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#1 14-02-2011 15:45:08

Ptit nouveau
Inscription : 07-02-2011
Messages : 3

Item Issues

I noticed whenever I use a Nice combo such as this move.....

Aez the Wandered > Flail > Short Sword

The Flail dissapears. Or, If I do something like this......

Bores has Shield equipped. I Acrivate Shield and Chain Armed and Ready.

The Old Shield Dissapears. Whats the deal with this?!

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#2 14-02-2011 15:57:06

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : Item Issues

Hi, could you try to reproduce that, and take a screenshot of it?

Thank you! smile

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#3 14-02-2011 16:11:23

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Item Issues

Snake_613 a écrit :

I noticed whenever I use a Nice combo such as this move.....

Aez the Wandered > Flail > Short Sword

The Flail dissapears. Or, If I do something like this......

Bores has Shield equipped. I Acrivate Shield and Chain Armed and Ready.

The Old Shield Dissapears. Whats the deal with this?!

Both Flail and short sword are one handed items, but they do not have the classification of Dual wield. In order to hold two items, one must be Dual wield classed, or the first item dissapears and goes to the graveyard.

Shields are the same way. You can only wear one. So once the new one equips, the old one goes away.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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