
Eredan iTCG forums move. You can find them at this adress:

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#1 21-03-2011 13:38:19

Inscription : 21-03-2011
Messages : 89

My impression of this game..

I found this game kinda fun, so decided to spend a few dollars on a booster pack.

Finding out the entire content is rubbish and a huge ***Lost into the Nehant***! Now I have access to the marketplace, but the only way to improve your deck is to buy a card for 10-20k crystals. And with earning 30 (WOHO) crystals for every trophy and win I get, I don`t really see that happening any time soon.

How on earth am I supposed to improve my deck and get new characters!?

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#2 21-03-2011 13:56:12

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : My impression of this game..

Hi and welcome to the forums Hilmario,

As a level 2, you have a lot to learn before beginning to know what to buy and what not to buy, according to your playstyle.

If you bought a booster, you will be able to sell cards you don't use on the market, and make some nice crystals. There are numerous ways to earn crystals through the game, or cards even. I am sure other players will help you out on starting with Eredan iTCG.



« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#3 21-03-2011 14:53:19

Inscription : 21-09-2010
Messages : 703

Re : My impression of this game..

Hi Hilmario,

Like any other collectable card games, you will start with a 'basic' card pool with which you can build a decent deck to play with. As you buy more boosters and sell more cards, your card pool will increase, hence allowing you to build more powerful decks. In addition, there are trophies for you to achieve that will also give you a set amount of crystals to start with.

The marketplace is driven by the players themselves, hence some of the cards being sold for ridiculous amount of crystals. It is mainly due to the effects of supply and demand. The key thing is patient and keep a look out for the key cards you need/want.

I would suggest to start slow, have a feel of the decks you have chosen and experiment with deck building. Pre-level 12 is typically a place for you to experiment and play. As you level up, you find that you can afford better cards, or buy other pre-build decks to play with (hence increasing your card pool).

As you go to mid-level, a decent, cheap deck to start with will be Kotoba's Tracker deck.

Magius [FH] FullHouse Clan

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#4 22-03-2011 21:22:44

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 25-11-2010
Messages : 193

Re : My impression of this game..

It is very hard to make crystals in this game unless you happen to get a booster with high selling items, which you'd most likely want to keep anyway. Even at level 19 most of the cards I've still yet to attain are the ones in the 20k+ range. They are simply too expensive.

Sometimes you can get lucky in the marketplace and find a cheap card that you know is worth at least double the price. I did that recently with lvl 3 lightning Bragan, found him for 3300, bought it, sold it back immediately for 15k.

My problem is I focus on the trophy achievements so end up spending a good chunk of crystals on the characters or items I need to complete it. Even though I get a lousy 1200 crystals for the trophy (after spending say 60k on a foam giant to complete it).

Don't follow my path, the character upgrade trophies are not worth it. Focus on a deck you like and getting the cards to make it better. Trackers are a good choice for beginners.

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#5 24-03-2011 23:07:20

Inscription : 15-02-2011
Messages : 23

Re : My impression of this game..

I did this, getting trophies and wasting my crystals so my level is inflated and I have crap for cards.  I managed to put together one competitive deck and got this today from some "kind soul"....

"I will not allow you to gain a point for this week's trophy. Try a deck that isn't so lame, use your brain and think of something that is strategic instead of mindless weapon chains and spells."

It should apoth because it was you.

Dernière modification par Someguy (24-03-2011 23:14:23)

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