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#26 29-03-2011 06:40:32

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

You just answered your own question.  Its to make money.  You dont like it, dont pay.  Its as simple as that.  Youre not going to haggle with the devs because you dont like the way they choose to make money.  Enough players agree with the system to keep their wallets as fat as their bellys, and thats all that really matters.


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#27 29-03-2011 06:55:06

Inscription : 01-12-2010
Messages : 66

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase

Where to even start with this crybaby nonsense....

I have earned my share of free fee'z and now that I have dried that well out I have been paying more since I recently got gainful employment again. I have a very extensive collection as when I get something I don't sell it off so I can try another deck, I prefer to be a collector first. That being said eventually you run out of things to sell, or are left with things that wont really sell in the first place, but that's a whole other matter.

Basically after reading all this, you didn't manage your time well, nor your money. That's no ones fault but your own. I suggest if you want a totally free to play game you find your directory of pre-installed games and get to playing solitaire, free cell, hearts, or whatever tickles your fancy.

Also this isn't a debate. A debate has two sides making points and providing informative responses. You just keep repeating the same garbage over and over, as no one will agree with you, which in that case usually means you are wrong.

Oderint Dum Metuant

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#28 29-03-2011 07:44:23

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : In game market requiring fee'z purchase


I believe your problem is that you want to push your idea into Eredan iTCG, which is a Feerik creation.
I, and many other players, answered you.

You make a reference to maths, in which people may not be happy to follow mathematics courses, even if they do have to. The good thing about a game, is that you do not have to follow a game if it bothers you, and you can follow it if you like it. Feerik has its own good reasons for doing or not doing things, and even if players' suggestions are welcomed, it doesn't mean at any time that players can change everything. Our player base is just fine, as well, without giving unnecessary numbers.

There is no plan on changing the game to a monthly subscription as of today. Period.

I'll lock this thread, as this is going nowhere.

If you want to discuss further this issue, please email me rather than posting a new topic about this.

Topic locked.


« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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