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#1 14-02-2011 00:52:36

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 15-01-2011
Messages : 8

Mage Sap Heart Deck

Ive been thinking in fun decks to build and i have a new idea , although dont know if its a g00d one maybe someone can help me with it, so im now trying to build a sap heart mage deck,

Keizan (mage)
Hailwalker (mage)

although really need some ideas for the deck , first dont know what characters should i use i mean keizan and hailwalker mages sound g00d although dont know about wreckwood , dont really like him , ive been also thinking of Gaia But dont really know what do you guys think ?

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#2 14-02-2011 01:23:49

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

RedANDWhite a écrit :

Ive been thinking in fun decks to build and i have a new idea , although dont know if its a g00d one maybe someone can help me with it, so im now trying to build a sap heart mage deck,

Keizan (mage)
Hailwalker (mage)

although really need some ideas for the deck , first dont know what characters should i use i mean keizan and hailwalker mages sound g00d although dont know about wreckwood , dont really like him , ive been also thinking of Gaia But dont really know what do you guys think ?

Sap Heart mage deck is ok with [card]Wreckwood[/card] but [card]Keizan[/card], [card]The Hailwalker[/card], and [card]Spiritspeaker[/card] seem to work better together. Right now im trying out Keizan, Spiritspeaker and [card]Mylad[/card]. Seems to be doing pretty well. Wreckwood probably needs to wait for some more cards to be released before he can be more effective although being a nature guemelite, the ability to cast nature spells alongside the other mages does have its merit. So i'd either go with Keizan / Hailwalker, Spiritspeaker or swap Hailwalker for Mylad for chaining extra spells.

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#3 14-02-2011 02:32:04

Inscription : 12-02-2011
Messages : 30

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

I hope mylad has a sap hart version...
right now it's just there because it's a pure mage

since It really takes a real mage to get the job done in Sap heart mage...

It's a good thing that sap hart mage have ok spirit score. but the dmg output isn't that great... Gana do some more testing or these gemn/multi-class. They just can't chain effectivly

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#4 14-02-2011 02:47:00

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

fingreen a écrit :

I hope mylad has a sap hart version...
right now it's just there because it's a pure mage

since It really takes a real mage to get the job done in Sap heart mage...

It's a good thing that sap hart mage have ok spirit score. but the dmg output isn't that great... Gana do some more testing or these gemn/multi-class. They just can't chain effectivly

What do you mean a Sap version? Mylad is a courtesan; She is Sap and Pirate. Do you mean Sap Heart bonuses? And with Keizan's mage version giving +1 spirit to the other Saps, Spiritspeaker and Mylad both hit 5 spirit when their order bonus comes up. Throw in a [card]splinter of the world tree[/card] jewel and its like 6 spirit. its a pretty good deck with Mylad.

As far as the multiclass i.e Hailwalker, he does come in handy. Hailwalker has a decent attack score so casting a spell and having the ability to still make a physical attack is nice. Using spells like [card]Arcanium[/card], [card]burn in hell[/card], [card]implosion[/card]...means he can even do big damage with spells with his spirit score lower than the rest.

Dernière modification par Erezil (14-02-2011 02:49:02)

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#5 21-02-2011 17:46:15

Inscription : 13-02-2011
Messages : 37

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

i'm still confusing with the spell card cause nature does'nt have many damage yet

well iam using :
magic poison x3
burn in hell x3
wood protection x3
root x3
wood protection x3
splinter of the world three x2
arcanium x2
freeze x1x

the idea is using splinter to increase the damage of burn in hell and arcanium

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#6 23-02-2011 13:47:57

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

reedwine a écrit :

i'm still confusing with the spell card cause nature does'nt have many damage yet

well iam using :
magic poison x3
burn in hell x3
wood protection x3
root x3
wood protection x3
splinter of the world three x2
arcanium x2
freeze x1x

the idea is using splinter to increase the damage of burn in hell and arcanium

If your going to run the mages throw in some more damage. Like you've noticed, nature spells while helpful dont deal the greatest amount of damage. I'd drop at least one [card]Root[/card]. If you run [card]Keizan[/card] and [card]The Hailwalker[/card] then the 2 [card]splinter of the world tree[/card] jewels are fine but unless you have both then drop a splinter as well and throw in more damage.

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#7 24-02-2011 10:34:52

Inscription : 13-02-2011
Messages : 37

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

Erezil a écrit :
reedwine a écrit :

i'm still confusing with the spell card cause nature does'nt have many damage yet

well iam using :
magic poison x3
burn in hell x3
wood protection x3
root x3
wood protection x3
splinter of the world three x2
arcanium x2
freeze x1x

the idea is using splinter to increase the damage of burn in hell and arcanium

If your going to run the mages throw in some more damage. Like you've noticed, nature spells while helpful dont deal the greatest amount of damage. I'd drop at least one [card]Root[/card]. If you run [card]Keizan[/card] and [card]The Hailwalker[/card] then the 2 [card]splinter of the world tree[/card] jewels are fine but unless you have both then drop a splinter as well and throw in more damage.

considering that the jewel dont work so far (like i have to wait until the item placed on both keizan / hailwalker), i'd rather found that this deck is so lack in defense (even with wood protection), and magic poison wont work so well expesially againt high spirited noz mage >.<, so i change up to this set up :

Hailwalker (mage version maxx)
keizan (mage version maxx)
spirit speaker (maxx)

3x wood protection
3x than the sword
3x fireball (cant afford Rod yet, gonna change to it though)
3x burn in hell
2x root (yeah u'r right 3x root is overkill)
2x arcanium
2x ice barrier
1x freeze
1x reborn


this work quite well, but its lacking on chain on hailwalker
is there some chain card that work well for mage

