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#1 14-03-2011 20:30:28

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-03-2011
Messages : 15

BUG: Powder Keg healing opponent by 3 health when cast using Multitask

Either i'm asleep and dreaming or [card]Powder Keg[/card] that's cast using [card]Multitasking[/card] actually healed my opponent 3 health instead of dealing 3 more when hit by my pirate's pistol blade.

Tried without multitasking and this time there was additional damage without anything funky.

Replicated the problem with multitasking yet again later.

Someone enlighten me? sad

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#2 14-03-2011 21:46:37

Inscription : 28-08-2010
Messages : 665

Re : BUG: Powder Keg healing opponent by 3 health when cast using Multitask

Powder Keg has had issues since it was released.  I thought there was an update on the bug not that long ago.  Try looking a bit further back in the bugs thread.


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#3 15-03-2011 09:00:33

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : BUG: Powder Keg healing opponent by 3 health when cast using Multitask


[card]Powder Keg[/card] does have an issue logged into our bug database.
I currently have no more details on this, but it's an already known bug.

Therefore, I will close this topic, not to have multiple topics about [card]Powder Keg[/card].

Thank you for your comprehension.



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