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#1 30-01-2011 02:54:52

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 21-01-2011
Messages : 195

Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

I'm assuming a lot of others would be thinking the same way as me, as currently (IMO) Artaban is seriously underpowered.

A printed low attack of 5 wouldn't matter much to decks like kotoba or DK .and the only time i see it worth the ability is when he is facing zil (not that much actually) or desert nomads.

From how i see it, i can see quite a number of ways to improve him without making him OP,like:

-a printed low attack of 6 wouldn't have been so bad

or maybe

-give it the ability to trigger his effect AND has his normal attack

or even

-take out the "PRINTED" wording,so he deals damage to his lower attack and maybe give it a penalty like -1 attack if this ability triggers

Maybe it's just me, but i find that for the effort done to get him,he is a bit weak. I know the designers must keep it from being overly OP cuz not all players can obtain him, but don't you guys think he's a bit overly nerfed ? =/

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#2 30-01-2011 04:10:24

Inscription : 08-09-2010
Messages : 744

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

Artaban is fine. He's not overpowered, and he's a trophy card. Trophy cards aren't that great in general nowadays, and he's still an aoe whore.

Dernière modification par Anihilate (30-01-2011 04:16:18)

IGN: Shrei VonWeisheit
Mercenaries and trophies are underrated.
PS: I'm insane big_smile

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#3 30-01-2011 07:09:11

Inscription : 11-11-2010
Messages : 455

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

not worth it right now if u bought feez hope people got lucky in thier packs. maybe sum cards will come out that will make him better.

Concentrate not on destroying your foe, but on obtaining your own victory. - Gouken

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#4 30-01-2011 16:39:08

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colombia
Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

he does suck against a naturally defense-gifted deck or any deck containing ishaia..but he's a god among nomads,

Glasher a écrit :

not worth it right now if u bought feez hope people got lucky in thier packs. maybe sum cards will come out that will make him better.

yeah it shouldn't be long before there's a card that raises the printed low atk, which would be as useful for melissandre and her girlfriend as it would for there IS demand for one..

The blank vast gaze which grins lay thin..
There's a higher sight to blindness kin.. [MSN].

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#5 30-01-2011 17:33:34

Inscription : 22-01-2011
Messages : 64

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

i battled a deck in elo with him and a kobata girl that inflicts 2 direct damage at the start of the fight(the names starts with K i think) and a Nomad girl that also inflicts direct damage in turns 5+.

the deck plays like courtesan i think. with cards like manipulation and using under the sun to make up his deck's low attack. its really a tough one, but i doubt it'll be a problem for noz mages.

but a pretty nice deck using artaban.

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#6 30-01-2011 18:07:36

Habitant de Guem
Lieu : Colombia
Inscription : 21-12-2010
Messages : 225
Site Web

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

oh, [card]kimiko[/card] and [card]hasna[/card], courtesans all the way, hasna has high atk though, so it's direct dmg+normal atk+AoE+a whole bunch of stat affecting courtesan cards= a very balanced deck..

The blank vast gaze which grins lay thin..
There's a higher sight to blindness kin.. [MSN].

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#7 30-01-2011 21:03:56

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

i team him with asagi and xin for the sake raising him...but with the stat bonuses those to give, his stats at lvl2 at the start of the match are already higher than a lvl 4 asagi. he's really not that bad. true his ability sux against ppl with good defensive scores, but like said he's a beast to nomads. and the item chaining ability is cool too. can't wait to see his final evolution. i only wish they had made him a golem as well as a nature guemilite...he woulda been really cool to match with foam giant. mebbe in his final evo i can still team him with foam giant and fire his kotoba babysitters...

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#8 30-01-2011 22:41:28

Inscription : 20-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

Yeah I'm sick of babysitting him. Still trying to figure out how to fit him into a decent deck if he will at all. I don't have a massive choice of decks and I'm really wondering if this card was worth the effort.

I'm hoping the final evolution he will deal direct damage rather than just an attack, or something that will make this guy stand out a bit. Because at the moment he's below average for me.

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#9 30-01-2011 23:09:49

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

SMASHistheway a écrit :

Yeah I'm sick of babysitting him. Still trying to figure out how to fit him into a decent deck if he will at all. I don't have a massive choice of decks and I'm really wondering if this card was worth the effort.

I'm hoping the final evolution he will deal direct damage rather than just an attack, or something that will make this guy stand out a bit. Because at the moment he's below average for me.

just played against a fully evolved artaban....verdict: cool looking character, but otherwise sucks. still does damage reduced by defense. seems he will always need babysitters and even tho he's a living mountain with a city for a sword....he's a warrior with the attack power of a mage and doesn't even have defense to compensate for it. Artaban is a trophy character. i'll continue levelling him just in case he becomes an evo unlock in the future...but as a merc warrior with such poor stats and a debilitating effect...i don't really see much use for him in my decks. thanks for the quest, tho. at least that part was fun.

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#10 31-01-2011 03:49:27

Inscription : 20-10-2010
Messages : 52

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

MikeyB a écrit :

thanks for the quest, tho. at least that part was fun.

And expensive. I can't help feeling I've been personally bent over and shafted tbh. I'm hoping there's plans for Artaban in the near future where new cards will be deliberately aimed for him. Not that I'll be able to afford any more.

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#11 31-01-2011 12:33:15

Habitant de Guem
Inscription : 03-12-2010
Messages : 179

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

SMASHistheway a écrit :
MikeyB a écrit :

thanks for the quest, tho. at least that part was fun.

And expensive. I can't help feeling I've been personally bent over and shafted tbh. I'm hoping there's plans for Artaban in the near future where new cards will be deliberately aimed for him. Not that I'll be able to afford any more.

lol i spent a bit of money on this "free" event as well....mostly cuz i wanted first place....but i should know better by now. also, i really wanted artaban cuz i misread the text thinking he would do direct damage. oh well. i'll read more carefully next time...and mebbe just buy the trophy when it becomes available in the shop and complete the quest without a time constraint.....and buy the cards at the marketplace for semi-normal prices.  10k for fog....are you serious!?

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#12 31-01-2011 20:12:58

Inscription : 01-09-2010
Messages : 71

Re : Artaban acquired..but is he worth the effort?

SMASHistheway a écrit :

Yeah I'm sick of babysitting him. Still trying to figure out how to fit him into a decent deck if he will at all. I don't have a massive choice of decks and I'm really wondering if this card was worth the effort.

I'm hoping the final evolution he will deal direct damage rather than just an attack, or something that will make this guy stand out a bit. Because at the moment he's below average for me.

His final evoultion gets +1 Def compared to the evo3 version.
He is kinda weak right now, but he has an unique effect and with new cards being released every week, maybe he will shine some day or at least be an extra option for future fun decks. Expecting anything else by a limited time offer would just upset anyone who missed the event, therefore the card design is just right. At least you can play it after the event is over, which sets it apart from any other pay to play event so far.

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