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#1 20-03-2011 05:25:42

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 18-03-2011
Messages : 15

What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

I think this is new regulation, is it? I can't find marketplace in the lvl 5 character! Is there anything wrong?

Dernière modification par misterM (20-03-2011 10:42:20)

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#2 21-03-2011 03:07:13

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

Level 1. Keep looking.

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#3 21-03-2011 07:32:21

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

bleachman a écrit :

Level 1. Keep looking.

There is no "keep looking". The thing isn't there.

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#4 21-03-2011 07:34:39

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

Ryken a écrit :
bleachman a écrit :

Level 1. Keep looking.

There is no "keep looking". The thing isn't there.

There is an icon called Buy/Sell and has an image of 3 red coins on it. Click on it and then click on the icon labled Marketplace, which has an image of a bag/purse full of teh red coins. Not that hard to find. hmm

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#5 21-03-2011 07:47:34

stupid donkey
Lieu : A room with a moose.
Inscription : 03-09-2010
Messages : 504

Re : What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

bleachman a écrit :
Ryken a écrit :
bleachman a écrit :

Level 1. Keep looking.

There is no "keep looking". The thing isn't there.

There is an icon called Buy/Sell and has an image of 3 red coins on it. Click on it and then click on the icon labled Marketplace, which has an image of a bag/purse full of teh red coins. Not that hard to find. hmm


I'm sorry, what? Did you honestly not know about this?

If someone claims the Marketplace isn't there, why not, you know, look into that instead of sounding condescending?

It isn't that hard.

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#6 21-03-2011 08:07:03

Inscription : 06-09-2010
Messages : 1 362

Re : What is minimum level to use marketplace (buy things)?

Judging by the person's post, its title and the player's level, I assumed he was just a newbie asking for directions.

This is however a type of bug that must have happened sometime during the St. Patty Day update and Friday. For this reason I am going to move it to the Bugs section where it belongs. Locking it as well, as there is already another thread on the same topic in there.

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