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#1 11-02-2011 19:08:16

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 66

Minor bug - Bomzar

Bomzar lvl 2. Training room. Description not showing when Bomzar is in battle. Every time, no matter what turn. (Haven't checked lvl 1, other rooms - still to check lvl 3)


Dernière modification par paulhealth (11-02-2011 19:10:21)

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#2 11-02-2011 19:51:08

Lieu : Dublin
Inscription : 31-01-2011
Messages : 915

Re : Minor bug - Bomzar

Hi, does this happen all the time?

« The time has come. »
Ancien Community Manager Eredan iTCG. De bons moments passés ensemble !

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#3 11-02-2011 20:00:32

Inscription : 13-01-2011
Messages : 74

Re : Minor bug - Bomzar

Yes it's always like that. i have the same problem when i my bomzar level 3 is in play.

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#4 11-02-2011 20:45:29

Lieu : St. George, NB, Canada
Inscription : 26-08-2010
Messages : 910

Re : Minor bug - Bomzar

I get this a lot when theres a big text box for a lot of characters

It seems if theres too much for the font size to fit in the area it just black its out.

It never really bothered me that much so I keep forgetting about it.

If there were no luck in TCG, how boring would that be?

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#5 11-02-2011 21:25:13

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 24-12-2010
Messages : 119

Re : Minor bug - Bomzar

Happens with fenrath too, no biggie.

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#6 12-02-2011 17:18:26

Inscription : 07-01-2011
Messages : 66

Re : Minor bug - Bomzar

For me it happens every time with Bomzar even if the opponent plays him. It's not a big deal if you know Bomzar and his attack and turn bonuses, but for new players this can be little confusing.

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