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#8 24-02-2011 13:39:26

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 20-09-2010
Messages : 211

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

reedwine a écrit :
Erezil a écrit :
reedwine a écrit :

i'm still confusing with the spell card cause nature does'nt have many damage yet

well iam using :
magic poison x3
burn in hell x3
wood protection x3
root x3
wood protection x3
splinter of the world three x2
arcanium x2
freeze x1x

the idea is using splinter to increase the damage of burn in hell and arcanium

If your going to run the mages throw in some more damage. Like you've noticed, nature spells while helpful dont deal the greatest amount of damage. I'd drop at least one [card]Root[/card]. If you run [card]Keizan[/card] and [card]The Hailwalker[/card] then the 2 [card]splinter of the world tree[/card] jewels are fine but unless you have both then drop a splinter as well and throw in more damage.

considering that the jewel dont work so far (like i have to wait until the item placed on both keizan / hailwalker), i'd rather found that this deck is so lack in defense (even with wood protection), and magic poison wont work so well expesially againt high spirited noz mage >.<, so i change up to this set up :

Hailwalker (mage version maxx)
keizan (mage version maxx)
spirit speaker (maxx)

3x wood protection (literally what holds this deck together
3x than the sword
3x fireball (cant afford Rod yet, gonna change to it though)
3x burn in hell
2x root (yeah u'r right 3x root is overkill)
2x arcanium
2x ice barrier
1x freeze
1x reborn


this work quite well, but its lacking on chain on hailwalker
is there some chain card that work well for mage

From my experience, the jewel works really well. More than one is ideal but it may only be possible to have one equipped since you loser a chain on hailwalker in most cases. so i started playing with 2 and reduced it to 1. Besides splinter plus wood protection is like an added 2 damage anyway. I tried out the than the sword but it didn't seem to fit well in the sap deck. whats your experience with it?

When playing Keizan, hailwalker, and spiritspeaker, I had:

3x [card]Magic Poison[/card]
3x [card]Wood Protection[/card] (Has to be the best card in the deck)
3x [card]Rain of Death[/card] (i realize your not here yet)
3x [card]Burn in Hell[/card]
1x [card]Arcanium [/card] (Tried multiples of this but kept discarding early in the game. Since things like magic poison stay on a card your discarded spells don't build as fast. And cards like reborn, splinter, brawlers and journey aren't spells.)
1x [card]Root[/card] (for the most problematic chain like a-bomb and such. I tried to only use it with hailwalker since he can place it on anyone)
1x [card]I hate Brawlers[/card] (chain and defense for Hailwalker)
1x [card]Journey[/card] (chain for Hailwalker)
1x [card]Freeze[/card]
1x [card]Reborn[/card]
1x [card]Implosion[/card] (for courts w/ OV,
1x [card]Splinter of the World Tree[/card]

I now run the Keizan, SpiritSpeaker, [card]Mylad[/card] sap mages. works better in my opinion with the added chain for Mylad and she and Spiritspeakers high spirit scores thanx to Keizans mage version. Then you can throw in more spells.

Don't go into the jungle dressed like a banana if you don't like monkeys!

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#9 24-02-2011 15:00:03

Inscription : 13-02-2011
Messages : 37

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

Erezil a écrit :

From my experience, the jewel works really well. More than one is ideal but it may only be possible to have one equipped since you loser a chain on hailwalker in most cases. so i started playing with 2 and reduced it to 1. Besides splinter plus wood protection is like an added 2 damage anyway. I tried out the than the sword but it didn't seem to fit well in the sap deck. whats your experience with it?

When playing Keizan, hailwalker, and spiritspeaker, I had:

3x [card]Magic Poison[/card]
3x [card]Wood Protection[/card] (Has to be the best card in the deck)
3x [card]Rain of Death[/card] (i realize your not here yet)
3x [card]Burn in Hell[/card]
1x [card]Arcanium [/card] (Tried multiples of this but kept discarding early in the game. Since things like magic poison stay on a card your discarded spells don't build as fast. And cards like reborn, splinter, brawlers and journey aren't spells.)
1x [card]Root[/card] (for the most problematic chain like a-bomb and such. I tried to only use it with hailwalker since he can place it on anyone)
1x [card]I hate Brawlers[/card] (chain and defense for Hailwalker)
1x [card]Journey[/card] (chain for Hailwalker)
1x [card]Freeze[/card]
1x [card]Reborn[/card]
1x [card]Implosion[/card] (for courts w/ OV,
1x [card]Splinter of the World Tree[/card]

I now run the Keizan, SpiritSpeaker, [card]Mylad[/card] sap mages. works better in my opinion with the added chain for Mylad and she and Spiritspeakers high spirit scores thanx to Keizans mage version. Then you can throw in more spells.

than the sword is nice on spiritspeaker with his turn order
but maybe this why splinter wont work on my deck,
maybe sap just need more nature spell that like fireball big_smile
seems i hate brawlers is nice big_smile and mylad to
gonna try it soon

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#10 24-02-2011 22:44:16

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-11-2010
Messages : 237

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

throw in magic attack so hailwalker can use it

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#11 23-03-2011 07:07:48

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 14-03-2011
Messages : 15

Re : Mage Sap Heart Deck

I'm running a similar deck using mylad, keizan and hailwalker. What I found is this deck's really weak against high spi opponents so I threw in 2 philosophy discussions and had pretty decent results.

I think my deck lacks offense because I havent yet managed to get my hands on RoD and the like but with philosophy discussion and lots of scout the areas and wood protection and grand mage's staff I've managed to stand on equal footing with some witchblades.

I know the deck is far from fighting in Elo rooms but I really enjoy the playstyle and just cause the sap hearts look really awesome smile

Dernière modification par xesicyra (23-03-2011 07:08:40)

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