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I'm new, been playing for about a month now. Built a fun crow deck. (Its not as good as most tho lol) I built the crow deck because Karasu Kage looked sweet! So now im getting bored with the deck and want to make a new one. I want to build a Deck around the Narwhal and Weapon Kata two cards i think are cool and fun and do diffrent things that ive never seen before. So i was wondering what cards go well with these two? Or maybe i should just use one and not both? i don't plan on haveing the best deck but i would like to win lol.
Or.... Maybe a deck with Sap Hearts would be a better idea? i like Spiritspeaker and hailwalker (the -2 att version) and i like Keizen.
Or lastly lol i was thinking on a deck with Kimiko?
any suggestions?
Thanks for any Help!
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Ahoy! there! another "Pirate" Ese! if your going for the pirate go full marauder deck...
its the cheapest pirate deck around, i made this once because of low budget issue, already dismantle it though. and with addition of [card]Hook[/card] and [card]narwhal[/card] this can change the outcome... You might pull this deck out on the forgoten list
it won't be the strongest because of some weak point "againts mages to be ecxact"
around other deck it can be competitive...
This works best againts low def decks too...
a simple Beatdown deck... while lowering opponents HP Down to 10-9 points Before finishing on the second turn... or eating some important key cards [card]Theft[/card]
- My "Look Behind You!!" Pirate Marauder deck - (i like to make tittle too )
-Characters- actually they coordinated very well together average def and good attacks..
[card]Gemineye[/card] lvl 3 - +1 spirit and +1 def " nice... -
[card]lil laddie[/card] lvl 4 -this kid took me some time to lvl cause of his card requirements
[card]Hook[/card] lvl 3 - any [card]Hook[/card] will do i prefer the anti-shadow i use [card]Briscar[/card] last time -
- action -
3 [card]Dominate the Opponent[/card] "who got the bigger guns now?"
1 [card]Supplying[/card] "Briscar version VS Armada version" I know who wins
3 [card]Theft[/card] "Is this yours?"
3 [card]Smart Ass[/card] "umm CUBE O_o" - i would like a better card than this -
3 [card]Weapon Kata[/card] "Cool Pose Hook!" -This was [card]coordinated attack[/card] on my deck before-
- items -
3 [card]The Pirate Code[/card] "Some rules are ment to be broken"
3 [card]Jolly Roger[/card] "Strike the Colors"
1 [card]Narwhal[/card] I use this for escape Mutineers "down to 1 hp eh?.. HAR!HAR!"
- Hope you like it Its a cheap deck worth less than 50k crystals...please don't expect a monstrous outcome...
- If you make improvements i would love to know... i want to make a revival thanks
Dernière modification par Cossette (09-03-2011 14:37:26)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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it would be better if you remove 2 jolly roger but add 2 narwhal... you can call it "sniper no swiping"
Dernière modification par LenardCzar (09-03-2011 12:28:24)
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it would be better if you remove 2 jolly roger but add 2 narwhal... you can call it "sniper no swiping"
tried that... but narwhal useless when its down to one character maybe 2 [card]narwhal[/card] perhaps... and you won't have second attack when shooting out of battle chars zero attacks left
another thing Narwhal don't give attack bonuses just ability [card]Jolly roger[/card] are alot versitile
Dernière modification par Cossette (09-03-2011 13:42:08)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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Yay! Thanks! I'm happy to see your excitement for the pirates Arg! Lol you have been a big help. I will need to wait a week or two before I get some more cards unless I go sell my fallback.. Idk if I wanna do that tho.
So yea I saw Weapon Kata and was like sweet pick I have to make a deck with this card in it!
And I rofled when I read the sniper no swiping!love that! Gonna name the deck that lol.
So far I got Gemeneye (spelling might be off srry) Hook and Briscar.
Now to get some more cards! Cheer! This deck looks like fun! Yay! I mean Arg!
On a side note a Pirate Crow would look sweet! Lol
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I will need to wait a week or two before I get some more cards unless I go sell my fallback.. Idk if I wanna do that tho.
aye! I'm glad you like it... Please don't sell your fallback your gonna use it in some other deck and besides it's a cheap deck everything's under 800 crystal each if your a picky buyer...:D
this is a nice combo cause while your equip with either [card]jolly roger[/card] or [card]the pirate code[/card], [card]dominate the opponent[/card] chain with [card]weapon kata[/card] is -5 attack allowing your characters to survive. then spreading your damage to lower opponents HP enough to finish off with [card]narwhal[/card] ( [card]tadaa! you're a bunny![/card] and [card]elfine bow[/card] combo with sniping on the top )
I only wish that they make a lvl 2 [card]weapon kata[/card] that would be a permanent action card. HAR! HAR!
I'm going to revive my old deck too... but need to change some card with [card]all is fair in love[/card], [card]and war[/card]... got a little frustrated when you encounter stronger decks, but it will cost me 25k crystals more
Dernière modification par Cossette (10-03-2011 11:42:24)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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i also rolfed when thinking about sniper no swiping... XD
by the way... you can remove 1 dominate the opponent for assassination... ^^,
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i also rolfed when thinking about sniper no swiping... XD
by the way... you can remove 1 dominate the opponent for assassination... ^^,
already using my free assassination on other decks
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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Ok so far this is what i have come up with.
