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#1 15-03-2011 22:54:03

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

This deck has been working really well thought i would post

So for anyone having trouble thinking of a deck idea heres your idea. 

[card]Elder Mailandar[/card] 
10 or more items
3 [card]Items have a Soul
[/card]1-3 [card]watcher[/card]
(i also use like to use a [card]it is time[/card]

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#2 15-03-2011 22:59:25

Inscription : 22-02-2011
Messages : 33

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

This deck is one of the many reasons a lot of people include Anathematize in their decks.

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#3 15-03-2011 23:02:01

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

This is true that is why im saving for new start just a way more expensive counter attack. It worth it becuase if you get that thedeck is perfected with no possible way to lose except the accasional mage deck.
Also out of all the games i play only about 1/10 people use that card and in that scenario you still can go kotabo style and equip a lot of items to your cards

Dernière modification par aarorocks994 (15-03-2011 23:03:08)

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#4 16-03-2011 00:08:16

Inscription : 24-02-2011
Messages : 43

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

aarorocks994 a écrit :

This is true that is why im saving for new start just a way more expensive counter attack. It worth it becuase if you get that thedeck is perfected with no possible way to lose except the accasional mage deck.
Also out of all the games i play only about 1/10 people use that card and in that scenario you still can go kotabo style and equip a lot of items to your cards

as you said, mage and anatematize

but you can lose to obesity and also to crow decks

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#5 16-03-2011 00:27:47

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

actually crows are kind of hard but still really simple!!!! obeisity is that a joke that what rargnor for to be my little suicide bomber

mages are ok usually i can be able to win if i sit back and think, usually ill win becuase ill do more damage. That one card i can only beat if i suspect my opponent to have it becuase ill have to sit back and use kotoba stratagy so yes i can almost never beat that card and mages cause difficulty crows kind of difficult obeisity really?

Obeisity isn't a problem becuase usually people get rid of does at beggening and since theres only 3 they cant perfectly time all

Dernière modification par aarorocks994 (16-03-2011 00:32:32)

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#6 16-03-2011 06:21:42

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

[card]Anathematize[/card] pretty much solves everything hom'chais have to offer, once their discard pile empty they are just sitting ducks

Basic crow deck with 3 [card]tsume[/card]s is enough to seal the deal with IHAS

I don't know how you are okay with mages, unless you were fighting mages with basic spell you pretty much win, no doubt. Sit back and think is what you should do against discards not mages

IHAS deck, like many others would say is a one trick pony, uncapable of doing anything beside the one they already got

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#7 17-03-2011 06:41:30

Inscription : 14-03-2011
Messages : 22

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

you are missing one of the critical cards,


風 Swift as the wind
林 Quiet as the forest
火 Conquer like the fire
山 Steady as the mountain

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#8 18-03-2011 02:23:10

Inscription : 22-09-2010
Messages : 29

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post


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#9 20-03-2011 03:27:45

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

Yes that is a good card i didnt even know it existed though thank you!!!!

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#10 20-03-2011 03:32:10

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

Limestone a écrit :

[card]Anathematize[/card] pretty much solves everything hom'chais have to offer, once their discard pile empty they are just sitting ducks

Basic crow deck with 3 [card]tsume[/card]s is enough to seal the deal with IHAS

I don't know how you are okay with mages, unless you were fighting mages with basic spell you pretty much win, no doubt. Sit back and think is what you should do against discards not mages

IHAS deck, like many others would say is a one trick pony, uncapable of doing anything beside the one they already got

I am ok with mages and that tsume card becuase in 2nd round if i keep all 3 alive its about who does most damage and i do like 20 attack so it doesnt matter

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#11 20-03-2011 04:31:04

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

aarorocks994 a écrit :
Limestone a écrit :

[card]Anathematize[/card] pretty much solves everything hom'chais have to offer, once their discard pile empty they are just sitting ducks

Basic crow deck with 3 [card]tsume[/card]s is enough to seal the deal with IHAS

I don't know how you are okay with mages, unless you were fighting mages with basic spell you pretty much win, no doubt. Sit back and think is what you should do against discards not mages

IHAS deck, like many others would say is a one trick pony, uncapable of doing anything beside the one they already got

I am ok with mages and that tsume card becuase in 2nd round if i keep all 3 alive its about who does most damage and i do like 20 attack so it doesnt matter

That if you kept 3 brown gorillas alive which often don't

*sigh* crow can easily multiply their attack with [card]Karajutsu[/card], on [card]Toran the regent[/card] we can use [card]Time to die[/card] to make karajutsu +4 to all chars. [card]Tsume[/card] literally makes your defense useless. [card]Scroll of frailty[/card] plus [card]Lucky charm[/card] gonna makes your character attack looks like 2/20 meanwhile the crow got max attack. Usually they have enough attack to hit 14 health points down to zero on the first 3 turns

You proly never see [card]Rain of death[/card] used against your char or [card]Last word[/card] plus Rain of death, it will kill any hom'chai instantly, LB3 would wipe out your remaining char. I won't discuss much for mages since it's already obvious

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#12 20-03-2011 14:09:09

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

ok th at may win but i never have seen that deck yet

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#13 20-03-2011 14:17:45

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

Soon, very soon you will see

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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#14 20-03-2011 14:20:33

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

LOL as soon as you wrote that i went up against that deck ill tell u the outcome in a few minutes

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#15 20-03-2011 14:31:15

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

BOOM dude i just had the closest game ever it was 2 v 2 and he had tsume on 2 of his characters his characters both had like half life. One of mine had 2 the other 14 hes stupid and choses one of the tsume to go against low life insted of other guy. so now it 2v1 and only one of them have tsume. So i chose to go against guy without tsume i stayed alive with like 10 life left.  then i do 20 attack to guy with tsume and we both go negative but i do more damage

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#16 20-03-2011 14:33:18

Inscription : 02-03-2011
Messages : 34

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

sorry at the start it was 3v2 not 2v2
so i guess your right if the other player has all 3 characters [card]tsume[/card] i lose
2 or 1 tsume i win theres me weakness my kryptonite mad:mad::mad::mad::mad:

Dernière modification par aarorocks994 (20-03-2011 15:00:29)

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#17 20-03-2011 15:06:33

Inscription : 06-12-2010
Messages : 617

Re : This deck has been working really well thought i would post

I don't know what kind of crow you were fighting against but I'm sure it wasn't the good one
Congratulation for your win I guess, I hope it last for a long time

Stop licking your wound, and start licking mine little puppies

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