#1 30-03-2011 05:01:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 19-12-2010
Messages : 354

Starboard not reducing physical dmg

Well, just that, sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't, most of the times when I have 2 equipped one doesn't work, and if i have only 1 it's kinda random

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#2 30-03-2011 06:58:23

Lieu : Parcourant les terres de Guem
Inscription : 30-10-2009
Messages : 5 231

Re : Starboard not reducing physical dmg

Known bug.

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#3 30-03-2011 07:18:29

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : Starboard not reducing physical dmg

Closing this topic, as this is, like Jarod said, a known bug.

We are working on fixing it.

Damn! This topic is being absorbed by The Void!

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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