3x Weapon Kata
3x Narwhal ~makes taadaa pointless~
3x Dominate the Opponent ~can we say -5 att chained with Kata?~
3x Jolly Roger
2x Smart Ass
2x Exstortion ~helps remove items that are causing me pain~
2x Potato Peeling ~protect a char, removes a opponents char~
2x The Pirate Code
Maybe additions...
Espionage ~can't remember what this one does..~
Escapeing Death ~IHAS, makes it useless i think~
Fallback ~Adding Def comboing with Narwhal~
Theft ~Remove a couple problem cards? hopefully~
Taadaa ~Giveing them def doesn't matter with Narwhal~
I could go down to just 2 Narwhal
Add Assasination
Go 3x on Smart Ass
Remove the Exstorion
Remove the Potato Peeling
Add another Pirate Code
Well what do you guys think?
I think it should play out like this, Turn 1 I'll chose Hook and chose your highest def char or w/e depending on the situation and then i'll choose Potato Peeling Save my Gemineye chain into a Narwhal and target an off battle char for dmg. Next turn you only have one char to choose on my side so yay i basicly choose my next char for ya lol. ok so now i will put a Smart Ass chained into another Narwhal. bam that char is now dead hopefully if not its close hehe. ok so now next turn oh lookie here i get to chose so i chose my second char with the narwhal on him and your guy who i want to kill next. I'll put a dominate the opponent chained into a Weapon Kata yay look i just killed that first guy if not already dead and dmg your other chars and kept my guy from -5 att on lol. from here its easy i should be able to focus on the next guy with narwhals put on some jolly rogers for more dmg and keep my guys alive with the code. well thats the idea anyway. i will say tho this prolly wont work out like this but its just an idea hehe. It should be fun oh and what i like best about this deck is that when i use Narwhal and my opponent uses Taadaa! it wont do him any good except give me def because i will already have used my attack with the Narwhal unless i target the active guy.
Thanks for any suggestions!
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it's becoming a control deck rather than beatdown deck nice....:lol:
I could go down to just 2 Narwhal
Add [card]Assassination[/card]
do that! third narwhal will just pile up on your deck...
Go 3x on [card]Smart Ass[/card]
keep the 2 get some chainable item if there any...need some more permanant
Remove the [card]Extortion[/card]
need at least one if your dealing with player with so many items
Remove [card]Potato-Peeling duty[/card] Add another Pirate Code
now the potato have some worth other than the phoenix combo....
it only works for high spirit characters
Dernière modification par Cossette (11-03-2011 09:59:33)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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well i guess i won't be getting the cards to make this deck. someone bought the cards all out lol and made the last few cost like 3k for something simple lol and no more Narwhal's on the market lol so yea i guess i'll just quit this game and go back to magic.
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well i guess i won't be getting the cards to make this deck. someone bought the cards all out lol and made the last few cost like 3k for something simple lol and no more Narwhal's on the market lol so yea i guess i'll just quit this game and go back to magic.
i was expecting your the one who bought them out... no worries come back in a week and you'll see another sets of Kata and narwhal.
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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Yea I will do that. I'm thinking someone might be netdecking this and that's why the cards sold out lol oh well
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i think its artificial inflation...
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Yea I agree about the artifical inflation lol. Oh well. I was just thinking about a small lil combo that is already here and its exstortion chained into dominate the opponent! Lol it helps me keep ahead in items! Yay!
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Ok so I got a few of the cards to make this deck. And I have to say so far I love this deck! I feel like I have a lot of control with this deck.
On their turn 5 Had someone play taadaa on hook, lol too bad my Narwhal was on him, so I did 6 dmg to his other char putting it at 6hp then I chained a potato peelin duty into a pirates code. Giveing hook 2 hp points back. So then next turn instead of him going up against my weak briscar I had smartly used potato peeling duty so now I had the choice of any three of my chars. Hook again! Again Narwhal hit for 6 dmg killing off his char on the sidelines. This time I used exstortion getting rid of his axe and chaining into dominate the opponent. His attack did 0 dmg. Yay lol next turn I had a weak briscar chosen but his only open char was a mage with 3 att. I used smart ass chained into potato peeling duty again. So he casts some spells puts my char at 1hp I put his at 2. So next turn I choose hook again. I kill off his mage and use my last potato peeling duty to save my briscar. hook almost dies but thanks to pirate code he lives with 2hp. Next turn he only can chose gemenieye so yay I win gem falls to 5hp and I take his into the -'s lol PERFECT!
I can't believe those potato peeling duty cards came in handy so well that game! Its all about control baby! Woot! Lol
Thinking about putting in a few moneyed to get cards back until I buy the rest of the cards I need.
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Cheers!!! You pulled it off.... control deck on pirates harrrrr!!!
i was thinking of putting some "RUMS" [card]Fury Potion[/card] on my deck...
don't know yet if it will work... need to test run it
Dernière modification par Cossette (14-03-2011 01:31:48)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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Well thought id put down my deck finally! I am still missing a few cards but thats no big deal, this is the plan tho. I have two deck builds. not sure on how the second one will work but i think it will be okay.
First deck.
3x Dominate the Opponent
3x Narwhal
3x Weapon Kata
3x Smart Ass
3x Lightning Rod
2x Exstortion
2x Potato Peeling Duty
1x Storm
Idea behind this deck has been control, so far it wins about 50% of the time in level room and almost all the time in the Training room. I Don't have my chars max yet so i will post a final thought on this build. Oh and the lightning Rod Chain, so yea that lets me get two items on my char for Dominate! What was funny was i played against a Pirate deck with this build. He cast an item chaining it into a Dominate lol funny thing was i Lightning Rod into a Narwhal. I have good luck with this deck all the time. I did have a problem with Ramen dude. this guy got like 8 items on him and i couldn't kill him..... altho he quit because he couldn't kill my guys and i couldn't kill his and we kept 5 cards in our hand... seeing turn 40 sucks lol. so yea i tried to kill him and ran outa cards hehe. The Pack also gave me trouble because that one beast guy gives so much att + when hurt. that ment i couldn't use weapon kata because i wasn't going to just kill him in one turn. what i needed to do was Narwhal against him multiple times, never got the cards to fall right against those decks.
Second deck build
3x Dominate the Opponent
2x Narwhal
2x Exstortion
2x Lightning Chain
2x Jolly Roger
3x Weapon Kata
2x Smart Ass
3x Lightning Rod
1x Storm
Idea Behind this build is to use the lightning Rods to boost Lightning Chain and then to use Weapon Kata to do AOE dmg as well. Also Storm does some good dmg. So basicly your going to AOE your Opponent to death killing all their chars at once.
Let me Know what ya think. thanks!
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Stick with the first one until you can find another chainable item... mylad's to weak to be supported with only 2 spells...
and also she always dies on my list of 1 hit mages...
Dernière modification par Cossette (16-03-2011 14:36:14)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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First deck.
Briscar3x Dominate the Opponent
3x Narwhal
3x Weapon Kata
3x Smart Ass
3x Lightning Rod
2x Exstortion
2x Potato Peeling Duty
1x Storm
you are using [card]Lightning Rod[/card] just beacuse of the chain?? you might wanna get something more useful to chain... although i get the strategy behind it, that thing doesn't bonus you, and it is +1 damage taken from [card]port[/card]s... i'd say use [card]scroll of inmobility[/card], but it doesn't chain action...mmmmm...
PS: WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE CARD'S NAME?? I USED TO KNOW ABOUT THESE STUFF the scroll of inmobility has always been scroll of inmobility :@
La derrota deja abatidos a los perdedores, pero inspira a los ganadores...
Noblesse Obblige:
The Abuse of Greatness is When it Disjoins Remorse from Power
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PS: WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THE CARD'S NAME?? I USED TO KNOW ABOUT THESE STUFF the scroll of inmobility has always been scroll of inmobility
try Double "MM" [card]scroll of immobility[/card]
you are using Lightning Rod just beacuse of the chain??
Omnislash is playing on a tight budget and still hes enjoying his creation thats the best part
Dernière modification par Cossette (16-03-2011 14:57:14)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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Omnislash is playing on a tight budget and still hes enjoying his creation thats the best part
OH an Mylad won't work forgot Gemineye won't give any bonus.
Ok so ive been working on a upgrade to the deck again.
Storm is out
Weapon Kata is out..... lol i know, its just too weak to actually do any good.
So updated deck would be
3x Dominate the opponent
3x Narwhal
3x Smart Ass
3x Scroll of the Insane
2x Exstortion
2x Jolly Roger
2x The Pirate Code
2x Implosion
Ok so Instead of Lightning Scroll i put in Scroll of the Insane to help with mage type decks so i don't take a ton of dmg from some spells. it chains into Items so thats excatly what i need, hopefully i can go without Exstortion to add something else but i need to test this out. Oh and now with added Implosion i can do more dmg with Scroll on. IMPLOSION is exactly what i needed against High def decks!
Ok so now finding out about how Implosion can work with Gemeineye i think i will add it in. Thank you Viliennas!
Dernière modification par TheOmnislash (20-03-2011 18:55:28)
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ok so i dropped the Scrolls because they don't stay on your char's, this is something i didn't know. oh well... just sold them lost out on a lil bit of crystals. So im thinking i will just go up to 3 on Exstortion or go back with Lightning Rods. what do you guys think?
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ok so i dropped the Scrolls because they don't stay on your char's, this is something i didn't know. oh well... just sold them lost out on a lil bit of crystals. So im thinking i will just go up to 3 on Exstortion or go back with Lightning Rods. what do you guys think?
Stick with rods its your trademark
OK proper explanation not all players plays an item... e.g court deck so extortion is not useful...:( at least the rod are permanent....
Dernière modification par Cossette (21-03-2011 16:08:49)
Great things comes in small packages... A booster perhaps?
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ok so i'll try something else. i can add my one assasination
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